Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Message for Thursday 6 September 2018

Thursday 6 September 2018

^Skill Within Mellow Orientation^

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:44a PT | 8:44a ET | 12:44p UT
until it enters Leo at 6:55a PT | 9:55a ET | 1:55p UT

Yesterday I quoted from C.E.O. Carter on the Mars square Venus aspect which is ravaging us (or testing or challenging us) until the middle of October. I said I would add more of his comments on that, day by day. However, today I see that another aspect, the sun opposite Neptune, is closer than the Mars-Venus square, for just two days, and so will quote from Mr. Carter on that. Rather, I will try to summarize some of his conclusions which seem relevant:

"Sympathy, kindliness, and love of animals are very pronounced. They [born with this aspect] are nearly always 'good sorts.'" 

"Excess of emotion is their peril." And so we may seek short cuts and be less than straightforward. Sometimes there is scandal, and it is not clear who is to blame since the whole affair is involved in mystery. 

Some will offer unasked-for advice, or be officious, or "preach sermons" whether for the better or not.

"It causes worry through children." "Women with this contact may be advised to be specially careful in respect of their male associates, as they are nearly certain to meet morally instable characters, and, very often, men who are the reverse of what they seem. Drink is a common danger."

In practical affairs, guard against deception. Keep affairs in order and avoid whatever seems not absolutely aboveboard or not free from misconstruction. Avoid those who promise something for nothing. Seeking "spiritual powers" can be a mistake if the motives are wrong. (There are in fact "spiritual powers," but of course they have to be used wisely or they either cause trouble, or dissipate, or make bad karma.)  

One might be easily played upon, through vanity or sympathies or both. There is a craving for something great and out of the ordinary. (I say that that is just fine, "Magnify the Lord!"--indeed there are great and extraordinary things in God's universe and in human life. Neptune has a lot to do with these. It expands consciousness in a happy way. Mr. Carter is just being cautious so we don't get carried away by overbearing enthusiasms.)

"Sobriety, in the widest sense, is needed to enable one to steer through the rocks and currents of this contact."--CEOC

Thursday:  There are powers, strengths, energies trying to find an outlet through skill in executing schemes one has mapped out. There could be heightened rational superpowers, "Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge." 

The most successful leader is not always the most tyrannical, but the one who through devotion to the led is regarded tenderly and so supported by them through thick and thin.

We may be thinking of seasonal change, "A woods rich in autumn coloring," and of friends or friendly ones who form part of our fulfillment. There is gracefulness in personal manners. Gifts reflect chivalry, "An ornamental handkerchief." 

We want to conquer habits, build up our health, and get things done, with the intense T square focused on Mars in the sign of his exaltation. So we assume a leadership role within our job, career, or project, and are not afraid to work with those who make up a sort of exclusive club or inner elite. Or, at the behest of other tendencies, we could become gloomy, fatalistic and melancholy, being adaptable to the point of obscurity. However one has been healed, or has overcome illness in the past, could be keys to overcoming similar discomfort now. Seizing on one's ultimate objectives with the "superpowers" of the first (Thursday) paragraph, one can do what is needed while remaining composed and at peace. Adaptability and calmness can play into strength.

{Thursday}  ^Skill Within Mellow Orientation^

Cosmic Piper

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