Saturday, March 9, 2013

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, 10-11 March, 2013

Sunday 10 March 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Pisces
Moon on course
New Moon arrives Monday 11 at 11:52a PT | 2:52p ET | 7:52p UT

The victims paddle pieces of the broken bridge
Toward the shore. A dazzling purple sunset shows
Relief grappling with hot lust: sharp peril. A mantram
Surges from the heart. The saved ones celebrate their lives.

~Humility Plus Calm Hope~
Self-obsession may not be good, but we all want to shape ourselves to something worthy, and can use images, symbols, faces, glories of human beings we admire as the images we aspire to emulate and shape ourselves into. That will help us avoid the collapse of  hopes and ideals when things seem bewildering, as they may during this Dark Hermetic Epoch until April 6. (Mercury turning direct a week from today will help.)

I dislike warnings, but they come with this job. Some, I hope not you, will succumb to strong passions which might be considered "evil" or at least dangerous mistakes. Those who succumb (to sexual urges, or perhaps angry ones) will bring upon themselves gloom and doom at least temporarily, perhaps for a long time.

You are likely to retreat to a secure place for protection from too much stimulation, and for peace of mind. If dedicated to spiritual illumination, you will get some of it.

You want what you want when you want it, and that is now. Yet you are aware of complexities, and so should summon patience to figure them out, which you can do brilliantly if you take the time. Taking time is wise, when so many things are imponderable (this is often true at the end of a lunar cycle; the New Moon does not come until Monday afternoon, but then it will be void-of-course).

The impulse toward liberty is reckless of peril. So you could take risks unwisely. In the middle of the night you may awaken in fear, realizing that something you want to do is either wrong or futile. "When in doubt leave it out" is always wise counsel during a Dark Epoch. Staying with those who have been reliable in business in the past is wise.

Energy and desire together with sharp wits may be thrilling. This is all right if you moderate them with cultivation of specific tools and skills you need in order to add continuity to your hopeful intentions.

Both getting and giving attention make for a celebration of life in everyone. Everyone has inherent dignity, which you will recognize when you ponder their gestures, apparel, and words.

By discerning the good in all and yourself, you shape yourself toward the good. Such discernment does not have to be articulate in order to have a positive impact, if it is sincere and persistent. 

The problems of some you know may be connected with a sense of ruin in them, their feeling that they have failed and that some or all of their life has collapsed. Of course this is not really true, but they have realized some of what is missing in their lives. Humble companionship could help them realize that their lot is not so different from the lot of the rest of us.

{Sunday} ~Humility Plus Calm Hope~

Cosmic Piper

Monday 11 March 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Pisces/moon goes void-of-course at 11:52a PT | 2:52p ET | 7:52p UT
New Moon of Pisces occurs at that moment

In the circus the lady with golden hair raises a staff
And all eyes turn to her. The ticket clerk counts the take.
Beneath the grandstand
a wily girl seduces a naive boy.
A horse kicks over a partition. Sweet scandal delights.

~Shaped Toward Glory~

We have the seeming paradox that the moon can go void-of-course exactly at a New Moon, if its conjunction with the sun happens to be the last aspect it forms within the sign it occupies. Probably crucial business or decisions should be done before that time. Tomorrow the New Moon cycle will pick up steam with the moon in Aries.

There is much reserve force of a hidden, subconscious or spiritual character, with six planets in Pisces while Mercury (one of the six) is retrograde. It is better to keep a lot of this exactly like that, reserved, rather than jump out suddenly with some brilliant idea or scheme which is half-cocked and could end in disaster rather quickly. What you need is not far away from you. Ordinary business is best. Your ideals, strong within you, support it and make it more alive.

Business is not impossible while Mercury is retrograde, but needs to be braked frequently for reconsideration or for backtracking. There are some indications of financial success which you could use in a selfless way to bring about better things for the human race. You can function somewhat independently without announcing to the world what you are doing. You are cultivating your gifts and capacities within yourself and your chosen domain.

Your will is strong. At the same time you realize there are complexities you need to comprehend in order for your will to succeed in its intent. That kind of understanding should precede any strong outburst of activity, or people will think you are mad or need to be restrained.

There are possibilities of extreme self-indulgence which plays into the hands of someone who wants to use you. This could be as a sexual toy, or for pleasures which take you far from what you ought to be doing. Although Venus is exalted in Pisces, looking for the best in everyone, Pisces can be a sensual sign on days like this.

Italian males since the days of Machiavelli and before have the reputation of being suave yet avid politicians while they savor the good life of wine, women and song. Someone of this character may be in your world or consciousness. He may alert you to arrows of capacity you have in your own quiver.

You feel you have a position of importance. You are conscientious and appreciate your own conscientiousness, as do some others. Since this is a form of status which gives prerogatives, it inspires you to have a little fun directing things, managing life as if a circus or carnival. That sounds fun, unless it gets out of hand.

So we come back to a recommendation of caution, while still enjoying life. Laws and rules may seem to imprison but actually are safeguards preventing you from ruining what could be a happy time. You have an image of what you want to be, based on inspiring, beautiful or heroic examples of people whose glorious faces come before your vision. It will guide you.

{Monday} ~Shaped Toward Glory~

Cosmic Piper

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