Monday, October 26, 2015

Forecast for Monday 26 October 2015

Monday 26 October 2015

^Full Indefatigable Moon^

[It happened again. I forgot to post this last night after I wrote it. I finished it earlier than usual, at 10 p.m. PDT and was pleased with myself. Then I find today at 10 a.m. PDT that I failed to post it here, although I sent it to the two Yahoo groups. This is getting to be a bad habit. Sorry you missed it this morning. It all fits in with the moon being void-of-course today, I'm afraid, but we can still make the most of what is possible.]

Moon in Aries   **
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:26a PT | 8:26a ET | 12:16p UT   * /
until it enters Taurus at 11:08p PT | 2:08a(Tu) ET | 6:08a(Tu) UT   **
Full Moon of Scorpio-Taurus occurs Tuesday morning at 5:06a PT | 8:06a ET | 12:06p UT

The heaviness I felt on Sunday was presaged in the report for that day when I gave it only two stars. I wasn't sure exactly why I did that but it felt right. However, I was perplexed by the intensity of my "bad mood" during the day. So I have been studying the charts for the day (I do two of them, which embody four different field systems) to see what I can see.

There is a lot, but I admit it is somewhat other than what I would have expected. That is why astrology is an experimental science. A friend I visited admitted that he has been feeling "heavy" for the past few days. A factor I am beginning to admit could be important is the sun having entered Scorpio last Friday. I do not have a prejudice against Scorpio as a sign, in fact, in the last few years some Scorpio individuals have been very good for me.

But a "dark cloud" seems to have enveloped me since the sun entered Scorpio this time. My friend today confirmed that, although he does not put much weight on astrology. I believe that although Scorpio individuals, having been born in that sign and enduring as well as enjoying its pitfalls and privileges for many years, may be wonderful and loving, the rest of us when confronted with that vibration every October-November feel it as heaviness, darkness, depression--or as opportunity to rise beyond the "threat of death," or winter, it can represent, into a solid hope of immortality, also an attribute of Scorpio at its best. Then we feel at peace, even deep peace, for Death has been overcome in consciousness. 

Another factor of difficulty on Sunday was Uranus's involvement in two so-called "minor" aspects, a quincunx with Mars and a sesqui-square (or bi-octile) with Saturn. That means that Uranus, a harsh planet at its worst, was afflicted by the two harshest planets in ancient astrology. I admit that I was in a foul mood, and it flamed up at my friend for a while. Also, two neighbors were heard, in the morning, talking aloud and loudly, bemoaning their fate or the world's unfairness. They were upset and angry, as I was feeling although I was trying to overcome the mood by spiritual study and remembrance of the Supreme and His goodness. (Yes, I use the pronoun "his" and "he" although it is open to anyone to use "she"--or "it" if they choose to depersonalize the most exalted Being in the universe, or rather the conscious Being in whom the universe exists.) If G*d is unreal to you, then perhaps you are unreal to G*d? 

As if to confirm the harsh aspects to Uranus, it is in the sign Aries and both I and the friend are sun-sign Aries-born. It was not an extremely bitter antagonism but issues came out that needed to be met.

Since those aspects continue today, and the moon is void-of-course, I believe I ought to warn you against such upsurges of frustration and anger. You may need to feel them but the way in which you express them is of course crucial. 

As the day wears on we should feel better about things, as Luna moves toward a loose but tightening sextile with Neptune in late afternoon and evening. And we are moving toward a Full Moon early Tuesday (time above), so consciousness is full and yearning for more fullness. 

Since we have to continue our work or our schedules, void-of-course or not, let's see a small part of what Sri Aurobindo says of The Mother, the feminine aspect of Deity, who gives us the will and strength to go on:

"The one whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Supreme and far above all she creates. But something of her ways can be seen and felt through her embodiments and the more seizable because more defined and limited temperament and action of the goddess forms in whom she consents to be manifest in her creatures.

"Determining all that shall be in this universe and in the terrestrial evolution by what she sees and feels and pours from her, she stands there above the Gods and all her Powers and Personalities are put out in front of her for the action and she sends down emanations of them into these lower worlds to intervene, to govern, to battle and conquer, to lead and turn their cycles, to direct the total and the individual lines of their forces. These Emanations are the many divine forms and personalities in which men have worshipped her under different names throughout the ages. 

"The power that mediates between the sanction and the call is the presence and power of the Divine Mother. The Mother's power and not any human endeavor and tapasya can alone rend the lid and tear the covering and shape the vessel and bring down into this world of obscurity and falsehood and death and suffering Truth and Light and Life divine and the immortal's Ananda [Bliss]."

--from Sri Aurobindo's book entitled The Mother

{Monday} ^Full Indefatigable Moon^

Cosmic Piper

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