Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Message for Wednesday 8 August 2018

Wednesday 8 August 2018

~The Deep Quest Continues~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious or challenging third| of this week continues 
until it ends Thursday at 5:35a PT | 8:35a ET | 12:35p UT

The fires in California are the worst in the state's history. It is not a coincidence that Mars, which has been stationary (that happens only once in three or so years), has been and shall be square Uranus by a 7 degree orb for all of July and all of August. Most of the time the orb has been much tighter, 0 to 4 degrees, and is 2 degrees right now. This duration is highly unusual, and astrologers have always noted harsh Mars-Uranus aspects as incendiary or inclined to fires or the psychological fires of anger, rage or violence. It seems to have been mostly on the physical plane rather than the emotional one this time since we have not had an unusually large number of killings or terrorist acts during these two months so far. 

Could that indicate that humanity is somewhat "over" that kind of horror? I hope so. Or it could be that Uranus now, since the middle of May, has been in Taurus rather than Aries where it was for eight years before that (since June 2010). Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus while Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars. Could it be that even with the square of Mars this new placement of Uranus is less violent? I hope so. Yet it came out in the fires destroying property (Taurus an earth sign) and unfortunately some lives were lost. 

As for the 91 or so individuals killed in the fire in Greece, I see now that the date was July 24 which was during the |karmically difficult third| of that week and of course in the Dark Hermetic Epoch which began on the 7th. Not only was the Mars-Uranus square exact within two degrees, but the sun was opposing Mars and square Uranus by less than one degree and opposed to Mars by less than three degrees. Amazing! And perfectly in accord with all the criteria I have been publicizing here for almost two decades. Does anybody notice? No. The journalists such as the New York Times? No. The academics such as statisticians or physicists or philosophers? No. You, my readers? I guess not since I never hear from you.

Further, the DHE had a lot to do with what happened in Mati, Greece, as shown by this from the Greek newspaper To Vima: "As strong winds whipped the flames through dry pine groves mayors did not give evacuation orders, fire officials did not set up a line of defense, and rescue workers were spread far too thin. Every agency seemed to be waiting for orders from another agency."  This is almost a perfect description of what can happen during a DHE: "everyone waiting for orders from someone else." What a mess, one might say, and yet there is method in the madness and we need to learn to cope better with these periods which is why I write so much about them. 

I am repeating what I wrote yesterday because it is very important. (Unfortunately, I tried to place the words denoting the Epochs above the dates, and this failed for some devices such as my own smartphone. It scrambled them so they were not decipherable. Mercury retrograde! So I try again):

It's good to review where we are in the twofold Epoch pattern:

Dark Hermetic Epoch begins July 7 --> (Mercury goes retrograde  July 16 --> Mercury goes direct  August 19) --> DHE continues until September 2

The next Bright Hermetic Epoch lasts from September 2 through October 28

I have written an enormous amount, over the years, about the DHE and how to deal with it. Here is more:

The way you work with the DHE, which lasts at least three more weeks (although some think the MR period at its core is more intense), depends partly on your temperament. I could say there are two ways:

A. If you are a workaholic or a very determined person and very self-disciplined, you could: Just insist that you keep up with things in the DHE just like you do in the Bright HEs. You will find that this is harder. Your mind wanders more and you have to corral it. Things outside you like mechanical devices, cars, planes, trains, buses, phones, computers, seem to have a mind of their own sometimes and delay you. Other people seem confused or give you contradictory signals or are slow or tardy or hold you up in other ways. There are more interruptions. And so on. Yet you determine to be on top of all that and do the best you can and not blame Mercury or other people but take responsibility for everything. Courageous! Strong!

B. If you are of a more passive or contemplative nature, you might decide deliberately to slow down during these times, at least with some projects or schedules, or  be willing to experiment with them and let your course go "out of pattern" frequently.  You are more flexible than usual. You sense when things are "going kaflooey" and bow to that a little, maybe by changing your schedule, dropping some people for a while when they are unavailable rather than chase them, dropping tasks when there are too many insuperable factors slowing them down, and turning to something else. Even you might meditate, pray, and daydream more than usual and not blame yourself for that but find the value in it. You realize that your inner life is crucial and need not be utterly dominated by your outer life and its hassles. 

I find myself approaching each day during the DHE in both of these ways, though they seem contradictory. Sometimes I beat that stubborn mule to get it going again, and sometimes I let it have a rest. The stubborn mule is some part of myself which objects to the strenuousness of life and its complexities and contradictions. It needs extra rest, but sometimes needs to be prodded to get going again. It's a delicate business knowing which tack to take every hour or minute. 

There is another factor which I want to emphasize: Do not think that you are "losing it" during this time. One might think that one is going senile, or losing one's short-term memory or will-power or focus or will-to-live. Yes, it seems that way. So it is important to know about these periods. It is okay to "blame Mercury" a little, or rather, know that this is naturally a period when we are "supposed to" take a different approach to life than we usually do. We are not losing it but are being nudged to do things in a different way which might seem chaotic just because it requires us to take account of more factors than usual, including our long-term memories, which often surge up either as pride or as guilt. We question life, G*d, and ourselves, and that could be very good as long as it does not lead to fatalism or anarchism or sneakily subtle forms of suicide. Rather, we can deepen our awareness and psychic-spiritual sensitivity in ways which are liberating.

Wednesday:  Some who are considered coarse or impolite are immovable or so certain of themselves that they avoid anything tricky for their own gain. "This is how I am; take it or leave it."

We may be on a threshold of the ultimate potentials of the human race. The ugliness in the political sphere may be unpleasant but needed birth pangs.

Weakness and indecision could afflict us. No direction seems absolutely certain or patently understandable. Therefore we waver as if standing at crossroads. 

Still, there are people who "follow you" or care about your trajectory in life. They find it interesting. 

Distant scenes may seem to hold possibilities but probably mental travel is better than physical.

We may give ourselves too many excuses for inaction. Yes, it is the DHE when things are slower or more tangled, and yet we need to keep up with essentials to avoid making things worse. 

Still, the inner may take precedence over the outer, when it comes to a true spiritual path. You may be pondering and relying on the mystical truths which have supported you over the years. Their durability supports your own. Searching for truth in a monastic or melancholy way could be good for you, not interfering with your practical activities but ultimately sustaining them. 

{Wednesday}  ~The Deep Quest Continues~

Cosmic Piper

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