Saturday, April 20, 2013

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, 21-22 April, 2013

Sunday 21 April 2013
Sun in Taurus and Moon in Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:04p PT | 2:04a(M) ET | 6:04a(M) UT
The dark sky yields naught but dry flashes, lightning poverty.
The figure 2 appears, but only 1 can see it. A triangle is dark
Until it brightens into blue. The woman haranguing is winked at
By a portly man walking among pigeons. Grape vines blossom.
\Transforming Grace/
When there is a catharsis of events and attitudes, one can lose one's aplomb temporarily. The transformation can be terrifying, as in the initiation rituals of old times. Recapitulating painful experiences, one gets past the suffering into fresh understanding. After a smooth recovery, one inspires confidence and faith in others.
What seems unfavorable or malignant is a process of test, a chance to prove oneself. At the same time, remarkable protection is provided as if from on high. Past cruelties can seem to vanish entirely in the light of guaranteed victory, no matter how long delayed.
Self-assertion overcomes desolation. Phantoms in one's memory could produce hysteria if one let them. On the other hand, "dead" or living individuals who have gained power may grant boons which are powerfully protective, if one can attune oneself to such help.
Aloneness is interesting. It is always in partnership with the absent one. That is, to be alone is to be aware of others who are not there. Who are they? might be a good question. You might find yourself lifting something, carrying it uphill or into upper stories, literally or symbolically, as a member of a community whether or not you think of it that way. We are not alone. Still, the poverty of our lives can make us feel as if we are.
Acquisitiveness is good when in harmony with nature and one's life-destiny. All can acquire what they really need. At times the munificence of the world is a marvel, filling one's basket with fruits unearned, so that one can enjoy the harmony of the universal scheme without worry, glorying in romance and the fine arts. It is your legacy, and a legacy you pass on.
Straining after the inappropriate can be hurtful to oneself. Sometimes the inappropriate takes the form of trying to reform the world in some way which does not fit with the world's present karmic or dharmic set-up. This is a hard lesson. One's idealism is correct, one's desire to improve things is correct, but the time is not ripe. And so one's indignation at what is wrong becomes futile. The world and individuals require time to become their better selves.
Those consigned to difficult labor in this life may be lacking the ability to escape it, or it may be the right work for them. But at times Grace intervenes and gives them special gifts or benefits. The Author of the cosmic scheme which includes humanity on a small planet is not a miserly monster. He works most often through human beings, so the spirit of sharing is His gift to all.
Transformation is happening. You may note it in young people. They appreciate those who understand them and their struggles. They are exploring and appreciate those who wink at the mistakes they make while exploring. The disappointments of the Venus-opposite-Saturn aspect (discussed in Wednesday's forecast) are not so bad when we open ourselves to Grace in the Supreme and in human beings, while manifesting that Grace as best we may.
{Sunday} /Transforming Grace\
Cosmic Piper
Monday 22 April 2013
Sun in Taurus and Moon in Virgo
/moon void-of-course all day
An overfed ox lies on the ground asleep. The sun shines
While thunder roars. The man climbing the hill finds
No more sun but blackness. Unfledged birds have no
Parents. Two women chat arm in arm. A boy lights a censer.
\Turning the Bitter to the Better/
Sometimes the classical aspects in astrology, namely, those formed among the 6 planets (other than the moon but including the sun) known to the ancients, explain a great deal of what is going on. ("Other than the moon" because he forms daily aspects, not long-lasting ones). At present we have had the sun conjoined to Mars in Aries, the sign of Mars and the sign of the sun's exaltation. Let no one say that this is a bad aspect! It could be tremendous, giving strength, energy, confidence, all the glories of the sun and Mars, manifested by females as well as males even though these two planets are quintessentially male in tradition. If you and I have not been manifesting (or womanifesting) these wonderful qualities, we cannot blame the planets.
However, human beings manage (or womanage) to make good things bad; we "fell into sin" in theological language. So we have (a) the Boston bombing and (b) the Texas plant explosion as symbols of what can go wrong when the sun conjoins Mars. I might say, first, that the square or opposition between these two planets would be regarded as worse than the conjunction; but a conjunction is not really a "neutral" aspect as some believe; I feel it comes down usually on the side of the "hard aspects" (rather than the soft and helpful trine and sextile). Is it not evident, even superficially, that the sun (fire) and Mars (iron and fire) together in a fire sign, Aries, ruled by Mars, could result in incendiary acts by males (Mars)? As it certainly did, in a noticeable and notorious way.
