Saturday, March 2, 2013

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, 2-3 March, 2013

Saturday 2 March 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Scorpio
Moon not void-of-course
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week lasts
until Sunday at 10:23a PT | 1:23p ET | 6:23p UT

The fire from an explosion burns away
Exploding quarrels. A fallen cross points
To a niche for Scripture. Jealous spirits
Tempt toward spite, but love protects the beloved.

~Deepest Loyalty~

The invisible is near. You could reach toward, or feel neighbored by, invisible realities, people, spirits. At the same time you will not want to succumb to trivial interpretations of all this, but go higher toward spiritual illumination.

However, while Mercury is retrograde, the moon with Saturn in Scorpio, and harsh aspects to Jupiter, there could be quarrels or disagreements which barely escape erupting into open arguments. People are likely to judge one another harshly. Even if you are right, in a question of fairness, it is well not to be severe.

Prudence is good, as self-protection, and you may want to spend much of the day alone or at home, even though there is a wandering syndrome. The latter could be fulfilled in a nature walk. What is left of Autumn and Winter, such as decayed leaves? What is already here of Spring? Your personal fulfillment perhaps seems delayed, yet as inevitable as the recurring leaves and flora.

I don't predict disasters, but it might be well to be careful with anything which could cause fire in the home or yard. At another level, the indication could be explosive matters in your subconscious which spray out sparks and flames when you feel alarmed or angry. Settling accounts, paying bills, can be a therapy, reducing any tendency toward self-guilt and resulting upset.

A lovely indication is that you feel an intense intimacy with someone whom you guard, protect, cherish. This might be a lover but more likely, perhaps, a child-parent tie (with parent or offspring). Yet there could be poisonous jealousy within some portion of the relationship. That does not negate it; far from it, for it is something superb and even immortal. Yet it makes it more human and perhaps possessive or manipulative to a degree. Since you have been forewarned, you could lift this to a higher level.

Some mischievous streak could appear in connection with work which you do but feel is unappreciated. You would like to mock someone who does not respect you or treat your contribution to the world fairly. The karma of this is working out as you hold on to greater potentials rather than lesser.

Being rash or warlike with anyone over opinion differences is not wise. This again could be a parent or parent-figure or someone you want to respect but feel conflicted over. You absolutely do not want to compromise with your conscience. You ought not to drift into agreement with those who mock your ideals and deep loyalties, which would be joining a conspiracy against your highest interests. Yet the way you stand up for those ideals and loyalties should not be offensive.

The more you can raise these matters to a level of spiritual communion with the Highest, and His or Her representatives visible or invisible, the better. Confusion can be avoided by adhering to spiritual loyalty. Intelligence, patience, and devotion can lead to secrets ineffable and liberating.

{Saturday} ~Deepest Loyalty~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 3 March 2013

Moon in Scorpio, void-of-course beginning
/at 1:20a PT | 4:20a ET | 9:20a UT until
Moon enters Sagittarius
at 1:12p PT | 4:12p ET | 9:12p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
ends at 10:23a PT | 1:23p ET | 6:23p UT

His I-land is a dream until it molds 
An island for seekers, swimming with him
Toward it against the tide. While the laborer
Builds, a colony rises from the dust.

*Subterranean Group Purpose Taking Form*

I worry that people may not understand what the "void of course" times mean. I don't want to encourage a sense of futility in anyone. Things can be done, and enjoyed, during those times. Often more patience is required because things are harder to contain or control, usually. Time is wasted, or fragmented, or diverse side issues come up. But one can achieve, or one can enjoy.
It is only wise to postpone things if one feels, anyway, that they are questionable or likely to be very problematic or that this is not the right time for them. Then it would be smart to say "Let's do this tomorrow" or "later in the day" or whatever the time indication may be. That is one value of knowing about these periods: One can postpone something with a sense of ease and purpose, knowing just how long to postpone it. Or, if it is something one just has to do, one can persevere through the lack of morale or through the side issues, knowing why it is more difficult. That somehow makes it easier.

When you feel incompetent or lost, you can hunker down to immediate issues at home or headquarters. This is your island or I-land, where you cultivate your own interests. That does not stop you from being interested in other locations also.

You shun the humdrum because your sense of purpose is powerful. You want to accomplish a mission. This is slow, but you will not relent. Like an explorer in a foreign land, you sense the potentials of colonization and will not give up on them.

Something in you is irrepressible and restless. Yet you are aware that some entertainments into which you could throw your energy would be pointless and exhausting. Spiritual powers are magnetic and if you focus on ways to use them you could pull yourself together into a focus. You are patient in untangling enigmas; in fact you enjoy the process. All is connected.

Someone who works hard at earthly tasks impresses you. It might be a neighbor, or someone with a foreign background. He labors with what he has and does not complain, until he has virtually built a home or colony. If defense is necessary, he knows how to do that also, or gain an ally who will do it.

You feel prepared for amazing adventures. If you were to boast about that you might open yourself up to detraction or ridicule. That would not diminish your zeal, especially in the evening.

Self-reliance and dominion are wonderful qualities. When feeling fit, you summon others to share in them with you. You want to stimulate them toward group motion, travel, activity and interaction. Creative opportunism helps you organize everything within a definite realm or focus. Visitors from afar will want to be there. Yet this might seem nothing but a desirable dream, while you flounder in the waters surrounding your ideal, swimming toward it in exhaustion. Humility will help, and willingness to depend on others who can cooperate rather than try to go it alone.

{Sunday} *Subterranean Group Purpose Taking Form*

Cosmic Piper

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