Friday, July 29, 2016

Forecast for Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 July 2016

Saturday 30 July 2016

~Improved Efficiency and Small Glories~

Moon in Gemini   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:48a PT | 7:48a ET | 11:48a UT   * / |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 7:11a PT | 10:11a ET | 2:11p UT   ** /
Moon enters Cancer (no longer v-of-c) at 2:10p PT | 5:10p ET | 9:10p UT   ***

The gradual improvement above is heartening.

Although the square between Mercury and Mars--agitation, irritation, things "going wrong" or getting bollixed up to waste your time--is still with us, Mercury has moved into Virgo, its own sign and that of its exaltation. So we can cope much more intelligently.

Rustic country life may appeal to you, either in your mind if you're an urbanite, or in fact if you're countrified. You feel as imperturbable as a country singer who doesn't bother with his hair or appearance.

Friendships are possibly exalting, even new ones perhaps. Computer or technical issues are better than they have been for days.

Annoying factors are counterbalanced by quite a bit of luxury. You appreciate arts or crafts.

A sensuous person gets your attention, but not your complete trust. You look up to someone more noble, a leader.

You can bask in small glories which exalt you. You can see goals in the distance and aim at them accurately.

{Saturday} ~Improved Efficiency and Small Glories~

Sunday 31 July 2016

~Fascination; Growth of Intelligence~

Moon in Cancer   ***

It's hard to give more than three stars while Venus is moving to a square with Mars. This, however, can be, rather than bickering between the sexes, a strong stimulating attraction between them--yet something feels wrong with it. It's exciting but doesn't feel completely natural and so ends either in semi-revulsion or anger. (Hillary Clinton has this aspect in her birth chart. She has a good family life and solid marriage, but we know how rocky it was at certain points. It takes a man of a certain compliant disposition to live happily with a woman like this.)

There could be reversal or instability if you push something too far when it is merely selfish and not in synch with others' needs. All is adequate if you are patient.

You feel armored against disappointment. You also sense that others around you have a seductive, attractive power at their disposal, and so do you. There is persuasion, fascination, or magnetic puissance.

Some of your projects may be suspended temporarily. Either you don't care right now or you are slacking off. But you should be careful not to let anything really important be neglected. There will be rejuvenation eventually. Something wonderful could happen if you are alert to future potentials.

{Sunday} ~Fascination; Growth of Intelligence~

Cosmic Piper

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