Thursday, September 6, 2018

Message for Friday 7 September 2018

Friday 7 September 2018

^Ineffectual or Astute^

Moon in Leo

The earthquake which hit Hokkaida, Japan occurred at 3:07 a.m. Thursday, Japanese time, which is nine hours to the east of Universal Time so it occurred at 6:07 p.m. Wednesday, Universal Time, and if you look at this forecast for Wednesday you will see that I listed the |Karmically serious or challenging third| of this week as lasting until 8:43 p.m. UT. Of course, the people affected were feeling the effects much later than that, as well, but the quake hit within the |difficult third| period as I  learned to calculate it through trial and error over 20 years of research. I discovered that the opposition and conjunction of Luna with Saturn, which are two of the four indicators of the |difficult third|, require not just a fifteen-degree orb but a seventeen-degree orb, and I have been using that in these forecasts for many years. The method was vindicated again today, in Japan. The quake also is a result of Mars's long-lasting square with Uranus, commented upon frequently here in relation to all the fires in the U. S. and Canada, and also there is a heat wave in Japan which makes things harder and that too is an effect of the incendiary Mars-Uranus square, which is increasing day by day as Mars closes in. Of course, global warming could be the efficient and material cause of that, but the formal cause showing why so many fires and heat waves are occurring this summer is Mars square Uranus. That is exacerbated now by Venus adding to the mix as she opposes Uranus and squares Mars, increasing by the day.

This is of course also indicating the pressures on Donald Trump, or his public image, as shown in the Woodward book titled Fear expounding his problems with his own Administration and now, yesterday, the op-ed piece in the NYT by a supposedly senior official in his entourage. That also hit the Times and the public on the day the sun opposed Neptune by two degrees, and by one degree on Thursday and Friday. I quoted CEO Carter yesterday as having written of that aspect: 
"Sometimes there is scandal, and it is not clear who is to blame since the whole affair is involved in mystery."  Obviously this fits the op-ed piece and today all journalists and others are speculating, "Who wrote it??!!"  (My best guess: Larry Kudlow. Not based on astrology but what I read today in news commentaries.)

Some will offer unasked-for advice, or be officious, or "preach sermons" whether for the better or not. Again, this fits because Trump's defenders say that the invisible writer is merely being officious. The sun opposite Neptune indicates, at worst, deception and Trump himself has Mercury square Neptune in his birth-chart so he is well acquainted with it and his own lying attracts to him, by laws of karma, other liars. Obviously. And, of course, both the book and the op-ed came out during the |karmically serious or challenging third| of the week (check these forecasts and you will see). 

Mars square Venus is going on full-scale (it lasts until the middle of October but is getting very tight, tighter by the day) and this is not only all the Trump controversy but the battle over Kavanaugh as the Supreme Court Justice nominee. It is fascinating to watch Kamala Harris, touted as a possible Democratic presidential nominee, questioning Kavanaugh. Venus squaring Mars! She looks quite good and he looks confused. Yet of course he remains confident. 

This aspect probably is working out in your life as tensions among people around you. It is not always predictable but sometimes is seeming rejection, or mutual rejection between those who in the past were quite attracted to each other. Who is friend and who is foe? Are all frenemies? 

Friday:  Things are tough all over. One speculates abortively. One walks as if through mud. Yet there is rationality, accumulated experience and (sometimes) perfected wisdom. 

People are essentially imitative. We can't help it. Even an original genius like Bob Dylan learned by imitating other musicians. We may unconsciously ape others also when we fight or disagree and this could have bad consequences. We need to defend ourselves and our integrity but not increase antagonisms crudely.

An inner group of elite people may harbor sickness within their interrelations if they let controversy and strife overtake their unified objectives. To be quiet and seemingly ineffectual may be better than to rock the boat again.

Mars is back at the degree it occupied when Trump was elected, signifying "a ruler indeed" according to Charubel who even said it might signify the president of a nation, back in 1893. It is obvious that his presidency is being evaluated and called into question as never before. Those who think of him as "a ruler indeed" seem to diminish, and yet there he is. Whom else do you consider to be "a ruler indeed" in your own life? Someone you have selected as your leader? Associations with men and women of varied cultures, each in its own costume as it were, could be colorful and encouraging no matter what the accompanying controversies.

{Friday} ^Ineffectual or Astute^

Cosmic Piper

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