Saturday, October 3, 2015

Forecast for Sunday 4 October 2015

Sunday 4 October 2015

~Gears Released and Remeshed~

Moon in Cancer   ***

Underlying planetary aspects discussed in yesterday's report are still with us and you might benefit by reviewing that.

Luna today opposes Pluto, squares the sun and squares Uranus, making another Grand Square as if to compete with the other Grand Square in common signs formed last Thursday (the day of the school killings). If that had to do with personal relations, this one may have more to do with trying to grasp opportunities. That is chancy but may be necessary, as if a wager you cannot escape. Courage, patience and balance are the answers. 

You may relish a glamorous role in public. You know you can get career matters in shape boldly, no matter if it takes time (maybe a few weeks until the Dark Hermetic Epoch ends October 24, or maybe not that long). At home you get things in order, yet you want to be on the move. A home away from home could be cozy as well as stimulating. 

People's problems are not impossible to deal with. Alcohol and drugs could be stumbling blocks unless moderation prevails. (Of course for those who have such a predisposition, even a drop of alcohol can be fatal, leading to renewed binge drinking and resultant suffering for weeks or months to come, as I have learned through several friends and their experiences over the years. I mention this because of Mars's closing opposition with Neptune.)

I had a discussion with Michael Wines, a reporter for the New York Times, this afternoon about his article on the killings in Roseburg Oregon. He questioned the report in other media that the killer had singled out Christians. I protested, and his reply (long and courteous but a little riled because I seemed to be questioning his fairness) insisted that some of the reports in the other media of what the killer had said and done concerning Christians had not been verifiable, and one of the strongest such statements had been denied by the student who had supposedly made it. So there is confusion and uncertainty yet over what really happened, partly because the traumatized witnesses probably do not feel like being questioned. So I am not myself sure at this point. I felt that Mr. Wines was honest in what he said and that he wants to find the truth and I wished him well in doing so. It was generous of him to reply to me. We shall see.

Whatever the case, it is interesting that the squares of Mars, Venus, and Pluto with Saturn in Sagittarius are going on at this time, for Sagittarius is traditionally the sign of religions and so there is much sensitivity about them. This came out, of course, in the Pope's visit (Saturn entered Sagittarius a day or two before he came to the Western Hemisphere!) although most thought he handled everything very well except the one incident involving Kim Davis which gets the "liberal" press in a tirade. I shall not comment on that. I see both sides quite clearly. If indeed the Oregon murderer was anti-Christian this would be another dark confirmation of the harsher side of Saturn's position in Sagittarius. At best it is, rather, solid, sober, careful and wise consideration of religious differences. I hope that will be happening over the next two years and more while Saturn remains in that sign.

Usually I write the quatrains late at night while pondering some of the symbols for the degrees of the zodiac occupied by major planets on the following day. This time I wrote them without benefit of symbols in the late afternoon while the moon was void-of-course. Those who think poetry is pointless might have a pointless point in that I believe good poems can be written when the moon is void-of-course, not a good time for things like business transactions or agreements. 

Limits are the nearest focus to the truth of finite
Facts. Spades, hearts and clubs come up before
You find the diamonds. Those really cannot buy
Anyone a heart. Sometimes they club the unwary.

Then you spade the ground of the unconscious to
Release the limits you didn't know were there. 
All this stuff? These misconceptions, tender-callow
Worried-angry sentiments, suspicions, geared-up hopes?

They were there when I was twenty, and still they are!
Some are mellowed, or tattered, or turned faintly senescent.
Others maintain the fire of youth: Shall not go out!:
These geared-up hopes!: As long as Cosmos lasts are they rewound!

{Sunday} ~Gears Released and Remeshed~

Cosmic Piper

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