Monday, October 21, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 October 2013

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Gemini, Joy; Fortuna in 8, Regeneration

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:36p PT | 8:36p ET | 12:36a(W) UT

The raven scolds the fairy, who tosses iridescent dust at
That malicious fowl; the dreamer of both wonders which
Friend is the fairy, which the villain. It is easier to sleep.
Is she on a ship adrift? The moon wanes. She tries to sing.

}Everybody Lonely?{

Admittedly I am "behind the curve" when it comes to the TV series Breaking Bad which has won so much attention and an Emmy. When reading about it I had decided not to watch because I don't like to sully my mind with too much criminality and violence. The obsession of the public with wallowing in such stuff is a continual puzzle to me. I can only explain it on the basis of reincarnation, that people are slowly evolving out of a low state in which killing and lying and stealing seem natural, and this takes many lifetimes, so during "this" lifetime they slip back into their old habits through violent movies and video games and TV series. 

Me too, maybe, in some ways, but not usually through the more violent stuff. I have already mentioned how I watched the first episode of the series (from years ago) and saw how it perfectly mirrored the aspect Mars opposite Neptune we are going through now. Last night I watched the second episode and it was even more appropriate--two men killed through drug poisoning, one revived, a decision to kill him (Mars) but an uncertainty about how to do it (Neptune) or whether to do it (conscience, not totally absent). I felt not only sullied but in need of salvation after watching it. It was literally a "bloodbath" in some scenes. This is the kind of stuff I do not really need to watch and usually avoid. But it gave me a lesson in several areas. Here is part of what the brilliant astrologer C.E.O. Carter said about Mars opposite or square Neptune in a birth-chart: "[The native] may be brought into contact with the objectionable side of life--indeed, it is certain . . . For example, unscrupulous moneylenders, cheats, share-pushers, persons addicted to sexual irregularities, drug-takers or drug-vendors, coarse-minded and foulmouthed persons, bullies, dishonest bankrupts, courtesans, drunkards and so forth." Well, that is pretty much the cast of Breaking Bad. One of our readers said on her Facebook page that she couldn't watch it and was disturbed that it won an Emmy. Carter goes on to say, perspicuously, "He should avoid such elements most strictly or he may learn that one does not touch pitch without defilement." That is how I felt last night. 

The aspect continues and will be with us technically by ten degrees through November 4. It has more subtle ways of coming out than the above, such as fears of deception or slander or gossip among friends. One wants to trust but wonders if someone is trustworthy. It can be very hard. One wants to trust but feels one wants a commitment from the person to do better. Then, in asking for that, one may feel one is being too hard, and it goes on and on with forgiveness or without forgiveness. If you have resolved such issues successfully, tell us about it.

A partner may be sensitive or moody, making you feel unloved. People seem unduly introspective, retorspective and morbid, as if trying to develop themselves from within themselves rather than in interaction. One scrapes together what assurance one can to feel poised, although seemingly abandoned by one and all. Some will find that what they have been attempting is beyond reason and just will not work. (If it is a noble ideal, then faith is required.)

Mercury turned retrograde early Monday morning. If you have read these reports for more than two or three months you know what to expect. It will turn direct on November 10 (following its usual retrograde course of three weeks) although the Dark Hermetic Epoch, of which it is the center, continues until November 27. Since Mercury has been trine Jupiter since October 6, and continues although separating, it would be well to hold to what you have seen over the past couple of weeks--you have seen things clearly in some areas of your life and should hold to the wisdom you have attained rather than doubting it. You have the strength to refuse to be indifferent to everything, which of course would make everything worse. There is music in the background. You could be reborn through considering the well-being of humanity as well as your own.

Males (or females in masculine mode) may find their long-term or temporary partner (of either sex) to be intimate, gracious, attractive, and perhaps foreign or involved in something requiring travel, perhaps a student, deeply introspective and confused, but trying to be reborn. Females (or males in feminine mode) may find no one new, but a continuation of an old relationship with someone who knows much and sometimes sees into the future. Relations between the sexes (or within one when there is romance) are fateful, with Venus septile Mars. Something which is "there" is trying to recognize and define itself.

Things you want to get done at home or at work require much energy summoned up from within yourself when you doubt that you have it. It will come if you get started. Rest can be mostly after the void-of-course period begins. Your outlook on things might seem unrealistic, yet can be persuasive to some. You might feel incompetent and spill things, drop or forget them. Anyone who seems revengeful or mischievous or wanting to hurt is going through a stage which you do not have to deal with unless you owe him something.

