Friday, July 22, 2016

Saturday 23 July 2016
~Infatuation and Insight~
Moon in Pisces
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues  ** |
but ends at 9:08p PT | 12:08a(M) ET | 4:08a(M) UT  ***
It appears that you have a crush on someone! If not a specific person, perhaps it is powerful physical attractions swimming around in your mind or taking control of you at odd moments. Such obsessions or infatuations are not confined to 13-year-olds! 
This is connected with Venus's position in Leo while bi-septile Mars on one side and tri-septile Neptune on the other. Intense. This is dreamy love, or peculiarly sticky lust. What to do with it? As a desire to merge with or blend with,  or influence or make an impression on someone, it is connected with the 8th house of "death or regeneration," that is, "She's to die for," "He's to die for." Funny how language echoes or mimics metaphysical astrology.
Taking this to a higher level, it could be selfless love. Marc Edmund Jones used to say "Sex warms up love," in other words, what starts out as lustful attraction and the desire to possess ends up as wanting to give to the adored one. Or something like that . . . "to die for." 
Other parts of the chart suggest intense thinking about difficult matters, philosophic or religious perhaps, with a felt need to get answers or come near to them.
{Saturday} ~Infatuation and Insight~
Cosmic Piper
P. S. It is not clear as I write whether Hillary Clinton will announce her Vice Presidential pick today. Interestingly enough, this is the first day that Mars will NOT be aspecting Uranus with a difficult quincunx, which has correlated with Donald Trump's dismal dwelling on violence. The moon was exactly square Mars during Trump's speech, and also void-of-course. I do not think his fearful oratory really gained him a great deal of new support. Further, today the moon is trine (rather than square) Mars, still in Scorpio, Hillary's sign, and while during Trump's speech the audience shouted "Lock her up," now with Mars under more favorable aspects she will appoint a (male, Mars) running mate. Perhaps that will be good for her. Everyone thinks it will be Tim Kaine, and when I looked at his photo I felt, "How weak and sappy he looks!" Then I checked his birthdate and he is Pisces. Oh well, it is a spiritual sign and he has been faithful to his religion, as a Catholic, and has done work in Honduras as a missionary and teacher of carpentry. He is a good-natured man, quite the contrary of Trump. We shall see how this plays out. He does not have a weak chart but one which is not so self-centered and strongly focused as Trump's, more like a chart for good relations with the public in a friendly manner. 
From David Brooks in the New York Times:
Trump has replaced biblical commitments with a gladiator ethos. Everything is oriented around conquest, success, supremacy and domination. Mars in Scorpio, big-time, and the quincunx between Mars and Uranus, a contest for domination. This was the Lock Her Up convention. Lock Hillary up, of course, and she is a female Scorpio, and the female Scorpion is the one who kills. She can also be, and I believe at her best is, the Eagle. A law-and-order campaign doesn’t ask voters to like Trump and the Republicans any more than they liked Richard Nixon in 1968. Nixon had Saturn square Venus in his chart, and Trump has Saturn conjoined to Venus, almost the same thing, though with more superficial charm than Nixon apparently had. 
On the other hand, there are good reasons to think that this law-and-order focus is a significant mistake, that it over-reads the current moment of Baton Rouge, Dallas and Nice and will not be the right focus for the fall.
Brooks is prescient here, because if we take Trump's law-and-order ranting as Mars in Scorpio, before long Mars will be in Sagittarius--on August 2, just after the Democratic convention. That is more international and less chauvinistic, at least potentially. Then in September we have the sextile of Mars and Venus, and Jupiter's entrance into Libra, a much more loving and "sweet" position than Jupiter in Virgo. Brooks continues:
In the first place, it’s based on a falsehood. Crime rates have been falling almost without fail for 25 years. Murder rates have been rising just recently among gangs in certain cities, but America is much safer than it was a decade ago. In the first half of 2015, for example, the number of shootings in New York and Washington hit historic lows.
Trump's super-defensive posture--I will protect us all!--is connected with his birth-chart positions of Saturn and Venus together, closely conjoined, in Cancer the sign of defense, and both square Jupiter in Libra the sign of the Other. Defense from the Other is his rhetoric. Therefore, Law and Order. G. W. Bush, a sun-sign Cancer, showed us the paranoiac tendencies of that sign, and Trump continues them. Perhaps that will shift, partially, as the campaign continues. (But I find it hard to say anything good about that man because I am convinced he is a liar and shifty con artist, no matter what his positive side may be. Not presidential material. That is not from his horoscope, which he could have used better, but from his own self-damning utterances.)

Sunday 24 July 2016

^Pulling it All Together^
Moon in Pisces-->Aries   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:07a PT | 3:07a ET | 7:07a UT   ** /
until it enters Aries at 5:34a PT | 8:34a ET | 12:34p UT   ***
Over-reaching! Arrogance! Narcissism! (Oh, does that sound like someone we know who has been in the news of late?) With sun in Leo and moon in Aries, we think we are "It." That's okay, if you take yourself also with a sense of humor.
There is fearlessness, and a capacity to be a leader. You are aware of so many things at once that you may feel omniscient and omnipotent. (Sorry, that position has been filled.)
Courage and integrity are yours, if you accept them from your deepest nature. You emulate someone you respect deeply and admire as displaying what you yourself would like to embody.
What was self-pleasing infatuation yesterday may become, today, a need to serve or glorify the one you love or are attracted to. So that is more selfless, lifting your infatuation to an idealistic level where you care about benefiting this amazing Other who has captivated something in you. 
Your have not lost your head. There is a calm steadiness and sanity, with Luna's trine to Saturn. You know the world is harsh, but that you can conquer it through discipline and penetrating intelligence--and are sure you can do it.
{Sunday} ^Pulling it All Together^
Cosmic Piper

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