Friday, March 15, 2013

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, 16-17 March, 2013

Saturday 16 March 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Taurus
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:12p PT | 7:12p ET | 11:12p UT
until Luna enters Gemini at 11:10p PT | 2:10a(Su) ET | 6:10a(Su) UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
ends at 7:45p PT | 10:45p ET | 2:45a(Su) UT

The alchemist has found gold; the old lady sells beads.
Target practice has begun. A falling plane recovers
above the isle of the blessed.
After an earthquake
the scantily clad stroll up a hillside toward love. 


\Self-Chaperoned Enjoyment/


There is considerable sense of ease and pleasure. It is possible to have a smooth, happy time of enjoyment. The only danger is that it could go too far into effete decadence.

You are capable of concentrating on whatever is most important to you and hitting your targets, especially before the void-of-course time. However, some evil or questionable forces are afoot. You might want to be sure what you desire is ethical. If it includes hurting anyone, it is not.

If you need to worry, be sure you have chosen the right things to worry about. If you could feel detached from a great deal, liberated inwardly, content with little, that would help stop worry about inessentials.

You may feel vain when you are surrounded by those who admire you. This is youth at its best, no matter what your age: Supreme confidence based on good luck and popularity. This could seem magically propelled. Be careful that you don't get overconfident and spoil it.

Success, based on long effort, could be yours. That does not have to meet with reversal, but I have to warn: prevent that from happening. Calamities have their source in karma, although most of them can be averted through prayer and humility. So, keep one part of your consciousness on preserving what you have gained, through patience and submission to the will of the Supreme.

Shifting from black to white magic (no racial connotation) is something you can do whenever you feel temptations. You could bring healing and spiritual benefits, through magnetically transmitted vibrations, to younger as well as older individuals. Some of them are tempted to get carried away with good luck through callow enthusiasm feeding false hopes, which could end in a fall. You could be a moderating and uplifting influence.

Benevolence and inspiration emanate from many. You may choose between dwelling on your own island, inviting others to it, or visiting elsewhere. Much is cultivated and shared in an earthy manner.

Perhaps the last word should be enjoyment, since much trends in that direction. People want to be with one another. This can be personal love, as with a couple (Venus is beginning to conjoin both the sun and Mars, slowly, by ten degrees, exact in the first half of April), or something more platonic. You might explore such possibilities more than you have been inclined lately. The only warning is to remain conscious that things could go too far too fast. It is wise to restrain oneself from any form of sensuality which would result in self-reproach later.

{Saturday} /Self-Chaperoned Enjoyment\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 17 March 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Gemini
Moon on course
Mercury turns direct at 1:04p PT | 4:04p ET | 8:04p UT
(has been retrograde since February 23)

The magic gourd grows fast. A thread from heaven
Guides the priest purging cohorts from power.

The serpent rises in a circle of fire and eyes
A triangle with wings; then leaps toward it.


}High Vision Pursued{

Your desire to accomplish something is well-sustained. There seems no limit as to how high you could aspire. You are sobered by an awareness of limits to which you need to adhere in order to stay in shape for the "battle" or campaign; but your zeal is undiminished.

Mercury turns direct and this helps consolidate purposes or goals, and keep you on target. Perhaps you are perceiving targets better than you have in weeks. Labyrinthine processes ahead do not deter you, for you feel you have the patience to trek through them.

Worries are lessening. Those which remain are merely signals as to what you need to prepare for, and how to prepare by means of skills used continually.

Your exuberance is tempered by a feeling that there is a great deal to do; heavy burdens to carry. In Christian terms, the "cross to bear" slows you down and yet is perhaps the reason you are here; being patient with it will calm you.

Knowledge and skill of an extraordinary sort require superhuman sacrifice, as that of a doctor working for Doctors Without Borders, whose motto is, "We go where nobody else wants to go." Yet the pride gained through such endeavor is solidly earned, leading to dominion over one's personal world in multiple ways.

If present results seem inadequate, there is plenty of inspiration, and a motive for healing, to keep you focused on ideal goals. Personal dominion over one's world, in multiple ways, is a reward for carrying on with a mission designed benevolently.

Your vision is high, your sense of future possibilities exalted. Your hopes fly ahead of you to keep you focused upon them, and that is magic. Victory is assured if resolves are high and firm. Prestige and honor will follow, although that is more likely if they are not your goal, but rather the faithful fulfillment of a valued mission.

{Sunday} {High Vision Pursued}

Cosmic Piper

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