Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Message for Thursday 27 September 2018

Thursday 27 September 2018

\The Council of the Evolving Human Race/

Moon in Taurus

I respectfully decline to try to predict the outcome of the Blasey-Kavanaugh dispute. I have, repeatedly, mentioned how Mars in Aquarius, the sun-sign of Kavanaugh, remains squared to Venus in Scorpio, the sun-sign of Blasey, so if this is not star-crossed non-lovers I don't know what would be. It is classic astrology. Further, today as (we hope) the hearing happens, the moon will be in Taurus squaring the Mars in Aquarius and opposite the Venus in Scorpio, so it is double-classic. And I am not slandering one-24th of the human race when I say that it has been my experience and observation that male Aquarians are often guilty of roughness, at the least, in their physical relation to the opposite sex and sometimes to their own. It may not be cruelty so much as a feeling that "If I want to do it, I can and should do it." However, I have seen many cases where it does indeed appear like cruelty. Again, that does not mean I automatically accept the charges against Kavanaugh. I am not making an accusation but an astrological observation. The fact that two or now maybe three women have accused him of such "roughness," at the least, might bear out the observation once more.  But the question of who ought to sit on the Supreme Court is another question and I leave it to Congress. And I shall try to write the following daily forecast-meditation without thinking much about this issue because after all we have our own lives apart from politics:

Thursday:  There are impulses toward imposing one's will by force. "A person of high intelligence and lofty aspirations, but very prone to the use of force instead of persuasion," says Sepharial. (Well obviously that is what some people think of Brett Kavanaugh, whether true or not.) Some individuals of early promise do not carry through on the promise but suffer eclipse early in life. 

Charubel gives: "A man feeling his way over a bog, where he appears to be sinking at every step he takes."  Well if I were Brett Kavanaugh, I guess that is how I would feel! "He would find it a difficult matter to make his way through this world, more especially after middle life." The Sabian symbol for Venus is "A fellowship supper" which for us today could be something pleasant. However, there is something eerie about how the purported incidents involving Kavanaugh took place at parties, and the keyword for the degree is Fraternity which in the world of MeToo is a dirty word. Again, I am not making any judgment but the symbols seem to be pointing out what is happening in the public consciousness.

Mars remains at the degree of Aquarius "A council of ancestors" in the Sabian symboliism. For Kavanaugh and his supporters this could be the "patriarchy" or the conservative Establishment. For Blasey and those supporting her it could be the "council of abused women, ancestors of those living and possibly also abused." And so we have two councils opposing each other. Perhaps there is also a wider, wiser Council of the human race which is trying through crises like this to find a better way for the sexes to understand and treat each other. Another symbol suggests mockery or humor, a sly sort of insinuating simulating playfulness, "A man wearing a mask as in a play."  This may be what Kavanaugh felt or thought he was doing during these incidents, at the time, though now he may not be smiling about it. 

"Hunters starting out for ducks" would seem to be female hunters, unless Kavanaugh and his supporters can bring some convincing evidence against the charges. The symbol suggests "freedom of action willy-nilly" according to Marc Edmund Jones, at worst "a callous exploitation of all life." Well that could be Kavanaugh and his buddies, their mentality or attitude, according to the accusers. Of course K's supporters would probably say that it is the accusers who are callously trying to bring a good man down. The sun is in the degree symbolized by "A man teaching the true inner knowledge" in the Sabian system. Where is he when we need him? Probably right at hand but we don't see or hear him. "They have eyes but do not see, ears but do not hear," said Jesus. However, it is not at all clear to me what the "true inner knowledge" would be about this particular case. We can only hope that the Senate will, by a couple of votes at least, hear and see the truth. 

Well, I did not stay with my intention to avoid writing about this non-trial which seems like a trial. It is strongly on my mind. I hope that the preceding will have other meanings as well for you in your personal life.

{Thursday}  /The Council of the Evolving Human Race\

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  I feel it important to outline, at least, something which came to me a couple days ago. We will say more later:

This time as the Dark Hermetic Epoch (based on the motions of Mercury) ended on September 2, and we entered a Bright HE until October 29, I did not feel the same "pickup" and fresh life and easier problem-solving as I usually do. I pondered why that should be and attributed it to the long-lasting square of Mars and Uranus plus the growing square between Mars and Venus. But now I think something else is afoot.

Venus as well as Mercury has a retrograde cycle, but while Mercury's happens about three times a year (hence the BHEs and DHEs, about two months each), Venus's happens only once in two to three years. If we calculate it just the way I learned through bitter experience to calculate the Hermetic Epochs, a Dark or Slow Venusian Epoch began on September 3, the very day after the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch ended! Oy vey. It continues through December 17. If we also consider a Martian Epoch, the Dark or Slow Martian Epoch (once every three to four years) began on May 12 and will end on October 8. And so when the DHE eneded and the BHE began, we were in the two Venus and Mars Dark or Slow Epochs.  This is something new to me that I had not considered before. We are perhaps in the process of a big discovery! This could be huge! Usually the Mars and Venus Slow Epochs would not be happening at the same time, but this time they are, and that may be why I at least (what about you?) feel as if I am walking on chewing gum. Things take too long and I am not always sure what to do and often backtrack, as in the DHE. Let me know if this seems to be happening also for you. Astrology can be comforting when it shows us reasons for our difficulties. And not just comforting, but useful because if we understand something about those difficulties we are better able to surmount them or at least live through them with more hope and optimism.  October 8 through 28, exactly three weeks, could be the better part of this particular Bright Hermetic Epoch. Let us hope. 

-- HHH / CP

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