Thursday, October 17, 2013

Forecast: Friday 18 and Saturday 19 October 2013

Friday 18 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Aries, Hope; Fortuna in 6, Adjustment-->7, Partnership

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 3:18p PT | 6:18p ET | 10:18p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at the Full Moon of Libra-Aries, 4:39p PT | 7:39p ET | 11:39p UT

The prison door clangs shut. The only moving thing beside himself
Is the plumbing. A photo of birds in his minuscule possessions
Reminds him of when he fed some with his prison-widowed wife.
He could be in an open field again, with angels' help and a key.

*Prison Door Ajar*

Do the planets juggle us, or do we juggle the planets? Probably neither, but our cooperation with them by seeing where they are and how they relate to one another leads to forms of comprehension available in no other way.

The humdrum is boring while Mars opposes Neptune. C.E.O. Carter remarks that therefore many who have this aspect in their birth-charts become artists, actors, or bohemians. It has a danger connected with poisons or drinking, perhaps especially this time because Mars is in Virgo. You are aware of your gifts, an abundance of them, and the Full Moon accentuates that sense of "anything is possible." Putting things together from scraps is feasible, being creative with whatever you rake from the stream of living. Seclusion and self-restraint may be favorable when you feel they are protective. 

You are sensitive and perceptive, not apathetic. Unusual or flashy adornment makes an impression. All the world could be your friend, with Mercury trine Jupiter, and your interests can be pursued harmoniously and happily. You could rectify things from the past in connection with a friend or someone with whom you have shared many pleasures. Those who have been hard to get along with and about whom you have worried may be somewhat easier.

There could be frustration and impatience connected with household matters or neighbors. You may feel somewhat imprisoned, yet there is protection and security. Within isolation you may make discoveries which uplift (Mars biquintile Uranus, Mars septile Pluto). Remarkable things can be found out. You may be ready for victory over anything or anyone harassing you (sun trine Neptune, sextile Mars, quintile Pluto). 

If uneasy about a role involving instruction, you may gradually overcome a sense of uneasy separation and misanthropy. People are perhaps better than you have been thinking, or more willing to learn. A feeling of isolation, or desire for it, remains but could be lessening. Even if not a perfect "party Friday," it has subtle potentials.

{Friday} *Prison Door Ajar*

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 19 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Taurus, Peace; Fortuna in 7, Partner

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week continues
/moon void-of-course until it
enters Taurus at 0:28a PT | 3:28a ET | 7:28a UT

The book he wanted was in this pile, or that;
In ancient Egypt's Nile a rhinoceros  
Could seek the pyramids as well as he
Could seek a rustic cottage 'neath a tree.

\Simplicity Promotes Clarity/

Relying upon Divine protection rather than personal force is wise both in financial or career matters and in matters of the heart including friendship, partnership and pleasure. That means, for one thing, in ancient vernacular, "cool it," or, more recently, "take it light" or, at present--I may not know the most recent without consulting the Urban Dictionary. Everything symbolizes something else, so if you put yourself in a Christmas spirit of seeing the value in everything, that would help. Small things will do and large ones might be too much. Intellectual pursuits or reading may please immensely. 

Anything involving publishing or education could go well. Calm courage and a steady focus will bring benefits and solve mysteries. Hidden harmonies are wafted toward you. Some of these could be international, or from the past, with a cultural theme. Disillusion disappears in the certification of some hope or hypothesis.

Recent events in Congress show that many are becoming alert to "malfeasance in office" on a small or large scale. We may feel helpless to defend ourselves from all such official misconduct but can with angelic help do something to improve the situation, such as becoming aware of local elections, candidates and issues in the coming month if there are any in your area. "Throw the rascals out." In your personal situation, there can be benevolence and the comforts of home bringing peace to any who visit you.

One's own mission, small or large, can be suffused with good will. There may be disorder in some of your belongings, especially books and papers, but you could sort them out. Mercury turns retrograde on Monday. Perhaps it would be well to put some order in as much as you can before then. Too much "stuff" can be loss instead of gain. The intention to be responsible in eliminating material and intellectual clutter will have its reward. 

{Saturday} /Simplicity Promotes Clarity\

Cosmic Piper

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