Thursday, October 22, 2015

Forecast for Friday 23 October 2015

Friday 23 October 2015

~The Touching Attempt~

Moon in Pisces   *
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until early Saturday morning (around sunrise in the Western Hemisphere)

It's a one-star day because the moon in Pisces opposes Venus, Jupiter and Mars while square Saturn. This can all add up to separations, which we generally do not want unless we are so exhausted with someone that being away from them is a relief. If not that, there is often a wonderment that someone so near can be so far.

Today and yesterday should be, and have been, money days in some important way. Either you figured out a money or budgeting problem or you saved money or got investments straight or something of that nature. If not, with concentration that could be done now.

People are touchy about communications which may yet be necessary. A career niche of your own which is mysterious could bring surprising satisfaction. 

The moon with Neptune in Pisces plus other factors could make us weary or needing extra rest, a nap, or daydreaming, musing, contemplation. Then back to work (Virgo) which gives a lot of satisfaction when done well.

I received two political ads in the mail Thursday concerning a local initiative for more democratic campaign financing. I support it. This could be a happy symptom of Mercury squaring Pluto while both are at critical degrees, Mercury in Libra sign of justice while Pluto, a big-money planet, settles in Capricorn a sign of government. Let's hope such initiatives are proceeding around the country at state and local levels even though they are not happening federally because of a Congress captive to lobbying interests. 

There is a sense of satisfaction in a child when he or she just keeps her pennies and dollars in the right place and knows how much it is and how to handle it. Likewise adults now may be feeling good about their personal economies and the way they are handling them. There is effort involved in that but it seems to be getting more felicitous.

People are trying hard to do the best they can, and when you see someone you know doing that, perhaps in a poignantly touching manner, he or she has an even more privileged place in your heart. 

{Friday} ~The Touching Attempt~

Cosmic Piper

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