Sunday, October 13, 2013

Forecast: Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 October 2013

Monday 14 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Aquarius, Truth-->Pisces, Love; Fortuna in 5, Pleasure

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 8:08a PT | 11:08a ET | 3:08p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:29p PT | 4:29p ET | 8:29p UT
Moon enters Pisces (no longer v-of-c) at 2:07p PT | 5:07p ET | 9:07p UT

In the casino black-suited cards fly through minds while picking pockets.
Outside a ladder reaching to heaven is mounted by a man ascending
One rung with each page of a book he studies. A chipmunk in order to hide
Runs on stones growing internal diamonds. A sword falls from the book.

~Semi-Dangerous Fun~

I love to read the renditions of the meanings of planetary aspects in some of the old astrology books (the ones from which, if the truth were known, most current writers have taken their interpretations, however modified). In The Message of the Stars by Max and Augusta Foss Heindel, vintage 1927, we have an amazingly astute interpretation of the moon's opposition with Mars, given that this was a prominent aspect on the day of 9/11/01. It happens once a month, so is hardly rare; it happens today. Do not get frightened by the following; there are always modifying aspects, and today quite a few, but for historical perspective, think of 9/11/01 as you read the following: "The Moon square or opposition to Mars gives a very quick temper and a tendency to hasty or impulsive expressions and acts that may cause such people a great deal of sorrow and trouble. They resent rules or regulations . . . If they are in authority they are very domineering and exacting in their demands for instant obedience upon the part of others [the hidden overseers of the 9/11 terrorist pilots], nor do they hesitate to use whatever physical force may be necessary to compel obedience . . . Sometimes they will take desperate chances to satisfy their spite. Having an improperly balanced mind they are foolhardy in their venturesomeness and upon occasion they will do things which no one in his sane mind would try. On account of the foregoing characteristics such people make many enemies and cause a great deal of suffering to others . . . "

Of course the foregoing was written as an interpretation of the aspect in birth charts, but I have found through countless observations that an aspect applies as a general atmosphere to a whole day when it appears in the daily chart, as is evident for 9/11 from the foregoing. So, what does the moon opposite Mars mean today? I leave it to your intuition. It is usually not dire. Since the moon will be in Pisces conjunct Neptune in later hours, drinking could be a source of upset or even violence, unless contained sensibly. Isabel Hickey says, "Needs to learn to be more patient and loving. This affliction can be overcome by self-restraint." On 9/11/01, this aspect occurred during a |difficult third of the week|, but not today. That makes a big difference.

Something more just came to me. On Monday under this aspect I plan to go to the library to pick up two books being held for me on the American Indian leader Tecumseh (in whose town I was born). Here is a Shawnee chief involved in painful, difficult interactions with another race and culture throughout his life, who was killed in the War of 1812 fighting the Americans who had betrayed their agreements with him again and again. His life was moon opposite Mars, in a sense, wherever one may put the blame for his sufferings. So I could say, Today you may be aware of or interested in someone with a military history or temperament.

Yet there is caution. You sense perhaps where danger might lie, and independently put yourself out of harm's way, loyal to your self-interest rather than some crazy risk. There can be an easy-going tendency when the moon enters Pisces close to Neptune. There could be a desire for games, gambling, or idling in some place of pleasure. 

The moon squaring Venus in the evening can contribute to sensuality, libertinism, easy attractions which go nowhere. You might be careless, all day, or feel you can rest, and if that works, fine, but retreating from everything important in your world is not recommended. If not utterly confused, you can mold and remold the course of events gently, putting things into more harmonious order without fanfare. Long-term potentials are developing beneath the surface.

A serious side of you thinks of home and travel plans, and has intelligent ideas of how to make them work. You are confident that you could connect with the right situations through gradual management, not worrying how others respond to communications or initiatives. You reach high in your speculations, wanting to understand everything. You can be truthful, just and fair in your judgments.

A humble position can be effective for making yourself useful to an institution or organization you believe in. Another side of you wants to play, somewhat hazardously, or gamble, or watch game shows, or find some idle way of feeling that life is a happy caper. Amid change and chance there can be good spirits. When you trust people they are likely to respect you.

{Monday} ~Semi-Dangerous Fun~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Pisces, Love; Fortuna in 5, Pleasure

Moon on course

The noble head and face looking toward the moon reflect beyond-moon glory
In character and understanding; stars in azure fields guide travelers
Whose avocation is chemical experiment; a flowing stream babbles on while
Limpid inspiration enables a sage to gather from it super-comprehension.

~Fullness of Character Makes Easeful Progress~

You could be inspired or ingenious in any direction you choose. With Mars opposing Neptune, this could be a result of spiritistic influences, that is, you might be influenced (not controlled let us hope) by someone on invisible planes. How often, when we read about people extensively, do we come into telepathic touch with them, regardless of which "side" they are on? Even Sri Aurobindo, totally in control of himself, while imprisoned for political activity came in touch with Swami Vivekananda who was deceased, and communicated with him while in meditation. Something like that could be going on with you. There is a tendency to trust and be easy-going. This could be wonderfully relaxing, and, anticipating the Full Moon coming up, endow you with capacities not only your own but others' reflected into you for their glory as well as yours.

Some may be making promises they can't keep and bending the truth a little in order to feel on top of what feel like huge opportunities. A more sober attitude would lead to research of a calm and accurate sort so that you are sure of your ground. There can be happy sentiments and feelings while you do this. Rewards you seek will be yours if you are consistent in the way you pursue them, not depending too much on others' encouragement.

Sharp, clear thinking can be wonderful, opportunistic, and successful (Mercury trine Jupiter and the moon while quintile Uranus; Venus trine Uranus). (Let us hope that this applies to the leaders in Congress so they will find a workable agreement.)  To be a real man or woman is to have character and stand for something responsibly. That often requires either strife or compromise or mediation in order to resolve differences with those who oppose. It seems this can be done; even more, those who are utterly sure of their course can go where they please and do whatever fits in with their clear vision, assured that the world will follow them eventually.

A steady mind with quick perceptions can fulfill any task in accord with the fitness of things, likely evident to those of good will what with Mars septile the sun and Mercury septile Pluto pointing the way to inevitabilities which are all the happier the sooner one gets in line with them (message to Congress! as well as to us). Adaptability and grace will go far to make things smooth when you keep in mind someone you admire as a role model, and live the model in your own way.

{Tuesday} ~Fullness of Character Makes Easeful Progress~

Cosmic Piper

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