Saturday, October 19, 2013

Forecast: Sunday 20 and Monday 21 October 2013

Sunday 20 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Taurus, Peace; Fortuna in 7, Partner

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:03p PT | 5:03p ET | 9:03p UT

The arrow rises and falls. No target. The stream carries
Effluvia and cans to sell. The gristmill grinds. A black
Child plays with pink children. A craftsman uses shears
On fabric so someone can lounge in fancy headgear.

\Poise Within Uncertain Variety/

It was interesting that with Mars opposing Neptune, Mars in Virgo the sign of drugs and health, Neptune sometimes escapist drugs, I was led last night to watch the pilot episode of Breaking Bad the Emmy-winning TV series which I had never watched. I was impressed. One might call it a perfect exemplification of the worse sides of the aspect Mars opposite Neptune. Intrigue, distrust, suspicion, paranoia, subterfuge, and so on. But also a determination to press on through all that and make the best of everything. I am not sure how this is coming out  in your life as we experience this aspect. In mine it is not in overt breaks with people so much as subtle ones where it feels as if no one trusts anyone. Yet there is a dove over the troubled waters. We piece together what we can from whatever comes down the pike. This applies to work and career as well as friendship and romance. Before the void-of-course begins, you can be penetrating and direct in your approach to whatever gives you a feeling of smooth expansion even if this has no measurable result.

You are aware of your own dignity. This might cause you unconsciously to be brusque or blunt in what you say, offending when no offense was intended. Cleverness in mechanical, chemical or electrical matters is favored. You can display yourself in excellent ways. It is reassuring to get the drift of things and act in accord with it, while not abandoning your well-thought-out position.

There is no absence of clarity in your thinking about people who interest you as well as about calculated plans. The more well-established those are the better, during a Dark Hermetic Epoch (until November 27). Intimacies may spring up among those of differing races or backgrounds, although it may be hard for both sides to adjust to each other psychologically. You have seen how necessary it is to cut out or dispense with anything which is seriously in your way (as in surgery, trimming plants, giving away needless items). Then you can proceed on a well-established simple course with which you are familiar, leaving the dreaming and the excitement to entertainment hours. Those could be quite satisfying with Venus binonagen Neptune and biquintile Jupiter.

Improving your present position is so much better than trying something new. This comes out in several ways in the positions, cycles and aspects. Uncertainty may be disturbing, yet to a nonchalant temperament it can be almost charming. Both the connections you form with people and the plans you settle on have an intimate familiar feel even when the elements and people mixed in them are partly fresh. All changes; that variety is the charm; yet all is the same; that security is the ease.

{Sunday} /Poise Within Uncertain Variety\

Cosmic Piper

Monday 21 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Taurus, Peace-->Gemini, Joy; Fortuna in 7, Partner

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 7:57a PT | 10:57a ET | 2:57p UT
/moon void-of-course until 
Moon enters Gemini at 9:15a PT | 12:15p ET | 4:15p UT

A dark pool of water attracts brooders
While seagulls call and fly listlessly. 
A sharply gazing man eyes a costume 
Cut for Halloween. A dark woman smiles.

}Lazy Creativity in Sleepy Hollow{

Thrills and the unknown are attractive but dangerous while Mars opposes Neptune. A ritualization of things could be pleasing, as in perhaps preparing for Halloween. Assembling a costume from bits and pieces is possible. People are edgy. There is danger in becoming utterly lazy or indifferent and ending up in a vacuous state. 

With Uranus well-aspected, there can be a wonderful sense of freedom. Someone interesting, a woman or clever man, manages sagely to attract people in ways calculated and uncalculated while putting on an excellent show as if singing. She or he is alert to opportunity, avid for applause, and expectant of acquiring what can be acquired. 

Wandering tendencies of the mind show you could be easily distracted. Cultivating an art or performance skill which allows you to "wander" in feeling and thinking, rather than focus rigidly, could be good for you. This would put you in touch with individuals who at first are challenging because different from you. A coach who is a sharp observer, almost a detective, could challenge but also stimulate and help.Your adaptability could be almost fatalism, descending into introspective gloom, unless you keep in mind what motivates your endeavors.

The self-centered side of Mercury's long dalliance with Saturn (September 29-December 3, two whole months, with a brief hiatus in early November) is coming out as loneliness. Yet there is firm intellectual control, with strength along the line of one's own skills. You may feel this is going exactly nowhere today, but if you keep on plodding you know you will make gains steadily. There is much value from study, while the sextile between the sun and Mars furnishes vitality if you tap into it by exercising appropriately. Hopefulness can cure instability. Then you will not feel disturbed when forced into association with those unlike yourself.

{Monday} {Lazy Creativity in Sleepy Hollow}

Cosmic Piper

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