Monday, April 22, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday and Wednesday, 23-24 April, 2013

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Sun in Taurus and Moon in Libra

A man spills a basket of fruit in a garden where
A woman waters flowers. Tomatoes and pears
Are coming along. Twelve jewels form an amulet
Fit for a king, but a magician is their owner. 

}Competence Shared{

Your interests are intense, based on emotional needs including the coziness of good friendships and relationships. You are hopeful, as the Full Moon approaches, yet watchful because you don't want anything to spoil plans. Prosperity is likely as a result of such care.

Growing things are emphasized, whether plants for nutrition or beauty. Taurus seems the quintessential sign of the garden and now we have the sun, Mars and Venus therein, with the last enthroned in her own sign. You may have a mission in connection with plants for food, or flowers may enhance some other mission.

We have seen the results of a lack of a strong family, or family orientation, in the sad case of the two brothers from Chechnya. They are not the only ones suffering in such a way. Without an anchorage in something like family (or a spiritual family as sufficient substitute), there can be too much faith in individual haphazard good luck, resulting in primitive adventure and loss. There is a longing for something to anchor the continuity of being. Then competence and safety can become the norm.

You are impressionable, aware of others' suffering as well as your own. You are sympathetic, but could find that a link with the Highest is needed to ground feelings and sympathies. Magicians as well as prophets, from ancient times, have found that reverence and devotion, including the renunciation of profitless byways, are essential if they are to accomplish mighty deeds.

We have seen what sedition and wrath have done to two young men and their victims. It is unlikely that readers of these words are inclined in any such direction, yet subconscious tendencies can be within us undermining conscious intentions. The result is imprisonment, whether literally or psychologically. To prevent this, or escape it, deep sincerity is required--maybe "gonzo sincerity." That often requires giving the Other the benefit of the doubt, in order to prevent one's own sincerity being doubted. 

If one's biases are evident to all, one is moving against the stream. Yet one can, by dissolving one's obstreperous lower self in the larger self of humanity, arrive at healthy reorientation. One is not a thief of others' personalities and attainments, yet one participates in them and absorbs them into oneself. This can happen through observation, conversation, reading, movies, TV shows.

You do not have to lose powers or faculties. When you drop something they seem in abeyance, but "abeyance" means they can be revived. That requires care, of course, along some line which yields something useful to others or perhaps the world of growing things. You are then stimulating your faculties as well as the embodied energies of others. 

It is not perverse to care for oneself and one's well-being, including possessions and finances. The natural world is hopeful as it grows again toward seasonal fruition. So are we. Confidence, competence and care yield satisfaction.

{Tuesday} /Competence Shared\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Sun in Taurus and Moon in Libra
/moon void-of-course
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week 
begins at 

While armies contend, a soldier walks away and gazes at the population.
Two butterflies light on an orange flower. A man chopping wood near a
Cottage seems content. One golden insect has three wings, the better to fly
Down a rainbow. A giant loses the pot of gold claimed by the butterfly.

}Letting It Be Easier{

I realize that sometimes you must think (as I do) Well, this is just another day, why all this drama in these forecasts, as if it were the last day of my life and I had to make good? I am with you. I guess that subconsciously I am writing these reports just as if that were true. I wish I could escape it! It seems to be an assignment I have as Cosmic Piper. I would like to "take it light" but feel a responsibility to report what might go wrong so you can prevent that from happening.

There can be sympathy and grace; a gentle and easygoing quality with three major planets now in Taurus and the moon in Libra, another Venus-ruled sign. There is much faith that, whatever the doubts of the period, with those three planets opposing Saturn in Scorpio, you will come through all right and your money prospects are not as bad as you had worried recently. 

Those in the military may need to be watchful to prevent serious problems creeping up, probably in connection with ethnic rivalry or enmity and accompanying resistance to "authority." Those who feel used, abused and exploited by another ethnicity need to figure out how to make it somehow in the situation in which they find themselves.

Those who feel bereft of parents or guidance are managing to find other ways of guiding themselves through difficult karma. When normal stabilizing, reassuring conditions are absent, they grow an extra wing as it were to help them fly in a way no one could have taught them.

Some find themselves alone but feeling they are worthy of better employment, a high position. So they look out over the masses and wonder at them, feeling aloof but strong within themselves. Since the Supreme is their only friend, they have learned secrets from Him. 

Others, isolated, feel that they are being overshadowed by someone and that this could knock them from their prideful position. It would be foolhardy to build a tower inhabited only by one or two, as the Tarot shows in its Arcanum XVI. Rather, laboring with one's heart in one's work, with goodwill and contentment, on the plains and gardens of life, one is appreciated by the world for one's naturalness and generosity.

We sometimes do not know the natural laws against which we fight. Somehow we need to awaken to them so we do not "kick against the pricks." We can liquidate false notions which are keeping us from fulfillment, and, with less ambition and more humility, just do what seems laid out for us to do. 

Rather than dropping everything, or fumbling it, while the moon is void-of-course, you could apply visualization to what you would really like in the next phase of your life, and this would be like a rope to hold to, pulling you toward what you wish. That involves recovering from any embarrassment, with a sense of adventure.

The toils and doubts of the day do not have to be utterly depressing or debilitating. There are incentives; a promise of treasure. Some incentives might be false, lies, as the proverbial carrot hanging in front of the horse. Others, like the rainbow's pot of gold, may be illusory in appearance yet fortifying because they keep us going when otherwise we might give up. Meanwhile there are glimmers of peace, hope, affection and reciprocity.

{Wednesday} {Letting It Be Easier}

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. Concerning Wednesday's report on current aspects, a fellow astrologer wrote to me as follows: I totally agree that conjunctions can be "hard," and I think that there are times when trines fall into the "hard" category as well. I think it depends on what a person has set into motion at some previous point; sometimes, a trine or a conjunction can serve as a kind of motivation reboot: I once witnessed a conjunction between transiting (not stationing) Uranus and natal Jupiter which brought a violent death timed precisely to exactness of the aspect, and Jupiter by transiting trine to natal Venus (again, no station) that timed to physical attack. In each instance, the person involved said that although the shock and tragedy had been extreme, they knew later it was the only thing strong enough to get them out of the circumstances they'd felt trapped in for some time… Hugh, thank you. I appreciate what you do!
