Saturday, October 5, 2013

Forecast: Sunday 6 and Monday 7 October 2013

Sunday 6 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Scorpio, Justice; Fortuna in 1, Identity

Moon in the Via Combusta (possible loss of morale)
|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week continues
/moon void-of-course until it 
enters Scorpio at 1:34a PT | 4:34a ET | 8:34a UT

Charming snakes, she charms also the viewers; her
Eyes and voice possess their hopes. A frantic fiddler
Plays while she mounts her camel for the next venue.
She passes a farmer with sheaves and a sit-down comic.

~Emotional or Noble Possessiveness~

The intensity of the moon in Scorpio with Saturn can probe to the roots of suffering and dig them out, like the Buddha. Or dwell on them and magnify them. It may be tempting to believe that someone is your enemy. Only invisible forces of error are enemies. When humor comes into the picture there could be more spontaneousness. There is a problem with scattering energy and attention. What is most important? Probably your values; and they lead out into something practical.

Health is obviously important. Yet there is a desire for the theatrical, perhaps to reduce the stress of the |difficult third| and the Via Combusta. People can mimic others harshly or gently in order to gain perspective above the suffering. People are brought together or linked even in unpropitious situations where a desire for solid partnership remains unfulfilled. A lofty position can be attained through wiles, a skill in fascinating others. Attractions between the younger and older are likely. 

You are adequate to a long, slow course of action. Yet there is an urge to get away from one place into another, to change the scene constantly. How can you be a benefactor rather than escapist? An answer to that could be solid guidance. Then you would avoid merely being a victim of semi-hypnosis by those with whom you mingle.

Aspirations are noble. You are firm in them, while employing music or singing to keep them high and strong. It is amazing how people can twine others' feelings around themselves, using them as a force of magnetic attraction, and then attaining a position where they have persuasive power. You may sense others doing this, and pick up the skill. It fails sometimes, of course, but you are able to overcome limitations through the endurance which comes of holding to basic purposes. 

{Sunday} ~Emotional or Noble Possessiveness~

Cosmic Piper

Monday 7 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Equivalence; Moon in Scorpio, Justice; Fortuna in 2, Possession

Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 3:37a PT | 6:37a ET | 10:37a UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:55p PT | 12:55a(Tu) ET | 4:55a(Tu) UT

Hopes vanish and the path of ease looks best; sleeping on stones
Is easier than carrying them. A rainbow! Something is right; old
Friends come to mind and a campfire. Which girlfriend was real 
Seems moot. There will be another song to sing, steed to ride.

~The Rainbow Path~

You may be aware of the harshness in people. They want their own way. Still, with Venus entering Sagittarius, there is some good will and a desire to reminisce. People shoot arrows of insight into the past and remember friends long gone. Thus there can be poetry of recalled romance and idealized experience. That helps you through this transition period marked by the difficult Grand Square and T Square. If you escape in your mind, while attending to duties, you will enjoy a sort of freedom in what seems an unfree period.

Some may seem to be playing two lovers against each other. This could be partly unconscious. Or it could be genuine vacillation of feeling or legitimate uncertainty. Perhaps one can serenade more than one inamorata at a time. Some will gladly give up physical or financial security if that procures for them a freedom of spirit and a simple life. You may run into such people; escapists perhaps, but maybe content.

Life is a rainbow! That seems absurd, considering the planetary aspects, but it could be a manifestation of the Dark Hermetic Epoch when dreams seem more real. You can keep your positive visions alive, and then nature and humanity confirm some of them reassuringly. The lazy trend of the day could be overwhelming; you would rather eat and sleep than work. Yet the exact conjunction of Mercury and Saturn impels to concerned and concentrated mental activity which could be brilliantly penetrating.

You are proud of some service you do which gets little notice and yet makes your life significant. This you can carry on while dropping things which do not support it. It is wonderful to be relieved of unnecessary burdens. If freedom from them seems to make you poorer, perhaps you are willing to pay that price. Keeping alive the hope of attaining wishes gives you guidance, plus spiritual power and presence.

{Monday} ~The Rainbow Path~

Cosmic Piper

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