Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Forecast: Thursday 10 and Friday 11 October 2013

Thursday 10 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Capricorn, Reverence; Fortuna in 3, Communication

/moon goes void-of-course (in Sagittarius) at 3:12a PT | 6:12a ET | 10:12a UT
until it enters Capricorn at 8:18a PT | 11:18a ET | 3:18p UT

\Intelligent Defense Plus Hopeful Sharing/

This from the Washington Post: As the online rollout of the Affordable Care Act continues to be plagued by glitches, many of the president’s allies and foes are wondering the same thing: how could the most tech-savvy White House in history launch a flawed Web site? The writer then goes on to give reasons. But one reason she didn't know was, that the Dark Hermetic Epoch began on October 1, the very day the insurance market-sites opened. I would suggest to anyone who needs to apply before the December 15 deadline that it might not be imprudent to wait a while, perhaps until the week beginning Monday November 11, or even when the Bright Hermetic Epoch begins on November 27. That may be too close to the deadline for comfort but actually might save time and trouble, because I would guess that some of the glitches in the system will be worked out by then and your choices might be clearer or better for you. 

As for the stalemate in Congress, it is symbolic of stalemates in our lives, yet things may be ready to break for the better, if not this week then on the weekend and into next week, when the harshest planetary patterns begin to dissolve like a logjam breaking up. Of course we are still in the DHE, which is why Congress may "kick the budget can down the road" again, but even that would be progress at this point. 

There is a question of what you have idealized failing you. You see through someone and it is not pleasant, because you had wanted to trust that person more, to see him or her as a real friend. Perhaps that is true but it is hard to see it at present. There is also a feeling that you have failed in some career capacity and need to give up some pleasures in order to do better. You can explore potentials and options thoroughly, while becoming aware of your own restlessness and preventing it from scattering your powers. Caution and prudence are virtues at this point.

There is some hospitality to enjoy, and to offer. You may feel generous in spirit, enjoying the expansive feeling of being able to have some fun. What good is prosperity unless shared? There are happy, smooth sentiments in others as well as yourself, if you open to them as a child who is trusting. In accord with the previous paragraph, that may involve some hurts, but it is good to rise above them and keep trying as the child learning to walk. You are learning to walk among others' contradictory feelings and signals with poise.

There is so much to appreciate and enjoy! Yet you are aware of the baser and selfish or destructive tendencies in some (combining the previous two paragraphs). Some may indeed want to get advantages by depriving others. You can read them quickly, and so protect yourself easily, not giving up the prerogative of ramifying satisfactions which present themselves in abundance both at home and nearby.

Serving the cause of truth is important to you, however you envisage or understand Truth. That this does not coincide with others' understandings is a perpetual cause of perplexity and yet if you are careful and reserved there need be no serious problems. Realistic decisions you have made to cut certain things out of your life, and maybe out of your diet, are helping. You are sensing also the fullness and variety of gifts available, and this can lighten your spirits and show you how to make the most of unrealized possibilities.

{Thursday} /Intelligent Defense Plus Hopeful Sharing\

Cosmic Piper

Friday 11 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Sagittarius, Sagacity; Fortuna in 4, Foundation

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:06p PT | 8:06p ET | 12:06a(Sa) UT

\Melancholy, yet Hopeful Perspective/

There is a need for sacrifice; this can be done most painlessly with a sense of worship, of revering and thanking that which is greater than oneself and has allowed one to have the benefits one already has. There is a trend toward the easy path, just getting by. You may be concerned about a younger person who is having difficulties. Heartfelt prayer can aid both of you.

There is a desire for the ideal in people which is partly erotic. Venus at point focus of a Mars-Neptune opposition shows peculiar love-tangles in your mind  if not in your situation. The ones you are attracted to seem inaccessible, and the ones attracted to you peculiar. Escape through fantasy is one answer, though hardly a complete one. You want to be the ruler, to hold sway over people's inclinations. You participate in their stream of events imaginatively and sentimentally. You could be smug, or self-restrained so you appear normal no matter what you are feeling. 

What is beautiful and what is good can pull you out of a morass of confusion if you give your attention to it. It seems you are busy with so much, and what is the return? More than you realize, though it may seem unmercifully delayed. There is sunshine at the top of the stairs. Your labors seem to go on with no release, the stairway endless, yet you are mobilizing hidden possibilities. Some of the good aspects I have mentioned as coming to rescue us are starting up and you may sense them beneath the surface, giving you better perspective on everything. 

Your aptitudes, and steady mind, are preparing success. Yet at times you may be melancholy, feeling others' sorrows whether you know whose or not. (We are linked on invisible planes.) It is hard to see people making mistakes or suffering when one can do little to change things for them. Patient prayer is good. You may feel a sort of exaltation when you let yourself sense the endless ramifications of good things you could "go for" whenever you are in the mood. There are moments for that, and moments to endure and learn patiently.

{Friday} /Melancholy, yet Hopeful Perspective\

Cosmic Piper

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