Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Forecast: Wednesday and Thursday, 3-4 April, 2013

Wednesday 3 April 2013
Sun in Aries and Moon in Capricorn
/moon void-of-course beginning at
/3:36a PT | 6:36a ET | 10:36a UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
begins at 5:05p PT | 8:05p ET | 12:05p UT

The snakes charmed by the woman in love have magical power.
The footpath to her door hides a trap. The comic knowing her ways
Dispels her craft in laughter. The farmer carrying on plows for a
Later harvest; then opens his book beneath the trees and sun.

\Take it Light but Carry On!/
Duh! Void-of-course again. We have discussed why this is happening so often. Since we have to live with it, here is my take: "Muddling through" is just about the right Briticism to cover the best way to deal with it. Perhaps those "Carry on, Nurse" and "Carry on, Somebody" movies were all made while the moon was void-of-course. The difference is, that most of the time we are not laughing. Depending on other aspects, things could be laughable. At other times they seem tragic. A third category is just plain futile. Realizing this, years ago, I used to invite a friend out for a drink when the moon was void-of-course; then I would tell him to watch what happened around us. Bar behaviors were bizarre and fascinating. I wouldn't recommend this, however, during a |difficult third| of a week. (Where else would you get such helpful advice?)
I am writing this report while the moon is void-of-course. Carry on, astrologer! I might note, however, that things do seem somewhat peculiar; have you noticed? Yes we can "carry on" but what are we doing? The Supreme Court is wondering how it ever got itself into the gay marriage morass. It wants out. John Kerry wonders why he is supporting or not-supporting rebels in Syria or militarists in one Korea or the other. Kerry on, Secretary!
For Wednesday, peaceful contemplation could be excellent. Those who say that merely thinking, reading, and pondering philosophic truths is of value (Aristotle was one of them) might have their day. Signor Borelli says (from a previous century) that Venus today is in a degree of "Passive Beauty." How lovely! Here is the symbol he saw clairvoyantly: "A youth, book in hand, wanders through a glade overhung with the branches of surrounding trees. The sunlight is slanting through the trees, and falling upon the figure of the student."

Those who live in the country or work the land might have a good day. Harvest is not upon us but can be anticipated. The rest of us also do well in a non-aggressive way; some of our hopes may be quietly realized.

Those who like to joke may simulate those they are gently mocking; but real humor is far from the grossly insulting or actually violent stuff some comics spew out these days.

Items you might feel like buying may be pretty things which catch your eye but have no long-term value.

More seriously, I would warn those with military power to be very careful of deadly force. Lives ought not to be sacrificed, ever, for the sake of military schemes casually or carelessly arrived at. "Do not carry on, General."

Love-manipulations, or manipulations of passion, could seize upon many or get control of them while Venus moves closer and closer to Mars in Aries. Jealousy is not a noble emotion but one which is hard to shake. It would be better to focus on doing something which would get the applause of the loved one.  "Love" in the form of selfish attachment can end up being treacherous; and treachery is always detected, as mystery writers know. Treating love-attachments as bubbles in the air which come and go, go and come, would be better.

There is a tendency toward the easy way out, the easy way to experience life and work, and who could argue with that? Perhaps we are given an allowance for dalliance while the moon is void-of-course. I do not mean outright deception, hiding one's pornography from the boss, but maybe slacking off in a civilized manner. Life is a dance, no? Get the boss to dance.

Whatever "nature" means to you, it is prominent; maybe you'll focus on a crocus, Spring flowers or the glories of the sky. Ruminating upon natural and human beauty is one of life's costless and endless satisfactions.

{Wednesday} /Take it Light but Carry On!\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 4 April 2013
Sun in Aries and Moon in Aquarius
Moon on course
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues all day

Through the air he flies on his carpet of dreams, his astral car,
Viewing the world's passive and active types, some pleasing.
The drama is too intense. Love is not war. Some laughter
 Is needed. If love is not lost, how can it be found?

}During and After Work, Ideal Love Surveyed{

If a sense of something wrong, threatening your dignity, makes you feel almost ill, it should be easy to rise out of that condition, for there are indications of kindness, amity, and love--at least as strong potentials.

A reasonable way of taking charge of things should be easier than it has been in weeks, while Mercury moves away from its square with Jupiter. You are content to remain in your present career position, while completing strategic arrangements.

Someone who pretends to be malicious is more or less trying to manipulate a situation, humorously perhaps, hoping that comedy will make it easier to get on with things. He doggedly dramatizes the situation, and could go too far, but not with bad intention. The vindictiveness is only apparent.

Retrospection can be hard when there are painful things, or losses, to recollect and assimilate. Doing that would give more comfort and spiritual growth than avoiding the memories entirely.
When one feels exhausted, peaceful contemplation can be wonderful. Yet there is a desire to share what one realizes with others, to guide or manipulate the world toward something better, to convert people.

The art of conquest, in terms of love, means often the restitution of love lost. This could be dangerous and poisonous if accompanied by jealousy. Love is not warfare, and if one starts to think of it as such one is in trouble (although popular songs depicting this state of affairs can be therapeutic).

If one thinks too much about what one craves, one could become disattuned from what is actually available at present. Impulses may be the roots of experience but they need training and this can be accomplished most easily through peaceful rumination on past experience and its lessons.

Union of the sexes, in one way or another, is highlighted. What is the archetype of the person of the opposite (or same) sex which you have in mind as your ideal and hope? If it is subconscious, can you retrieve it and ponder it? We get a panorama of such ideal personalities to whom we are attracted through popular media, movies, and TV shows. What does that wonderful cascade of desirable personalities show you? Where is it leading you? Could you make your own picture of an ideal mate or partner assembled from all you have known and experienced? And then, how does that connect with your actual partner, friends, or associates? Even if thinking about this makes you feel ill (!), indications are good that today you might get some answers.

{Thursday) {During and After Work, Ideal Love Surveyed}

Cosmic Piper

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