Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Wednesday 27 July 2016

\Capacity-Expanding Allegiance/

Moon in Taurus   ***

Capacities are large and harmonious, yet there is likelihood of quarrels and broils; people are at variance. The large, all-reflecting capacities need to expand even further to encompass diverse viewpoints. 

Only a firm and dependable, faithful yet reclusive mind will be able to face revenge, treachery or cruelty, rise above them and mitigate or--let us hope--abrogate them. 

Allegiance to someone supernaturally compelling begins in imagination and needs patience while it works magic. Everyone needs to be believed in.

Someone has a mission, like a large ball of fire flying through the air. This could be President Obama or Tim Kaine, both to address the Democratic Convention tonight. (I recommend it.) It could also be you. Courage, strength and self-assertion display natural prowess. People have contrasting roles to play, depending on their generation and lifestyle. Those contrasts will be in evidence, but complementing rather than diminishing one another.

All are looking up to someone for light and guidance. This could be Hillary Clinton, who will not address the Convention until Thursday. The distrust many feel toward her is undeserved and unfair. The evil they think they see in her is usually something in themselves. This may become clearer to the electorate as the campaign proceeds, but ought to be evident this week to those open to true intuition. The elders of the tribe--and she is one of them at this point--bring all together in common purpose under a royal coat of arms. Perhaps the Clintons seem unlikely candidates for that role, but they are what we have.

Fidelity to established values and customs brings together all segments of society, even seemingly seamy ones. The tasks of the elect never seem to end; they have to rebegin the "fight" or task over and over. Someone you know or believe in is doing that and you shine by their reflected light. You join yourself to this individual as a crescent moon to a shining star, and thereby gain distinction and success.

{Wednesday} /Capacity-Expanding Allegiance\

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  Political notes: Donald Trump was nominated (last Tuesday) while the moon was in Capricorn, the sign of its detriment, and a sign of callous selfish business (ruled by Saturn). Hillary Clinton was nominated Tuesday while the moon was in Taurus, the sign of its exaltation, and a sign of gracious femininity (ruled by Venus). 

Decades ago while working on daily, weekly, and monthly charts, as a writer and forecaster for Astrology Guide published by Sterling's Magazines under the editorship of Marsha Kaplan, I decided to mark the earth signs, in the written charts (pre-computer days) in green. Now it is rather interesting that the Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, was born with seven of the ten astrological planets in earth signs! Her chart looks green (May 14, 1960). Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party is a Capricorn (January 1, 1953) while Bernie Sanders is Virgo, both earth signs. So the candidates running on the fringes are all earth-sign folks. I am not sure what that means but it is worth pondering. Maybe because financial and environmental problems are crucial. Maybe because the "greater benefic" planet Jupiter is in Virgo, in good aspect to all the earth signs. 

The fantastic astrologer and a beloved friend, the late Al Morrison, used to say that no candidate nominated while the moon was void-of-course had ever gone on to be elected President. Neither Trump nor Clinton was nominated during such a time, but Trump accepted the nomination (last Thursday during his speech) while the moon was void-of-course after just squaring Mars. Hillary will accept this Thursday while the moon is on course just before sextiling the sun, ruler of her husband's sign Leo. Another circumstantial signal that perhaps she is the woman of destiny. 

Bill Clinton's speech on Tuesday, effortlessly extolling his wife, was superb. He gave it while the moon was in Taurus, his birth moon-sign, and the sun in Leo, his birth sun-sign. That seems propitious for him and Hillary, a signature that the Convention timing is with them. Bill combines the folksy, down-home touch (moon in Taurus) with the magisterial, royal dignity and magnanimity of Leo. 


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