Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday and Wednesday, 12-13 March, 2013

Tuesday 12 March 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Aries
beginning at 4:18a PT | 5:18a ET | 9:18a UT
Moon on course

Two fence before the woodland into which both
victor and defeated prance to chase bird, beastand flower. The buds are opening before their eyes.
At ocean's front a mermaid dances with a porpoise.

*Buds Alive*

["Moon on course" is my way of saying that the moon is not void-of-course. I am indicating it because for the past few months we have had a huge and unusual number of void-of-course times. That is because the five outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto, are all in the early degrees of the signs they occupy, so that the moon has fewer "targets" to keep it "on course" when it is toward the end of a sign. You may have gotten the feeling that the moon is void-of-course half the time or more. Some weeks, that has been true. It is an unusual situation, however, and will change over coming months. If you believe that these distinctions are hopelessly subtle and don't mean anything, I believe that if you keep watching them you will sense what the void-of-course times mean for you. Al Morrison put it bluntly when he said, "Go out of business when the moon is void. Go back into business when it enters the next sign." Well, yes, in a general sense, but of course ordinary, routine business has to go on during void-of-course times; it is only unusual, new, risky possibilities which ought to be held back or postponed. The moon is on course today; we're in business.]

Tuesday being the first day of a New Moon with the moon in the first sign, Aries, suggests you could be sensing what the new astrological year may bring (beginning March 20). Since Mercury is retrograde you may be lacking details, but you sense Springing potentials. There is something incisive and definite afoot while the moon conjoins Uranus in Aries, as if you wanted to impose your will on the world. To do this you realize that emotions and purposes need to function together. If you meet opposition, a militant (not contentious or wounding) attitude can overcome it.

The spiritual resurrects hopes when the material suggests failure. It may be too early to know exactly what your next major steps will be, but you can trust instincts and roam around mentally or physically, exploring your chances in a basically friendly world which might even embrace you.

People defend themselves naturally when with strangers, putting a thicket of suspicion around them, yet are ready to let that go when someone is proficient enough to shift focus quickly, to adjust to their perceptions or wishes while  expressing himself or herself fearlessly.

There could be danger of going too hard, too fast, trying too egregiously to get your way or be first. Yet you do have to put yourself first when it comes to individual, original activities and hopes. Mars in the first degree of Aries suggests you know who you are and what you are about.

You speculate and aim high, but are also wanting to avoid dangers through caution and diplomacy. It is possible to carry out both sides of this agenda.

Impulsiveness could make for a crisis. If you were too avid, headstrong in asserting yourself, you could fall to your hurt. But you could recover through bravery.

There may be healing through a compassionate woman. Teaching is going on, whether you are teacher, student, or both. It encourages you to prepare for and earn privileges.

Keen intellect should not be allowed to cast away harmony between yourself and others. You can embrace illimitable liquid experiences which bud with the multitudinous surging vitalities of Spring.

{Tuesday} *Buds Alive*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 13 March 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:03p PT | 4:03a ET | 8:03a UT
(until it enters Taurus Thursday)
at 12:09p PT | 3:09p ET | 7:09p UT)

Lying broken on the ground, he prays. A woman with a
jar of ointment heals his pain. Gazing through the fog
he sees in sunshine a girl scantily clad passing by.
He rises and they amble toward the comedians' cabaret.


Indecision and chaos may pursue you since the moon is void-of-course all day. (See the discussion of this at the beginning of the preceding forecast.) Defining purposes would help avoid wandering too far off course. Diversions seem compelling. A sense of humor could be developed: freedom from inhibition.

When there is worldly frustration, there can be transcendental gain. Prayer is invaluable in maintaining one's link with the Oversoul and, beyond that, the Highest whom no one can define or limit.

To be provident one needs to be reserved. Yet one also wants to be hospitable, perhaps even toward birds and animals as well as humans (whom we are inclined to judge unworthy of charity too often).

In concentration and study, one's capabilities often exceed one's ability to profit by them. One sits pondering things, knowing things, but what is the gain? Yet there could be magic in your studies and tentative conclusions, no matter how disorderly they seem.

Softness and pleasure (once regarded as feminine although women have always proved their ability to work maybe harder than men) are a temptation and enticement. When there is plenty, or just enough, one coasts on one's oars into sensuality. Also today there is a spirit of adventure, inquisitiveness. So one could be adventuring fearlessly into others' weaknesses for luxury and sense-indulgence, enjoying the vices of the human race, as it were, whether directly or at a distance.

If there were too great a disregard of consequences, this could result in a crisis. People "fall into sin" (to use old  language) before they realize it. An abnormal taste for "the good things" of the senses, though hearty and colorful, could be hazardous.

Someone sympathetic and benevolent could be a familiar and wonderful companion, perhaps for an evening meal or period of enjoyment. This is comforting and therapeutic.

A multitude of projects, diversions, and interests could be compelling, and then you wonder what is going on. Are you lost? Or enjoying your divine right to experiment with life, explore, and have a good time? This could be a period of release. You might appreciate a comedian, or be one. Role-playing can be a mirror for expanded consciousness.

{Wednesday} *Release*

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. "There could be danger of going too hard, too fast, trying too egregiously to get your way or be first. Yet you do have to put yourself first when it comes to individual, original activities and hopes."

    Piper! You got it! Perfect (posted at close of business - Tuesday)
