Thursday, October 3, 2013

Forecast: Friday 4 and Saturday 5 October 2013

Friday 4 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Libra, Beauty; Fortuna in 12, Confinement-->1, Identity

The New Moon of Libra occurs at 5:36p PT | 8:36p ET | 12:36a(Sa) UT

Moon enters the Via Combusta (until early Monday) at 11:03p PT | 2:03a(Sa) ET | 6:03a(Sa) UT

Her face in the glass is fine with her; she laughs at fate
And boyfriends; yet thinks of a priest and a wedding.
His face is unshaven, his hair uncombed; a strong song
In his mind exhorts his men to face the battle.

}Self-Focus is Persuasive{

The New Moon accentuates the Grand Square of the sun, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. There is also an independent T square with Mars opposed to Neptune both square Venus. One could say it is "a mell of a hess," especially because it is occurring during a Dark Hermetic Epoch (until November 27). As I have said before, there should be an easing of all this by October 11, a week from today. Let us hope so, for that would give another week after that in which to settle the Debt Ceiling problem in Congress. 

I hope that what I say will help you through the mell of a hess.

One can be intrepid. There is not much else to do. Dropping everything or throwing in the towel is not a sustainable option. You can draw events to a focus through what seem impossible tangles. You do not have to be dissolute, but can channel worry and restlessness into intense activity. Even if it seems scattered at first, you can eventually pull the loose ends together. You could even be forceful and persuasive if that is required, not afraid to speak up when not speaking up would be cowardly. 

Laughing at fate is not a bad idea when things seem grim. It might seem like vanity, but it boosts morale. Libra is the sign of beauty, and everybody knows she or he is beautiful in some way. Let yourself feel that! It will only take you so far, but that could be crucial. You may be bringing two individuals together in some way, perhaps without realizing it. Also, someone or Someone may be bringing you together with someone for particular purposes or a longer-lasting alliance. This may seem indefinite, and there may be too many people on your mind, so that it seems you veer from one to another chaotically. Conforming to pre-established patterns could help. It's not a good time to change partners.

If tired of the world's exactions on you, you may rebel in a good way, being imperturbable, even untidy about some things so you can focus on others. Some things just do not work. Maybe they will work later or maybe you need to give them up for now. Not all is lost when one hope fails to materialize. Being self-centered, worldly and vain is not recommended ultimately, but it could be a relief for a while. 

There has been an emphasis on strong, moving, fortifying music. Maybe some performer is special for you and lifts your mood so you cope with everything better. That could help you through a period when forces of negativity seem to prevail. You are the one who can last through them, and encourage or exhort others. You have some high duty which pulls all the energies in you together. Your reasonable approach to fulfilling that will persuade others eventually. You let some things go, maybe grooming or housekeeping, so you can focus on others, and there is no loss because of the inner intensification of what is most important to you. 

{Friday} {Self-Focus is Persuasive}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 5 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Libra, Beauty; Fortuna in 1, Identity

Moon remains in the Via Combusta until Monday 

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week begins at 2:11p PT | 5:11p ET | 9:11p UT (until Tuesday)

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:29p PT | 6:29p UT | 10:29p UT

With his right arm in a sling he uses his left on the laptop
To calculate slow sordid prospects. People around chat
But neither smile nor laugh; discuss legal cases gone
Unfairly. A talking bird suggests something extreme.

}Inherently Adequate{

As I write on Thursday, bankers are in Washington pushing for a resolution of the coming debt ceiling debacle. The Wall Street Journal reminds us: "The meeting came almost five years to the day after Wall Street executives, facing a financial-system collapse, were called to Washington and forced to accept billions in a taxpayer-funded bailout." This is interesting because in early October 2008 we were also in the month of Libra, of course, and also in a Dark Hermetic Epoch, as now. Libra as the sign of balancing can be a real crusher--as now--when nobody knows how to strike a balance, or when people refuse to do so; then the scales themselves crash, and what then? But I am not trying to scare you; we got through that period five years ago and shall this time--the sooner the better, of course, and yet as I have mentioned, things get smoother beginning late on Friday October 11 and that means we may have to wait another week. Not holding one's breath is recommended.

From the data at the beginning of this forecast you can see this is not recommended as a day for parties, social events, dates, or fun. However, you could take that with a grain of salt. Life goes on. Test it, if you wish; you don't have to say home with a book, although that could be smart; see how things are going, adventure a little, but do be cautious. Good things can happen, but people are likely to be worried and that does not make generally for a happy party mood. It is easier, of course, with old trusted companions.

Where there is injustice, you can protest against it effectively, or plead on the side of fairness and expect a good outcome. That would be better (before the moon goes v-of-c) than being careless and aiming at a dozen targets as if nonchalant. Computer science may be important, or learning some kind of computer skill you don't already have, though being careful not to spend money on anything you're not sure about. When outer things are at a standstill, the higher faculties of intellect are still available to be exercised and appreciated.

At the worst, accidents are possible, or stumbling and being pushed back from your hopes. That could bring you into conformity with a ritualistic sort of time with a partner, which could help. Trying too many things indeterminately could be a source of misfortune.

The long haul is what's needed. A camel crossing the desert has his water supply with him. Likewise you can overcome outer handicaps. You may be keenly perceptive of what happens around you. Therefore,  even if you think a social time would be pointless, you could be a canny observer of what goes on among people even if painful or a form of suffering. From that you could learn a great deal, and perhaps uplift those unfortunate.

Acting as if performing your own musical composition could help. Your faculties are sound even in the DHE (Mercury is conjoined to Saturn as it was in Einstein's birth-chart) and you can use those faculties to learn, teach, or accomplish something which interests you. This integrates you psychologically. Then you stop complaining, because you know you are adequate to the situation.

{Saturday} {Inherently Adequate}

Cosmic Piper

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