Thursday, October 31, 2013

Forecast: Friday 1 and Saturday 2 November 2013

Friday 1 November 2013

Sun in Scorpio, Creativity; Moon in Libra, Beauty; Fortuna in 12, Confinement

Moon enters the Via Combusta at 8:23a PT | 11:23a ET | 3:23p UT

The boss is angry; standards have fallen; even Mother's
Photo frowns. It's easier to go for a walk in the rain. 
A rabbi walks by repeating a prayer. Song emanates
From an open church, and soon the sun bursts forth.

}Maintaining Standards Listlessly{

Things that can be done are mostly of a basic structural nature, that is, routine things you need to keep up with. There is a heritage belonging to you which you can foster by holding on to it when in doubt. Then it lifts you from worry. This is basically spiritual but has a physical ritualistic side. There is restlessness and enthusiasm, but they could go in futile directions unless we remember we have some mission to accomplish. Remembering how our actions look to someone "above" us could keep us on course.

There is a compass in your thought pointing out where you are and where you can go. You could make technical discoveries. (I myself am waiting to purchase a phone or tablet device, if I do, until later in November after Mercury's cycle straightens out.) You contribute skill and talent to the world and it returns the favor by providing you with ways to rediscover yourself. You immortalize yourself by doing what you can to lift nature beyond itself in the domain of your expertise. 

We care about upholding standards we have absorbed from the culture, yet this may be somewhat free-form or slapdash on a day when the moon is waning and in the Via Combusta. A public character who means a lot to you is a focus for admiration and emulation. All seem to hide behind or speak out from masks, or to pretend to be other than they are--perhaps a hangover from yesterday's play-acting.

Roving tendencies could bring on drift. This could be refreshing temporarily, but then conscience rears its head and wants you to protect your reputation among those who matter by rising to the occasion and keeping up with necessary activities to prove your mettle. Those in power or whom you admire may not want to be harsh with you but they know when you are slacking off dishonorably. Evening with Luna forming a sextile to Venus while in her sign brings pleasurable relief.

{Friday} {Maintaining Standards Listlessly}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 2 November 2013

Sun in Scorpio, Creativity; Moon in Libra, Beauty-->Scorpio, Justice; Fortuna in 12, Confinement

Moon remains in the Via Combusta until Sunday afternoon
|Karmically difficult or sobering  third| of this week begins at 4:58a PT | 7:58a Et | 11:58p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:48a PT | 8:48a ET | 12:48p UT
until it enters Scorpio at 10:36a PT | 1:36p ET | 5:36p UT

The moon wanes invisibly and the sun hides. 
A rabbit runs to its burrow and waits trembling.
If only it could see the Double Triangle above,
It could rest and breathe in peace. Resolve!

~Breathing in the Eternal~

The rather bleak indications do not have to ruin your Saturday. It could be a good time for rest and recovery, with all that entails, such as an internal focus on meanings, hopes and ultimate realities. We need to be comfortable in the Eternal. Then whatever temporal matters turn up can be dealt with serendipitously. Reliance on Universal Life is solace. Autumn leaves symbolize rest between cycles.

Misappropriation of energy is possible, or silly purchases as escapes. Doing something orderly at home is progressive. A good side of you is steadfast, patient, never weary of slow useful activity.

Reaching out in mind toward a parental figure is natural. We are all babies. Listening to singers or musicians is uplifting. Peaceful natural settings are harmonizing. We conserve old buildings and parks for good reason. 

Something in your family line is trying to come out. Memories of relatives may be puissant, helpful, guiding. Your own will power derives partly from the wills of ancestors. The universal Will works through all. A more insecure side of you imagines outer insecurities and worries too much.

The waning moon (the New Moon comes early tomorrow) can be unstable and unhopeful, so it is good to remember whatever keeps you calm and persevering. Hardships are not the only ships! A better wind and sky are coming. A solid side of you treats all setbacks as "nothing at all" to a longer-term perspective. Inner compulsions which mirror something universal or family-like are holding you to a good course.

{Saturday} ~Breathing in the Eternal~

Cosmic Piper

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