Thursday, July 21, 2016

Forecast for Thursday 21 July 2016

Thursday 21 July 2016

~Ambitions Edified~

Moon in Aquarius   ***
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 5:06p PT | 9:06p ET | 1:06a(F) UT   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:57p PT | 9:57p ET | 1:57a(F) UT   * /  |

This was written and posted early Thursday in the Yahoo group but not posted here. I was very weary and forgot . . . apologies. 

It is notable that the moon enters the |difficult third| just before Donald Trump will speak, accepting the nomination, and then goes void-of-course either during or just after his speech. Not propitious for him. Although in fairness, next week when Hillary speaks on Thursday, we will also be in the |difficult third| of that week, although Luna shall not go void-of-course then and indeed will make a favorable sextile to the sun in Leo, her husband's sign. It may be a Billary night. 

Also, that last aspect of the moon, during Trump's speech, will be a square with Mars in Scorpio. He, Mars, the warrior, has been in that sign since May 27 and leaves it on August 2. During his presence there we have had the killings of black males by police in the U. S., the retaliatory killings of police officers (by those trained in the military, be in noted), the hugely disrupting Brexit, the killings in Orlando and Nice, and on and on. Scorpio is indeed the sign of death, from a superficial viewpoint. From a higher viewpoint (when it becomes not the Scorpion but the eagle), it is a sign of spiritual insight and regeneration. We need to get there! If we don't do it this time (we have a few more days) we will have to do it next time (December 2017-January 2018). What have you learned about violence and hatred during the past two months? What have you learned about your self-defeating urges and appetites, lusts and wrong ambitions? What have you learned about true ambition in accord with the Truth of things? 

Thursday should be active, and it could be thrilling. You are aligned better with people and events so that you can both enjoy and master them. Of course there are dangers, suggested by the square between the moon and Mars, that is, quarrelsomeness and irritability. But you could transform that into an impulsive quest toward your goals, with the blessing of Mars's insight into "enemies," that is, whatever would impede your true success.

I would guess that for those at the Republican convention, all this will translate into a lively, almost sexual ecstasy or pseudo-ecstasy over their nominee and a militant desire to see him win the Presidency. 

In terms of Mars in Scorpio, a militant or military position, Hillary Clinton is scheduled to announce her running-mate on Saturday, when Luna will be in Pisces and trine Mars rather than square it. That bodes well for her, especially because it is likely that she will pick a military man for her Vice President. Her short list includes James G. Stavridis, a former supreme allied commander of NATO, and Tim Kaine of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate. She wants someone with national security experience, which is a very Mars-in-Scorpio matter, and she is sun-sign Scorpio herself.

We can appreciate the social opportunities of this day while yet perhaps shunning some of them because of a focus on our own interests and plans. 

{Thursday} ~Ambitions Edified~

Cosmic Piper

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