Friday, September 21, 2018

Message for Saturday 22 September 2018

Saturday 22 September 2018

~Youthful Sincerity~

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/ moon is void-of-course
until it enters Pisces at 5:28a PT | 8:28a ET | 12:28p UT

The sun and Mercury squaring Saturn, very closely now, are saying "Face your difficulties and what looks impossible, and do the impossible. Carry on despite doubts and anxieties." The same two planets trine Mars, also very closely, are likewise saying "You have the strength, energy and machismo (or femishismo if there is such a thing) to do this, even if you have to do it at home or in a secluded spot, almost in secret." 

Luna trine Venus in water signs says "There is love, even if somewhat remote or mystical while obscured by the differences exacerbated by Venus square Mars. So keep finding the deeper meaning of love beyond possession or lust." 

As for the Venus-Mars square: It is always crucial, not only in relations between the sexes but all human relations and it tends to make us unhappy. The excellent Theosophical astrologer CEO Carter made this clearer than anyone, saying "This . . . configuration does not favor happiness, for a double reason: The native does actually meet more than his due share of unkindness, and besides is usually more sensitive than the average person to it. Interior happiness . . . is put at the mercy of the rough and rude elements of life. . . . Adaptation and all forms of mutuality and relationship . . . tend to be unfortunate in some manner or other." I can't speak for you, but this demarcates some of my current feelings about myself and others. How long? By a seven-degree orb, it began on August 29 and extends through October 18. That is unusually long, because Venus is slowing down and going retrograde (October 4) during the process. 

Shades of the Blasey-Kavanaugh dispute! "She said, but he said." We seem to have some perverse fascination with this. Despite my better instincts, I find myself eager every morning to see the latest development in the unsavory soap opera. Perhaps it is reflecting to all of us something about our own sex lives or love lives or what has gone wrong with them.  Again, Carter says of the square (or opposition) between Venus and Mars: "Sometimes it is an indication of being the victim of immorality in some form or other." That is exactly what Blasey claims and Kavanaugh denies.  

Oh wow, breaking news! I see that while before there were no birth data for Christine Blasey, now her birthdate is given as November, 1966 (no exact date). Eureka! She is most likely Scorpio, and Kavanaugh is Aquarius, and during this whole Venus-Mars square episode, Mars is in Aquarius and Venus in Scorpio!  Could anything be clearer, astrologically? And those who say that astrology is pure hokum ought to be hanging their heads in shame. They are missing so much because of their obstinacy. 

We also have the sun going into Libra Sunday, for a month, while this aspect remains (it will be exact on October 9th-11th), and Libra is Venus-ruled and known by astrologers to be a fickle sign or often "unfaithful in love" and is also the sign of the judicial system, the scales and balance. Whatever happens, at least Kavanaugh is experiencing some of what it must feel like to be accused of a crime, which is good for every judge and I sometimes wish all of them had gone through it. (Another episode tomorrow or next week . . . ) 

Saturday:  What is the truth? You are thinking along those lines, in connection with something important, and you are able to make the right discrimination. Also rapport is available with others, to the point even of romance, "The moon shining across a lake." 

Someone melancholy and eccentric seems to have a mind obscured by strange studies and musings. Where this will lead, no one knows. But a childlike trustfulness is recommended (except in cases of evident danger). Perhaps he or she is inwardly more advanced than appearances would suggest and is unable to make evident that inward almost-heavenly state of mind. 

There is a need to reconcile the childlike, which takes form in wanting to be with children or young or childlike people, or assume their attitudes, with something more serious, an immediate service you need to perform, or owe to someone. Things that are incomplete do not have to be discouraging. You escape confusion and disappointment by safeguarding your responsibilities. 

Being flighty and restless, without designing anything, could lead to too many involvements. Yet even then you can invoke, or pray for, healing, an overshadowing harmony from Above which is almost magical in its results. Outward flexibility plus inward sincerity are a winning combination.

{Saturday}  ~Youthful Sincerity~

Cosmic Piper

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