Sunday, March 31, 2013

Forecast: Monday and Tuesday, 1-2 April, 2013

Monday 1 April 2013
Sun in Aries and Moon in Sagittarius
/moon void-of-course until it enters Capricorn
at 10:36p PT | 1:36a(Tu) ET | 5:36a(Tu) UT

The sculptor marvels at his work, wonders where
It will go. A ladder to nowhere oddly beckons.
Two wolves devour a carcase. The seaman lost floats
To a land where someone else's crops flourish.

*The Dance of Lone Wolf*

It would be easy to fulminate about the hard aspects going on. Saturn is the focus of a yo
d (two quincunxes) with Jupiter and Uranus. Jupiter is the focus of a yod with Saturn and Pluto. Together, these suggest deep soul-challenge, a questioning of who one is, what one is doing, where one is going, what one's destiny means. But is that bad? Rather it is good if done in an appropriate way. An inappropriate way could lead to despair and even suicidal thoughts.
There could be loneliness. Is anyone willing to help? Are you left entirely on your own? You might take comfort in the fact that others are feeling the same way, whether they show it or not. Obviously we are not all isolated, since we live in a functioning society, but the feeling of isolation could be pronounced. If you were to go somewhere else, would things be better? Or would the temporary high of a new location soon dissipate so that you find yourself even more abandoned, an outcast?
A few things which might help: 1. You have a mission, and you will be much happier if you do not forget it, but pursue it as best you can no matter how impossible it seems. 2. There are beauty, art, poetry, music, and they are available as always to lift your spirits.

You h
ave been astute in protecting yourself from loss. You can also pursue fulfillment in some craft, skill, art or talent which is natural to you. It is not pretentious if you are putting your soul into it.
Hard work has its own glory. You have high aspirations. Since the moon is void (again, and often these days, as has been discussed), you might feel you are going in circles, or climbing a ladder to nowhere. A fixed purpose would help. What you have gained is real, and you can gain more. Even a tiny gain is enough.

Rather than fighting with anyone, you can develop creative assurance in your own achievement and future achievement. Mars is at home in Aries and Sol exalted there. The light of the sun is within you making you great.

Revelation comes from surprising sources, from casual observation, from desire whether fulfilled or checked. What you crave or are attracted to, perhaps erotically, is revelatory of something in yourself and your destiny which can have a good direction if you are both self-critical and self-pampering. Yes, this could be dangerous, but you need to trust yourself to some degree.

There is even a way to appreciate loneliness. The "lone wolf" is a fixture in literature. His satisfactions can be real, even if indirect or subtle. Venus is with Mars in Aries, a lonely sign, but two could be lonely together. Life goes on, and is a dance of fulfillment if we take it as such.

{Monday} *The Dance of Lone Wolf*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 2 April 2013
Sun in Aries and Moon in Capricorn
Moon on course

The broken bridge spells treachery. He struggles to shore.
Two critical spinsters look on ; one offers lunch; the other,
Indifferent, gossips. He gathers up his parchment,
Dries it and its seal, and voyages on his merchant ship.

\Rising Shrewdly Beyond Opposition/

Something like a return of sanity may be happening. The long Dark Hermetic Epoch (always around two months) ends on Friday, but something like a return of light and clarity may be happening for us already. It is accompanied by practicality as if one's feet were on the ground once more rather than in the basket of a balloon drifting in the sky.

"On the ground" means, for one thing, that you will be wise to avoid anything speculative or questionable. The moon is on course all day so you could pursue a project you have been wanting to get on with. But when it comes to cooperation from others, you might be wisely cautious. People have their internal issues which might make them less than reliable.

Evaluating people is better than arguing with them. That means estimating what value they have for you or your plans, rather than trying to force all in your direction. While one person might feel your insistence as repellent, another might respond well in time.

If taken unawares by less-than-pleasant communication from a friend, you can sense his or her place in the over-all context of your life and be content with "what is" for the moment.

Some transactions or business deals could be highly successful. The moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn on one side and  Mercury on the other suggests you know the score when it comes to commerce, a trade, sale or purchase.

Yet you could feel isolated or outcast, at times, as if what you were trying to do had no point and was doomed to yield nothing but wasted time. At such a moment, you could look to your authority, your position, what you have earned as the keeper of the flame in some organization or for someone to whom you are loyal. This would set your feet back on the ground of persistence.
You might encounter some who "take up arms" too readily when there is no reason for it. Retreating from them could be the smartest course. You don't need pointless battles. You know what you are capable of, what your talents are, and can pursue further achievements without heeding the clamor of those who oppose.

Some have an insatiable appetite once they have tasted success or have the means to satisfy desires. And when feeling invulnerable they might become secretly dishonest (always giving a perfect excuse to themselves). You do not need to get caught up in their schemes. You have regular activities and labors which fulfill you even if they seem repetitive and dull to others or yourself. Gandhi had his spinning wheel, while leading a nation.

You might have a good link with some who are in power positions. Whatever treachery they or you may suffer might be chalked up to normal human weakness. You can divorce yourself from those who are not on your side. Privately, within yourself, you know what is best and can adhere to it with excellent results.

{Tuesday} /Rising Shrewdly Beyond Opposition\

Cosmic Piper

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