Did it have to happen? No. Why did it happen? Because some "losers" (as one of the killers was described by his uncle), rather than develop and use their powers (sun and Mars) constructively, use them explosively, peevishly, nastily, arrogantly--and, of course, reap the result of their misdeeds. The sun conjoined to Mars in Aries would be, by all the rules of classical astrology, if understood in a "horary" or everyday way (as opposed to a natal chart), an indication of an explosion. And so it was indeed, two of them at least in our general consciousness.
Fortunately that did not touch all of us directly. Whatever is "explosive" in your own life has probably been restrained, suppressed, or repressed successfully. That is all to the good. Perhaps it has been a smoldering energy within you, as in a steam engine, building motives and activities which will lead you somewhere progressive. It could have done the same in the two Chechnyan brothers.
The long-term orb (ten degrees) of this aspect would be from March 3 through May 28, almost two months, because Mars moves just a little slower than the sun and when they get together they "hang." The short-term orb of two degrees would be from April 9 through April 25. The exactitude of it (one degree) would be April 13 through April 21. The Boston Marathon disaster was April 15; the Texas explosion April 18. Astrological correspondences can be quite amazing, which is why the stellar science has captured the interest of humanity for millennia.
As of Friday April 19, the sun entered Taurus, so although the conjunction with Mars remains, it is muted by the fact that the sun is no longer in the Mars-ruled sign. I would not rule out, however, explosive sun-Mars happenings, because . . .
The other "classical" aspect now going on which has been supremely important in my observation is Venus opposite Saturn. Whether the opposition, square, or conjunction, this is a phase of disappointment and bitterness, at least superficially. For those on a spiritual path, it can be much better, but it is sobering. It brings out the need to live and manifest all those qualities we say we are trying to live by means of our spiritual aspiration. Were you glorying in friendship? Now it is gone. In a love affair? What happened to it? Money? The stock market went down. (But I hasten to add that it is not statistically dependable to say the stock market always goes down when Venus is in hard aspect with Saturn. The Market and the motives of buyers and sellers are more complicated than that.) In other words, "disappointment" is the name of this aspect. Or, even worse, bitterness. Why did the two Chechnyan brothers "snap" and do something they must have known to be wrong? Not just because of the sun conjoined to Mars. Venus opposed to Saturn began, by a ten-degree orb, on April 14, the day before the bombing. One reason I grant a ten-degree orb to major aspects is that I have seen this happen over and over again. I experienced a horrible break-up with a friend on the first day of a Venus-Saturn opposition many years ago. It was an emotional explosion which temporarily ended a friendship. All the bitterness two individuals had held against each other burst out. Venus in her lower levels is passionate affection, a need for someone, a desire to possess someone. Saturn is limitation, in this case a recognition of the "impossible" limitations in the other person while that person recognizes your "impossible" limitations. In a successful marriage or friendship, this can be patient bearing with the other's weaknesses and blind spots. When one or both are incapable of this, there is a break or at least a temporary distancing.
I hope you are seeing how this applies to your own situation at present. It comes out not just in love but in "comfort," that is, things which usually make you comfortable somehow are not working and you feel despondent, dissatisfied with everything, "nothing is right, everything is wrong." So the two Chechnyan brothers must have felt. This aspect's orb by ten degrees is April 14 through April 28. We can handle it; we have handled it before. Mourning the deaths of those killed in these two disasters is one aspect of the aspect; there are many others, which you can detect for yourself in your life-situation. At best, this aspect makes men and women of us; it tests our ability to remain poised under disappointment, even bitter disappointment. We can do it.
I have taken the time for this forecast to write the above, which seemed supremely important. The moon is void-of-course (in Virgo) all day Monday. Of course this does not mean everything is futile, but it is usually better at such times to "cool it" when it comes to fresh or daring ventures, staying with the tried and true. This is not always the case in the intellectual realm; it can be a good time for research, but one should re-test the tentative results of the research later before making a firm decision. It can also be a good time to ponder life in a more general or philosophical way, as the above paragraphs might lead you to do.
Not all is gloom, of course. Since Venus, the sun and Mars have entered Taurus, Venus is the sole dispositor of the 7 anciently known planets, while the sun and Saturn, though opposed, are in good aspect with Neptune, Venus trines Pluto, and the Part of Fortune is in the 5th house. There can be entertainment and pleasure as escape. I will not bore you by saying "But not too much escape, please!" We find our own ways.
{Monday} /Turning the Bitter to the Better\
Cosmic Piper

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