Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Forecast: Wednesday and Thursday, 20-21 March, 2013

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Sun in Aries and Moon in Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:03a PT | 2:03p ET | 6:03p UT
Sun enters Aries (Vernal Equinox) at 4:03a PT | 7:03a ET | 11:03a UT

The raft on which he drifts lights haply on some land whereon
He finds a club. He counts the hours. He chases what he
Pleases, looking up and looking down. A camp of settlers
Welcomes him to food  with wariness. It is enough. 

~Focus Lost and Recovered Repeatedly~
[I wouldn't want the moon being void-of-course much of today and all of tomorrow to ruin a possibly good period. There is a technicality involved: Is the moon void according to its actual aspecting of planets while within its current sign, or according to a "potential" aspect forming with a planet at the very end of a sign? Venus at 29 Pisces is the planet in question. She moves into Aries just before the moon forms its trine with her, and so technically Luna forms no aspect after the time given above while it remains in Cancer. Yet, before Venus enters Aries at 8:16p PT | 11:26p ET tomorrow, Thursday, Luna forms a "potential" trine with her from the end of Cancer to the end of Pisces. In a horary chart, this would be taken as "not void of course." This sort of thing does not happen very often. I would say, test the waters for yourself. If things seem to be going swimmingly, proceed without worry. If it feels like "void of course," probably it is, and you could use the cautions you usually use for yourself at such times.]

Scattered interest is possible, and too much worry, adding up to possible isolation or a misanthropic attitude toward everyone, which would be self-defeating. You can be proficient at your own work without necessarily "sucking up" to people or trying to please them overmuch.

When worldly matters seem lost or obscured, spiritual awareness is not so diminished, and can be given more attention accordingly. You might want to be at home as much as feasible, or in a place where you feel secure, protected, unmolested.

Partly because of frustration and insecurity, appetites could be intense, so overeating should be guarded against. "Comfort food" may be fine, but too much produces instead discomfort.

Conservative individuals love to be left to their own protected, secluded interests, to pursue what pleases them without interference from government or anyone else. They sense shrewdly how to do this, being perhaps a little deceptive yet successful when left alone.

Force of character which is aggressive and passionate may secure outlet in more than one venue--at home, at headquarters, and possibly other places, even internationally. Yet there might be a cunning, deceptive, charlatan-like component in some who are strong outwardly. There is a weak spitefulness within them like a soft core. They pretend to be other than they are and fool many.

A lazy, gladly incompetent tendency might coincide with the questionable void-of-course period. Identifying one's right path analytically, and sticking with it realistically, could help. What are the schedules you have decided on? It might be good to adhere to as many as possible.

Enjoying yourself is of course acceptable, within or around the schedule, or when you feel you have done well. This could be convivial and festive, within family or a substitute family. While doing that, you may also keep on sensing the "colors of time," gaining prismatic insights which pull your world together in your mind so that both enjoyment and work fit together.

Versatility is good, to prevent boredom. Yet too much scattering of the seeds of attention could isolate you from the reality of what the human race is doing. Continually linking higher awareness with practical action is a key.

{Wednesday} ~Focus Lost and Recovered Repeatedly~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 21 March 2013

Sun in Aries and Moon in Cancer
/moon void-of-course until it enters Leo
at 11:51p PT | 2:51a(Th) ET | 6:51a(Th) UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
begins at 3:26p PT | 6:26p ET | 10:26p UT
and continues until very early Sunday morning

The bulls cannot be pacified; insist that each is right; 

And fight. The streamers on the tent display the vigor
of the wind
as the storm intensifies. The sleeping man
Awakes, maps out his strategy: becomes invulnerable.


A lot depends on developing one's intelligence, which I believe can be done, at least within particular domains. Learning to do anything well develops a skill, which is a form of intelligence. The basketball player or embroiderer may not score as high on a traditional paper-and-ink IQ test as a mathematician, but the latter's non-skill at basketball or embroidery mark him a dunce in those fields. Your excitement about anything which interests you shows you can master it.

The diremption between the practical and the spiritual continues, in an interesting way, with Mercury conjoined to Neptune and squaring Jupiter. Those who believe that "the spiritual world" is delusion and escapism are wrong. True, it can be an escape, but a valid one, in fact, the only valid escape from dullness if it is really spiritual, which implies that it is ethical and improves the tone of living.

Worrying about too much is a mistake. Not worrying about important things could be a mistake. When things get intensified, as in a tempest, there can be perverse pleasure in the turmoil. Or, the interruption of aplomb can be a chance for divine self-discovery plus expansion of self-power.

Crawling back into bed and covering oneself could be a nice evasion of difficulties. We all do it once a day, after all. Being invisible or powerless in an outward sense could be a shield for inner shrewdness developing advantages no one else knows about.

You may feel independent and self-reliant. You see into possibilities. And the docile side of you will respond willingly to the masterful direction of your executive side. Someone else also might also respond and assist you beautifully as the day proceeds.

A realistic attitude to disagreements will help you rise beyond them. You cannot fight everyone who dsagrees. Choosing your battles is necessary, or avoiding them entirely. Someone else might be all angry about something, trying to get his or her own way, and you need to deal with that as pacifically as possible. Then you might turn this person into a powerful ally.

You might notice some eating and enjoying themselves, as if there were no end to a feast. Inwardly they are imagining something they want to be and perhaps subconsciously think the food will turn them into that. This would be a sacrament.

The strong and inflexible people with whom you have to do could be a trial. They are excited about something which seems supremely important to them. You yourself may become thrilled with potentials you glimpse, and then be influential, even dictatorial. Everybody gets to rule a little, within a particular domain and to a particular limit.

{Thursday} ~Intensified Will Power~

Cosmic Piper

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