Saturday, March 23, 2013

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, 24-25 March, 2013

Sunday 24 March 2013
Sun in Aries and Moon in Leo-Virgo
/moon void-of-course until it enters Virgo
at 8:50a PT | 11:50a ET | 3:50p UT

The fairies and elves of the dream guide to a group
Around a cauldron. Two lovers partake of the cautious
Meal and wander away. A man in a costume
Tells of heroic exploits. The wood's undergrowth blooms.

\Past Obsccurity Toward Dreamful Reassurance/


There could be a thrust into the countryside, as if this brought you closer to yourself. This would be true specially for those who grew up in a rural setting but are now in a city; but might apply to anyone. When things are confusing, the natural world restores perspective. If in a more intellectual mood, you might sense symbols everywhere pointing to hidden meanings.

A person in business, or a worker, who comes to your attention, may be cantankerous because feeling that something is missing in his uneventful life. True, there have been no major problems; but his future is obscured.

Being timorous about possibilities which come to you is natural because you don't want to spend overmuch. What is the real value of this; is it worth the time and risk? you ask yourself. An other-worldly, fantasy-imbued outlook could be good. It gives you perspective and hope, so that you are willing to dream and wait--not always a futile procedure. You might mention to anyone doubtful and dissatisfied that it will be easier to see his or her way beginning April 6th and weeks following.

Clear and broad insight is a bulwark for honesty, for it shows the overall framework in which life goes on, which develops detachment and freedom from greedy impatience. You may note that some who feel unhappy about their appearance or the impression they make tend toward deceptiveness in the way they do things, as if compensating.

Is it you, or someone else, who is displaying amazing courage in overcoming obstacles, climbing upward amid discouraging events and overcoming challenges? This might be going on more subjectively than objectively, that is, within yourself and your determinations, not entirely visible to the world. Anyone else who has done this could be an inspiration to you, like a soldier who dies not fail in his duties and whose effectiveness is reassuring.

Identifying a realistic path for yourself might include choosing a way of educating yourself further. This would be better than getting into scuffles and making enemies of those who defy you. You have been "decorated" or honored in the past for something you have done, and this keeps you pressing on past doubts.

It's fun to join people who want to have a good time, and eat too much. That's your choice, after all; some naive, unspoiled enjoyment could be utterly refreshing. People need to bask in being with one another. Venus moving closer to the sun, Uranus and Mars does not deny romantic potentials.

{Sunday} /Past Obscurity Toward Dreamful Reassurance\

Cosmic Piper

Monday 25 March 2013
Sun in Aries and Moon in Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:46a PT | 8:46a ET | 12:46p UT

Riding above the valley where the workers toil, he
Knows the score; could take control; be President.
But who will trust? The children. They gather round him
Happily. He climbs to where his might could guard them.

\Patient Climbing Rather than Leaping/

Perilous adventures are not perhaps what most of us would choose as a life-path. We might choose them for a movie to watch or book to read. When it comes to experiencing the perilous adventures we like to read about, well . . . might we not decide to postpone that? Indefinitely? Perhaps there is some you cannot postpone today, with four planets in Aries including Mars close with Uranus. Final success seems to be predicted, in whatever tasks you undertake, but not until you have been tested, as if you had to force your will on things. With power comes responsibility; so you could idealize yourself and your role in order to live up to that standard.

As if that were not enough, you have strong desires which could spell trouble. In someone of a base nature this could be a desire to ravish or rape. With it goes a semi-intellectual trend, but with something lacking in the human element, that is, you might be treating friends condescendingly, or underestimate them. (If this paragraph applies to someone else near you, of course you need to be careful, although I never want to inculcate paranoia. That would be a wrong use of astrological signals.)

You could be watchful and apprehensive in an intelligent way, that is, alert not just to dangers but to opportunities, with acumen to read the course of events before they happen.

There are those who think they are the best and brightest, and everyone else is a nitwit. You may be aware of some such individual, and you might note a tendency in yourself to think that way. Together with it is a rather selfish and calculating propensity. Of course, you have to look out for yourself.

If in a position where you rule, boss, or administer, things can go well if you heed the previous warnings. There is the possibility of stirring up resentment when you oversee and administer, even if you are sincere in doing the best you can. You may have superior insight into what is needed, but not all will agree. However, some will agree wholeheartedly, and these are your favorites. Some might be younger, even children. It is wonderful to do the best one can for younger people who are trusting one's guardianship. Their appreciation is one of life's greatest boons.

Is a seeming cause of disagreement or battle a real cause, or imaginary? Is it something which could be ignored advantageously, if you put your mind realistically on what needs doing? Thinking of those who are much less fortunate than yourself could help. There are those who feel that they are lost, hopeless, or dying. One in such a condition has little impetus to fight with anyone. Balancing such detachment with legitimate anger you feel about anything could be therapeutic.

Leaving one's place of birth or current home can be a temptation when things seem meaningless. The zeal of one's hopes can be infused into a desire for new places in which to realize them. I cannot encourage such a tendency at the present time. Not only are we in the Dark Hermetic Epoch (until the Bright on April 6 and two months following) but Mercury squares Jupiter, the two planets of travel. A lot of aimless wandering may be going on. What is happening every day in your present world is your current basis.

Force of character conquering difficulties is the key. The part you play among other human beings is paramount, and you believe in it or you wouldn't be doing it. Maybe we all fall short of our ideals, but they are inherent and active, inspiring ultimate success.

{Monday} /Patient Climbing Rather than Leaping\

Cosmic Piper


  1. Thank you Hugh for your on target readings that are always so valuable in my life. [LLM in Austin]

  2. Wow! Just finished transcribing MEJ's Little Red Ridinghood from Man, Magic and Fantasy. Dreamt of a red cape with crests on it last night and a wolf archetype--that should explain the choice of transcription for today. But, wow! Your lead in to today pretty much makes it a wrap! Many thanks!
