Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Forecast: Wednesday and Thursday, 6-7 March, 2013

Wednesday 6 March 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Capricorn
Moon on course

A red flag flies above a broken bridge.
The traveler takes a detour. A ruffian assails.
The wallet seems half-empty till the moonlight
Shows a hidden pocket. The stars encourage.

\Trusting the Slow Upward Course/

A tentative approach to life is valid during a Dark Hermetic Epoch and especially during the center of that which is known as the Mercury Retrograde phase, this time from February 23 to March 17. You care about your position in the world, your standing as others see it, today especially, but can only do so much about that. It is good to bide your time, and be content with current possibilities, finessing them in subtle ways.

So much in our lives is cyclic. Even with the most complete approach to astrology or other methods of timing cycles, it would appear no one can completely grasp the interaction of all the cycles, nor is that really necessary. A deeper intuition can sense correct timing, even in those who care nothing for astrology or temporal patterning. You may have solid, measurable reasons for believing that "your time is coming." It is important to remember that when you feel cheated, or someone takes advantage of you or you lose something.

Prudence is good: in essence, being patient and safe. You may enjoy some kind of abundance, some toys, playthings or amusements, to solace you when things seem dark or discouraging.

Those who puzzle out social-economic problems sometimes come up with would-be solutions which are of more value than generally realized. The problem is implementing them when only governmental action could do so; and governments are notoriously slow to implement anything new. I pity the economists or social theorists who in fact have useful answers to the world's problems but cannot get anyone to believe them, or not anyone in power. You yourself have a gift now for seeing through complexities, solving labyrinthine enigmas.

It is wise to moderate your ambitions. You would be perceived as selfish if you tried too hard to get your own way, and your support would vanish. It is better to take the common route sometimes, to side with the common people, the masses. If you take a humble approach, people will respond nicely. You will be more influential and may receive favors.

Illumination can come to you in more than one way. When you trust some wonderful, solid guide, you feel prepared to take on the world; though, as already indicated, this should be slowly and cautiously. The perception of what can be done precedes the doing of it. Still, the moon is on course all day, forming fine aspects into the evening, and you could make solid progress in that cautious manner.

Self-reliance and dignity are keynotes. If you adhere to them, you will find that your qualifications are leading you toward the goals you have set yourself. You adhere to those qualifications and your belief in them by testing them and proving them.
If it seems some of your plans have been cut off in mid-process, trust that you can recover eventually. If you find yourself vacillating because of indecision, you can calm down, slow down, and finesse things, choosing what is easily doable rather than getting upset about the currently un-doable. You have seen what is possible, and have the resources and abilities to do it.

{Wednesday}  /Trusting the Slow Upward Course\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 7 March 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins
at 12:43p PT | 3:43p ET | 8:43p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:15p PT | 4:15p ET | 9:15p UT
until Luna enters Aquarius at 7:03p PT | 10:03p ET | 3:03a(F) UT

By the deep dark pool Mona contemplates her past
As a hero. From the sky's labyrinthine rays
Drops an Ariadne's thread to guide her riding
Of the horse past the fence at harvest moon.


\Irrefrangible Loyalty/

So much looks good today! This despite the |karmically difficult third| of the week beginning. That is an undercurrent but need not be horribly depressing. At some level and in some way, a benediction is being showered upon you. You experience joy doubled when you share that with anyone important to you.

Any misery you experience has to do with deep conflicts between your ideals and your present level of attaining them. You could be kindly to yourself, and guide yourself as if a herdsman, with his hand on the back of one of his herd, namely, your "lower self" of the body, its desires and needs. You may also do this for a friend.

You have your places of defense, as it were, whether at home or a public place you feel as home, such as a restaurant. While there you sense what the Invisible is telling you through signs and signatures.The universe is not stingy with its guidance. You might share it enthusiastically with anyone open to it.

Do you have a spirit companion? It is quite possible. It is an area of investigation which is taboo, so generally it is not wise to mention it to anyone. The invisible entities attracted to us are reflections of our own nature. If you have one who helps you use your mind adroitly to guide you through life's labyrinths (better than GPS), you are blessed.

It is possible to get carried away by some passionate need to justify yourself, and end up falling or being shoved so that you suffer ill results. Pride is natural in everyone, and not to be squelched. Defending one's pride is normal but the way of doing it can be subtle rather than dangerous.

Deep contemplation is possible. Someone may think you are gloomy, while really you are enjoying something deeper than superficial smiles, something profoundly peaceful because visionary and authoritative while simple and natural.

Headstrong, quick-tempered individuals make enemies as well as friends, but are avid about the causes they espouse. Therefore they are prepared for duels with anyone who opposes their values. You may be one of them, or encounter one today.

Wide knowledge and accompanying poise grant power. You have some of that, and your allies have it. Some of it comes from the epic past, as relived by those infused with it. Reincarnation endows us with already achieved heroism.

Productivity around you flows through you as a benediction. There are consummations on every hand. You want to cherish and protect someone who means more to you than you could possibly say. In doing so, the sweetness and harmony in the relationship multiply to a point of mutual transcendence summing to irrefrangible loyalty.

{Thursday} /Irrefrangible Loyalty\

Cosmic Piper

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