Friday, April 26, 2013

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, 27-28 April, 2013

Saturday 27 April 2013

Sun in Taurus and Moon in Sagittarius

In a green field with shrubs lie rocks, inchoate stirrings
Within them composing a hieroglyphic message. Two
White cows relax, ignoring a tiger, while a man wheels
A barrow toward a gorge to keep building a bridge.

*Reserved, Meaningful Festivity*

When two relax together, there is a sense of ease and advantage. Yet there may be nervousness about something lurking in the background, a possibility of problems. Are these inevitable? No, but it could be well to be prepared for them, without letting that ruin the time of mutual relaxation. There are ways to overcome obstacles by making channels for communication and transfer.

You may be near a field containing a villa or pleasant building. You feel content with what you have, shrewdly aware of how to make it last. There can be festivity, which has a somewhat intellectual caste, a sharing of insight. Things are being arranged and composed gradually.

Awkwardness and impracticality do not have to make things harder but could try to do so. When failing to convey what you think and feel to someone, rather than drop everything carelessly you might try for more pertinent ways of communicating with this particular person. Your surveillance, both physically and mentally, of the situation can lead to partial success.

Being a servant of someone is not a mistake if there is a magical process afoot, that is, something reverential or devotional in your attitude to what you are doing. That would emancipate you from concern about hard work involved.

Intellectual preoccupations can look like witless lassitude to those who do not appreciate them. "Just getting by" in the material world can allow more time for mental pleasures and interests. One can be resigned to one's lot without being defeated, because one is developing insight and poise which make everything more interesting and worth while.

Things look very good at some levels, with excellent aspects (the so-called "minor aspects," actually major while lasting within a  small orb) between faster-moving planets and Jupiter as well as Neptune. Live, enjoy! It will not ruin your satisfactions if you wisely heed premonitions of possible trouble, so you can outwit it. This is not onerous paranoia but smart prevention. Then you can relax within a given time frame while building channels toward desirable destinations. Happiness shared is doubled or tripled.

{Saturday} *Reserved, Meaningful Festivity*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 28 April 2013

Sun in Taurus and Moon in Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:38p PT | 12:38a(M) UT | 4:38a(M) UT

Traffic is south; he heads north. Where are they going? A game?
He turns around. Entering the stadium he takes up with one 
Who shares his special interests. Three supporting each team
Jostle and joke. A sharp woman eggs him on to think and speak.

*Gently Turbulent Awakening*

A danger is ignoring one's deepest self's guidance and following paths contrary to the direction of true destiny. This could result in serious delay of progress. It is not always true that others are right and oneself is wrong! Yet it could be true sometimes, so an awakening to a possible reversal of direction could be to your benefit. 

Those who are unfortunate may put the bite on you for aid, such as a homeless person or beggar. How you deal with this is your own choice. I have often regretted being stingy in such situations. Making a contribution to someone could be contributing to mutual trust within the human race, which we need. When someone is trying to enter into a better situation, transplanting his roots, aid may be required. Giving something other than a few dollars, such as conversation and encouragement, is another possibility. 

Organizational skill is with you to resolve issues. You can explore whatever needs exploring, shoot arrows into the distance to mark out frontiers toward which you are traveling. What are your desires, and what your necessities? The battle between them is not debilitating but strengthening.

Looking for what you need seriously guarantees finding it, because destiny is behind the search. The number six is important. Perhaps you could write down three things you want to do, and three things you must do, ponder how you could do all six, and from there arrive at intuitive guidance as to what is next. When these six rub against one another in your mind, they strike sparks of insight. Your proclivities and aspirations guide effectively.

With the moon trining Mercury from Sagittarius to Aries (exact just before the void-of-course period) you could follow intellectual interests of a specialized kind which thrill you. Differences of opinion do not have to be off-putting but rather stimulating. In addition, more home-centered or community-centered activities are good, inspiring confidence in you and making you beloved of children, young people, or older ones looking for becoming support.

It is usually futile to swim against the stream. If you sense that you are doing this in some area, your answer is to awaken to all the potentials others are harboring within them, of which you might not be aware, and open yourself to those as well as to your own obsessions. Then the mutuality of attempted living, no matter what, will inseminate you to align you with warmer prospects.

{Sunday} *Gently Turbulent Awakening*

Cosmic Piper

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