Monday, October 19, 2015

Forecast for Tuesday 20 October 2015

Tuesday 20 October 2015

\Not Quite Out of the Woods/

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius   **
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:32p PT | 4:32p ET | 8:32p UT   * /
until it enters Aquarius at 6:39p PT | 9:39p ET | 1:39a(W) UT   **

It is probably better to make contacts, phone calls, agreements and so on before the moon goes void-of-course. Of, if in the West, you could do such things in the evening after Luna enters Aquarius, if appropriate at such a time.The five void-of-course hours are good for rest, recovery, meditation, free-form living with no particular expectations (unless it is crucial that you get routine things done). We tend to brood while the moon is in Capricorn.

If the trines from Venus, Jupiter and Mars to Pluto, in earth signs, were good for business, that may be somewhat questionable in individual cases, for they also oppose Neptune, which means that deception or self-deception is a possibility. The easy path looks good until it is put to the test. Then, back to the drawing board, which is a frequent experience during any Dark Hermetic Epoch (until October 24, or this Saturday, but relief is more likely perhaps on Sunday). "The worse seems the better course," a line from the Psalms, seem to curse us during these times, unless we are very wary and savvy and wise. 

Coincidentally, the two T squares which have been testing us (for some good reason in the mind of the cosmos' G*d, Who is the Supreme) are winding down, slackening, ending, late in October, just after the Bright Hermetic Epoch begins this coming weekend. Hurrah! I never like to promise too much, but this is something which at least should make us feel we know what we are doing for a change, and that others also are on a track which can jibe with our own in a way which makes more sense both practically and emotionally. 

Meanwhile, today, dull as it sounds, your job for one thing, and just being at home for another look like good foci. The stuff we don't feel like doing is probably the stuff that will make us feel good once we take care of it. The monsters and goblins who have been hobbling us begin to look less formidable, even if we still have to exorcise some of them or re-learn the lessons we need to learn from them. 

{Tuesday} /Not Quite Out of the Woods\

Cosmic Piper

P.S. This from Charles Fillmore has helped me:  

"There are two way to get understanding. One is to follow the guidance of the Spirit that dwells within, and the other is to go blindly ahead and learn by hard experience These two ways are open to everyone. It is recognized by the man who has had experience that he can advise the one who has not and thus save him the laborious steps of that rocky road. In the light of omnipresent intelligence, is there not One who knows all things, all roads, all combinations, and what will be the outcome of every one?

"It is the prerogative of Spirit to know the future, and when man consults Spirit with pure heart and unselfish motives he has pointed out to him the very lines his life shall be cast in if he is obedient to his most high God."

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