Friday, September 7, 2018

Message for Saturday 8 September 2018

Saturday 8 September 2018

\Despite Harshness and Pressure, Rewards/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:32a PT | 9:32a ET | 1:32p UT (for just an hour)
until it enters Virgo at 7:30a PT | 10:30a ET | 2:30p UT

Someone who troubles you no end may have good intentions, though it be hard to see them. Does he or she seem a pest? Perhaps that is to stimulate you to act more creatively to regenerate yourself and your perceptions. If things seem critical, even explosive, there could be outbursts on either side or both. Not fun, but the recovery may enable deeper self-mobilization. 

One might sleep away indifferently while there is a call for action to prevent disaster. People seem to want to work in secret. This could be because they rest on special privilege. What to say or do about this is a question I cannot answer.

Some have such good luck that they are carried about gloriously by "inferiors" in the economic or social order who have to work for them. Then they may become lazy. (Elon Musk smoking pot?) Others, or they themselves if they rouse themselves, learn to observe, reflect, and gain wisdom from the cosmic order by which they are enveloped, so that they know instinctively what is coming and how to face it.

"A shepherd looking out for the locality of his sheep," a ruler or president, is, among others, Donald Trump who now is "looking for his sheep," that is, those who in his administration support him unqualifiedly (if any). He is under pressure--Mars at point focus in a T square. The sun's opposition with Neptune indicates deception or a "fifth column," one member of which has gone public although anonymously. As for ourselves, we can be watchful and industrious, with an eye to the future, and reap the fruits of our foresight. The sun's trine with Pluto plus sextile with Jupiter is a "reward" configuration. 

{Saturday} /Despite Harshness and Pressure, Rewards\

Cosmic Piper

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