Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Forecast: Thursday and Friday, 25-26 April, 2013

Thursday 25 April 2013

Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio
moon in the Via Combusta but on course
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
continues until very late tomorrow (Friday) evening

He has been to the dentist, his mouth uncomfortable
While listening to a man on a dais spout startling truth.
A new widow joins him, her mourning continuing.
At the table she spills food; shows him meaningful jewels.

~Calm Reorientation~

"Rightness" is what we are called upon to manifest, or righteousness in some sense. The oppositions of Mars, sun and Venus in Taurus with Saturn in Scorpio are intense, calling for reorientation. There is resistance to this, deriving from a sense of grief or despair about something or someone. There is a feeling that one does not know what is really going on or that events are wrapped in mystery. Eternal values are needed to prevent falling into ineptitude.

Turning to the Supreme is something most of us do in times of crisis. It is well to do this about the most practical situations including any problem of health or well-being. While using whatever material methods one has found useful, one can give thanks for them and offer them up to the Highest who is the source of all remedies. This can liquidate one's troubles.

One can feel impotent when one lets things go, dropping them carelessly or out of frustration. One may feel one has been foolhardy. However, there is value in spontaneous groping toward whatever might be the next step, even if that involves a playful and impractical approach at the beginning. It takes time for the next agenda to emerge from apparent loss.

Whatever gains one has enjoyed can turn one toward reverence for the Source of those gains. Then one can proceed with one's normal activities and assignments, which are what make one a member of human society who is valued. This is magic.

Someone who has a huge understanding which you admire has been put in your life to guide you toward the source of mind-wealth. There is a choice sometimes between physical activity or exercise which develops the body, and study or meditation which develops consciousness. Both can be done, but usually at different times; you may be working out an accommodation between them. 

A calm sense of justice, that one has been just and is continuing to be just, brings peace. Then there is liberality and givingness, to keep the whole world in harmony. Some things and people in your past, very meaningful to you, have a different or lesser role to play now, and this can bring grief until there is calm reorientation. You have not lost them, but they are with you in a different way as you turn to what needs attention at present. That could include an individual important to you who has problems with which you are able to cope.

{Thursday} ~Calm Reorientation~

Cosmic Piper

Friday 26 April 2013

Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio
/moon void-of-course beginning at 1:57a PT | 4:57a ET | 8:57a UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until it
ends at 8:54p PT | 11:54p ET | 3:54a(Sa) UT

When beans are spilled, no one bothers to count them.
When the deceased loom large, they become beneficent
Fairies. When the mystic withdraws to his study, friends
Knock on the door. Proceed to singing and dancing!

~Relief from Loneliness~

Maintaining a secure holding pattern is one of the best things to do. The darkness of the day can be relieved by study and deep reverie. You find somehow that though you don't seek friends, they turn up. They are seeking reorientation within themselves because of losses or apparent losses or some ill-defined malaise.
There can be entertainment, planned or free-form, which is wonderful even if amateurish. Dancing and singing relieve worries in a purifying manner. Creativity meets the kaleidoscope of life with intense interest yet a light touch; so there is a metamorphosis of everything into spiritual poetry and artistry.

Just dropping things is a temptation. Fine, when your essential work for the day is done; or even within it if you take breaks here and there. You may wonder how you could be so forgetful or klutzy at certain moments. But then a kind of sophisticated humor surges up within you and you make fun of yourself, anyone or everyone. You wink at life and carry on; life winks back.

A secret side of you is linked with ritual, mystical study, or magical procedures. This is best when there is no perversion in it but a straightforward approach to what seems fortunate for the next phase of your living. It's wonderful when hopes are fulfilled, but even unfulfilled ones are fortifying and life-giving. 
Bodily luxury is evident with three planets in Taurus, including Venus the sign's ruler. Being a contented cow has its merits, so long as it doesn't slip into complete decadence. Renouncing some pleasures is necessary some times. Lazy imagination has value so long as it doesn't rule out healthy activity.
Intuition can guide into hidden meanings. The mysteries of life are thrilling when partially comprehended. (If fully comprehended they would no longer be mysteries; less thrilling!)

 You can see disappointment or bitterness opening out into a realization of simple creative contributions you can make to life through non-self-conscious talents. No matter how you tend toward being alone, people are drawn to you.
{Friday} ~Relief from Loneliness~

Cosmic Piper

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