Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Forecast: Thursday 18 April 2013

Thursday 18 April 2013

Again, as you see, Blogger is ruining these forecasts, changing the typeface, running lines and paragraphs together. I recommend reading this at http://www.myspace.com/185525026/blog/546843060
or at http://www.tumblr.com/blog/cosmicconnexion
Sun in Aries and Moon in Cancer-Leo
/moon void-of-course until
Luna enters Leo at 8:15a PT | 11:15a ET | 3:15p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues all day
The lone horseman gazes at the moon without a friend or parent.
Men work in a ship's engine-room while a widow mourns her mate.
The man swimming against the current rises river-drenched,
Then joins a boating party, rowing; songs of praise ascend.
*Arising from Frustration, Good Will*

If there is one thing I have learned from astrological observation over several decades, it is that the Venus-opposite or Venus-square or even Venus-conjunct Saturn periods are among the very hardest for people to get through and retain their equipoise. This is true especially on the emotional level. This happens, given a ten-degree orb, for 22.22 per cent of the time or less than a quarter of the time. This time the period of the opposition is Sunday April 14 through Sunday April 28. It is not impossible for lovers and friends to get along pleasantly during this period, but usually the relationship is put under test in various ways. Also, "little things" and annoyances take on large importance in one's feelings and one can get very upset about them. "Nobody loves me" is a common feeling, or "I am incapable of love" and so on. Of course one can deal with all this at a deeper spiritual level, and then one has a chance to learn more deeply what real love is. (Less than an hour before writing this I heard a neighbor shouting harshly at his wife for at least twenty minutes.)
All this could be exacerbated today because of the |difficult third of the week|.
To be contented and happy under such conditions is a wonderful thing, and is possible. A key to it is what I tried to express at the end of yesterday's forecast: venerating eternal reality and its omnipotent Head. At some level, that is enough, and the rest takes care of itself.
There are times when energy is absent and one feels one is suffering. Disillusionment is a phase of spiritual growth. Then it is well to be quiet, within the gloom, and do what is necessary but no more.
Some may feel that their early lives, parentage or education are denying them fulfillment. What can one do but carry on? Endurance is itself a virtue: ask the rocks and hills. Detecting danger, one can maintain one's competency and get past the peril.
When there is an undercurrent toward fighting, arguing, bickering, one can turn instead to something which will help one's community. That can be the surrounding actual community, family, or a community of interest which is wide-spread. Helping to build something which will benefit young people and future generations, no matter what obstacles, is creating a legacy.
Forsaken and alone, one gazes at the moon or stars and discovers reserves of patient subtlety within oneself. One can be cunning and cautious, ready to develop skills which might grant fame.

When something one does is unpopular or even despised, one might "carry on" or one might discover that something in one's approach is a mistake to be corrected. There are different points of view. To insist on one's own indignantly and despise others' could result in loss. The adventure of life requires adaptability to life, which can lead to intoxicating variety.
Laboring much and seeing little as a result can be dispiriting. However, in this seemingly fruitless activity there is reciprocity with a universe which ultimately rewards painstaking effort. Transcending disappointment results in healthy reorientation.
Natural good will is ready to accept the day, work within it cheerfully, and remain content. When we feel incapable of this, we can develop a seership which knows beyond immediate problems, seeing into future happiness sure to come if we are partners with the Eternal in our hearts.
{Thursday} *Arising from Frustration, Good Will*
Cosmic Piper

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