There is no lack of vitality, if you use it (sun sextile Mars), and no absence of mental sharpness or cleverness (Mercury quintile Mars). If you feel disabled or unstable, you can snap out of it. The sense of being abandoned and unloved is deeply human, not just your own. You dream of someone who might be excellent for you--but you doubt it. Perhaps something will develop in that regard (Venus septile Mars) if you let it. Otherwise, aloneness too has value.

{Tuesday} {Everybody Lonely?}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Sun in Scorpio, Creativity; Moon in Gemini, Joy; Fortuna in 8, Regeneration

/moon void-of-course until
Luna enters Cancer at 8:37p PT | 11:37p ET | 3:37a(Th) UT

 }Free Diversion Balanced with Good Sense{

Her hair style is pink and purple, orange and chartreuse;
The Ferris wheel is staid, the roller coaster fun;
The lottery tickets stuck in the cotton candy
Might be winners. Her friend slaps her hard on the ass.

As Cosmic Piper, I have the right to say "I told you so." It's part of my job description. So I say to the U. S. government and the Obama administration, "I told you so, over and over again, for the past 33 years." Because I published my definitive article on the Mercury cycle, which I later described as the Hermetic Epochs (Bright and Dark) in Horoscope Magazine in 1979; it was republished many years later (with no notification to me and no payment). I told everybody including the government (I even wrote a letter about it to NASA) and I have told and re-told everybody for 33 years and I tell and re-tell you in this blog every week or so--the Dark Hermetic Epoch is not a good time to launch some brand new project. Yet the Obama Administration launched their new health care registration process and website on October 1, the exact day of the beginning of the two-month Dark Hermetic Epoch extending to November 27. Here is what I said here on October 10: "I would suggest to anyone who needs to apply before the December 15 deadline that it might not be imprudent to wait a while, perhaps until the week beginning Monday November 11, or even when the Bright Hermetic Epoch begins on November 27. That may be too close to the deadline for comfort but actually might save time and trouble, because I would guess that some of the glitches in the system will be worked out by then and your choices might be clearer or better for you." I am not sure if that deadline is right, somewhere I saw December 7, or it is for different plans; then I saw that it is possible to apply even into 2014 for coverage later that year. I am not an expert on all that, but I am on the Hermetic Epochs. The current universal topic is the glitches with the health care sign-up process, and it was so very predictable that a new system launched at a time like this would be problematic. Your privilege as a reader of these forecasts is to know such things when nobody else does. You are a member of a tiny tiny privileged minority.

Moon void-of-course most of the day during a Dark Epoch suggests: Don't worry more than you have to. Things probably seem adrift. This might be in career areas especially. People wonder if they are in the right job or why they are stuck where they are. Yet there is a sense that fresh beginnings are possible--the keyword "regeneration" for Fortuna in the 8th is not arbitrary. The flotsam and jetsam of life is potentially a boat to take to a new shore. The sun has entered Scorpio; which Marc Edmund Jones denominated "Creativity." I think of that at Halloween when people are creative with costumes. I rarely wear one myself but the idea appeals to me. One has the right to be or appear eccentric.

There can be beauty, poetry and music with the sun trine Neptune. Some will be affectionate and confiding, feeling that any momentary friend will do. Excellence displayed in artistry is appreciated. There is childlike innocence in many. 

Males (or females in masculine mode) will tend to remain with friends already established but will be up for ribald conversation and quickening, exciting and stimulating contact. Females (or males in feminine mode) will be strongly and favorably drawn to someone described in the previous paragraph: soft, sweet, mystical, poetic or musical. They may also be drawn to a spiritual guru-type figure who survived long and helped to build something. 

There could be extravagance or overspending in unguarded moments, or too-risky bets in business. There are tempting diversions and you may jump on some merry-go-round. Anything seems better than the hum-drum. You could get carried away with castigating or punishing someone, or you could be the victim of someone else's sadism. Strife and offense, even to violence, could happen too often among those inclined in such directions. (Often such aspects come out more in what one thinks about or experiences as entertainment than in what one actually experiences, fortunately.)

You have a good business head, if you use it, avoiding the problems of the previous paragraph (Mercury conjoined to Saturn in Scorpio, Mars quintile Mercury). Improving what you already hold is better than trying something risky. A grotesque, disorderly taste for the colorful but disturbing could erupt. It's a desire for diversion and freshness rather than the same old thing. If you balance that with good common sense you will be fine.

{Wednesday} {Free Diversion Balanced with Good Sense}

Cosmic Piper

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