Thursday, July 21, 2016

Forecast for Friday 22 July 2016

Friday 22 July 2016

}Self-Respect plus Humility{

Moon in Pisces
|Karmically challenging or sobering third| of this week continues through Saturday (circumspection; wisdom in doing calmly what needs doing rather than chasing fantasms)   ** |

The report for Thursday was not posted on time--I forgot to do that although I sent it to the Yahoo group--so if you missed it you could check it now. I reported on probabilities with Trump and Clinton in regard to the moon's aspects with Mars in Scorpio, a militaristic position. Hillary is scheduled to appoint her probably militarily credible Vice Presidential pick tomorrow (Saturday). 

Friday seems somewhat smooth despite the |difficult third| syndrome, which we really need to take seriously because every time I try to minimize it, it rears its ugly head to convince me again of its reality. It doesn't mean hiding under one's bed, but being circumspect and thoughtful. 

Some people hide from others' ideas and insights. You may encounter one of them and find that surprising or depressing. "I know everything already; who are you to tell me anything?" is the attitude. 

The militarism of the time can be, at a personal level, intrepidity in taking care of your own situation in ways which might have seemed impossible; but you are getting good. It's mobilization. 

The sun enters Leo today. You may be aware of someone you respect who has labored long and hard to help the human race without much recognition--yet the recognition comes at last. 

There might be aimless drift in some respects, but in others there is a current leading you to someone who intrigues you and who has a solid grasp of difficult matters even though very gracious about everything. The "drift" or laziness would counteract the mobilization  of paragraph 4, but the two trends could be harmonized. 

Innate courage and sobriety in someone is impressive and shows you something deep about the cycles of time and how to live through them more merrily and less despairingly. 

Someone who is a sort of pilgrim, a seeker, impresses you. The depth of his or her concerns is a weight, but one you might share willingly for the sake of mutual strengthening. 

There could be prosperity in some reassuring and satisfying manner, but you are wisely wary of tossing it to the winds. 

{Friday} ~Self-Respect plus Humility~

Cosmic Piper

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