Thursday, October 8, 2015

Forecast for Friday 9 October 2015

Friday 9 October 2015

\Patience, Therapy, Kindness/

Moon in Virgo   

Mercury turns direct at 7:59a PT | 10:59a ET | 2:57p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until 10:57p PT | 1:57a(Sa) ET | 5:57a(Sa) UT   ** | 
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:13p PT | 6:13p ET | 10:13p UT (through Saturday until early Sunday)   * / |

Clear thinking is essential and is possible, despite emotional confusions. Mercury turning direct is not a cure-all. The Dark Hermetic Epoch (while Mercury remains very slow in its motion while it tries to catch up with the sun) continues until October 24. Yet things are getting clearer and easier, theoretically "by the day," but since lunar and other aspects keep changing there can be cycles of up and down within that gradual improvement. 

We can feel secure in our thinking and our conclusions, even if they are temporary, because Mercury while it is stationary (hardly moving from our geocentric perspective) is exactly sextile Saturn. This gives reliable perspective. There is realism at the base of your thinking. That protects you from foolishness. 

The |difficult third| has a lot to do with figuring things out slowly. The cosmos does not toss everything you want into your lap. But good thinking and planning are possible. You may be pondering ways of difficult communication in your work, job, career or a project. You can do that, though it requires deep concentration on the right words and phrases to convey what you really want to convey. People are looking for something beyond the usual, and you can help them find it. 

Friends have their problems and needs. You can assist them, and enjoy doing that. Human pathology, that is, whatever keeps people within their habitual suffering, is susceptible to calm spiritual understanding. "Spiritual" means partly that you try hard to consider things from their viewpoint rather than merely your own, and then from G*d's viewpoint. How could anyone attain this latter? Only by objectivity plus humble prayer. (That puts it in a nutshell, if you ponder the former sentence and its context.)

It's a peculiar time of material gains, perhaps (Jupiter and Mars trine Pluto in earth signs), plus emotional-spiritual agitation and painful growth (Neptune opposite Venus, Mars, Jupiter and the moon). Mercury turns direct in the morning. This does not solve everything but sets us up for clearer perception of the best path for us in the near future. 

The emphasis on Neptune means that kindness is essential. People have their confusions, and so do you. We are therapists for one another, whether we relish that role or not. The more you are patient with people, the more the Lord of the Cosmos will be patient with you. 

{Friday} /Patience, Therapy, Kindness\

Cosmic Piper

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