Monday, March 25, 2013

Forecast: uesday and Wednesday, 26-27 March, 2013

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Sun in Aries and Moon in Virgo-Libra
/moon void-of-course in Virgo until it enters Libra
at 2:33p PT | 5:33p ET | 9:33p UT

The fox has been hurt, is lame and cautious; hiding
To gain his supper. The servant girl taunts; he wanders away
Into labyrinthine strategy. The monk in the cloister plays
His violin. The geese in flight circle, are free: and return freely.

}Full Liberating Moon{

Fretting yourself free from one situation in order to get into another is one likelihood. It's a matter of feeling something is finished and that something is ready to ta
ke its place. But you will use caution because you want to avoid premature action. Opportunities have to be paid for in one way or another. As the Full Moon approaches (exact tomorrow morning), there is insouciance, a desire to be free and explore freely. Well and good; but remember we are still in the Dark Hermetic Epoch (until April 6) and radical change is unlikely to be wise. But slow groping toward change could be wise.

In the psychic or spiritual realm, much is possible. You see more than you can immediately realize. Whatever your brilliant gifts, they could be displayed or shared. Refined tastes become evident with the moon in Libra, and exalted, harmonizing intuitions.
Hanging out close to home might be wise whenever you are in doubt, although a journey in connection with business might be necessary. Or this could be just some far-flung contact. You are careful about money and this prevents loss. Still you feel you are on the threshold of something which transcends money or any economic concern, even a new kind of history for the human race. Whatever your personal views, for me the "spiritual" has to include the kind of Relationship with the Divine announced and expounded by Martin Buber in his amazing manifesto I and Thou. It is is new and fresh now as when it was published almost a century ago.
Choosing a path which you know will earn you less, and gain you less economic or social security, is not easy; yet many have done so when they felt they had a unique vision to follow. This looks eccentric or labyrinthine to outside observers, but you might be carefully studying and evaluating everything involved, whether they understand or not.
Prudence and diplomacy, even cunning, are present when you need to draw upon them, and that is well, because the four planets in Aries make us all impatient. Searching for secrets intellectually is fascinating and absorbing. Whether it has a helpful effect socially is a question; you might find you need to hold back some things rather than blurt them out, and so you are cautious.

Yet the impulse to assert yourself and question things is strong, even if it provokes opposition. It can lead to personal growth in both the questioner and the questioned, the challenger and the challenged. Plus, you just want to be free to do what you like, follow your own groove.

me developments, or absences of development, may be dissatisfying. So much seems to have been snatched from your hands before you could develop it into what you wanted. Yet you have proficiency, and can be content with what you can do, which is more than one thing. You can try your hand at something other than what has failed and succeed with it, then perhaps with the first also. The alternation itself is a help.

A desire for freedom is one factor.
Presence of mind and caution, to prevent disaster, is another. Combined, they guide past dangers and give that inward liberty to explore which makes life far more than drudgery.

{Tuesday} {Full Liberating Moon}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 27 March 2013
Sun in Aries and Moon in Libra
Moon goes void-of-course at 11:16a PT | 2:16p ET | 6:16p UT

Snow covers the camp. Artillery is hidden but ready. A
Bombing warning is issued; death closer than ever.
Bombs explode; the sky lighted by an eerie glow. Force
Combats reason. Damage is small. Smoke clears away.
}Reducing or Eliminating Violence{

The squares of Mars and Uranus, together in Aries, with Pluto in Capricorn are highlighted by the moon's contacts. This is a warning against impetuous behavior which could be a statement of one's firm disagreement with someone or some policy, but could be at least futile if not harmful. Few or none reading these reports would be inclined to real violence, but surging anger is possible. The question is the best channel for it, to make it something better than mere quarreling, or quarreling in one's mind.

Military affairs could be disastrous, somewhere or anywhere in the world. I am not sure what good that prediction will do, since I do not know of generals or diplomats who read these reports, but if they did, I would say, use utmost defensive caution. Unfortunately, deaths are a part of the military approach to life, but reducing the number of them is at least possible, as one of the best things military strategists can do.

When one opportunity or refuge is gone, one must find another. There is an art of doing this effectively, rather than getting lost in worry. The latter is useful only as an approach to wise decision, and more effective when combined with faith, hope, and prayer. When it appears that there is "no way out," there is a way.

It may be revealed slowly, as mists of confusion clear away. It might be involved with something mechanical, a machine or contrivance used to correct a situation. Let us hope this is both effective and ethical.

Disturbing the peace of others is usually a complete mistake. If there is a reason for it, it had better be a good one. There are indications that some may use force, whether through weapons or the threat of them. If you happen to have a way of prayer or white magic to ameliorate violence, I hope you will put it into effect.

Someone asserting herself or himself saucily might have a remedy for some of these problems, if that is an approach which would reduce the threat of fighting. Even a "blackout" or a withdrawal into inertia, temporarily and strategically, might be better than a confrontation if that could become violent.

Unforeseen misfortunes are hard. It is important to be resilient. One can be alert to the trend of events, when there is excitement, and go with the trend which is safest.

There are those who, sometimes or congenitally, would rather have war than peace, who relish conflict and battle, whether literal or legal. Let us hope they do not get the upper hand. Being calm yet alert and resilient, to mitigate their impact, could save the day.

{Wednesday} {Reducing or Eliminating Violence}

Cosmic Piper

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