Friday, October 25, 2013

Forecast: Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October 2013

Saturday 26 October 2013

Sun in Scorpio, Creativity; Moon in Leo, Glory; Fortuna in 10, Honor

/moon void-of-course until it
enters Leo at 9:13a PT | 12:13p ET | 4:13p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until Monday afternoon

The logo descended from above and glowed in the dark. 
It showed him how to adjust to restraints imposed
By destiny's hand while finding his course. He watched
For emotional prey, learners, disciples, harem.

*Quiet Internal Mastery*

The Mercury-Retrograde period this time is from October 21 until late on November 10. It is not as difficult as sometimes because Mercury has favorable aspects. One good side of it is reviewing or re-experiencing the past, or going back to it in memory. This can come out in dreams or daydreams. One might be homesick for some prior residence or location or old friends. The beloved song "Midnight Train to Georgia" is a wonderful example of a Mercury-retrograde experience--the poignant story of a man retreating from the big city and his failure there to his home town in Georgia. I have heard it a few times recently and came close to weeping, for it signifies something all of us have been through at some level. 

Morale can be held up despite some harshness or sadness because you sense something splendid about yourself which is your heritage and can emerge. You want to display yourself no matter what doubts you have. An intense yet nonchalant approach could work best. The mastery you know you have at some level may be partly obscured yet is there.

Will when fused with the will of the Ultimate is indomitable. Something of this comes into your awareness. What you perfect in yourself has a popular appeal. You examine things curiously and get insights which are opportunities.

Males (or females in masculine mode) connect solidly with someone who is mature, principled, harsh, believing in justice, clever and somewhat inscrutable. Females (or males in feminine mode) connect solidly with someone intensely assured who manifests glory, is suave and watchful, a firm friend unless antagonized. 

When you withdraw from some things which seem unrewarding, you are recovering, conserving your energies. Letting someone else control things is restful when your personal initiative is not needed. Then when you want to be active again, you will see opportunities quickly and seize them. There are artistic and musical factors to appreciate wherever you are. 

No matter what your mood, an underlying fund of energies is yours, with the sun sextile Mars. You may feel you have used this pointlessly or to no purpose, yet recovery is always possible, for you have a deep comprehension of some matters which is unrivaled, and there you excel. The physical and mental are intertwined. Physical activity enhances mental. If some of this seems constrained, subject to old rules set up by others or yourself, that can be helpful for now, preventing you from losing yourself in pointless quests.

{Saturday} *Quiet Internal Mastery*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 27 October 2013

Sun in Scorpio, Creativity; Moon in Leo, Glory; Fortuna in 10, Honor

Moon on course
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until Monday afternoon

She picked up her old doll and danced with it; 
Then threw it on the bed. Her friend beckoned
From the woods; she joined him to learn fencing.
They could wipe the town clean, or put on a show.

*Sideways and Backward Dance of Possibles*

As if by magic, just before beginning this report I saw the following: "WASHINGTON - The troubled website will be running properly by late November, said Jeffrey Zients, President Obama's appointee to fix the problems that have plagued the site since its Oct. 1 opening." If you have been following these reports with even half-hearted attention you must have noted that I said the Dark Hermetic Epoch began October 1 and ends November 27! Exactly the period covered by this lapse in the functioning of the health-care insurance website. Score another few points for the Hermetic Epochs, discovered in 1978 by yours truly, Cosmic Piper.

1 Many have been struggling with alcohol or drug habits, with Mars continuing opposite Neptune. There can be recovery from that, so that something fresh turns up today. It might appear scattered; you would rather aim in any or all directions than make limiting choices. The danger is that some would choose conflict and continuing opposition to law or normal order and end up hurting mostly themselves. 

2 Hard, long work plus courage go with Mars trine Pluto. This is probably in ways which are not visible to anyone. In secret as it were you prepare something amazing. The |difficult third| plus the Scorpio emphasis suggest that some might be opposed to you or slander you or talk behind your back. Or you might be imagining that. Yet you can contribute skill and talent to all, which might be the best defense against misunderstanding. Possibly remote rewards mean you work mostly in seclusion.

3 Males (or females in masculine mode) could link successfully with someone sweet, attractive, sagacious, studious, an explorer who examines everything in a childlike manner. It is possible she or he could become involved in disputes or litigation. Females (or males in feminine mode) could link helpfully with someone assertive, intellectual, trying to assimilate and understand things, learning to "dance" as it were in a partially-unlearned skill, desiring to do this in a beautiful natural setting.

4 You press for conquest in ways the world does not understand. The dance you are perfecting requires natural, simple trial and error. It does not have to be childish, but could become so if you departed from what your deepest purposes are suggesting. Then it would be childlike in a happy way. If some felt too frustrated they could become wantonly assertive or vandal-like, wanting to sweep away everyone with themselves. This temptation is really a need to abandon idols which do not work for you. 

5 Unsettled habits without perseverance could make you feel lost. Then you could become ready to oppose or fight some "demon" or "monster" or "injustice" in a way which is ineffective and self-defeating. You can oppose injustice successfully but need to do it with a willingness to learn as you go in a somewhat childlike manner. The good possibilities of paragraph 3 should not be forgotten if you ever sense that someone is one of the "others" described there. 

{Saturday} *Sideways and Backward Dance of Possibles*

Cosmic Piper

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