Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Message for Thursday 23 August 2018

Thursday 23 August 2018

}Mutual Self-Assured Respect Requisite{

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:20a PT | 10:20a ET | 2:20p UT
until it enters Aquarius at 9:57a PT | 12:57p ET | 4:57p UT

Was Tuesday a |Karmic day|?!  (As was definitely pointed out here.) Well, Michael Cohen and then Paul Manafort were convicted within an hour of each other in the afternoon, and the body of Mollie Tibbetts was found. She had vanished on a |difficult third| day and her body was found on another, and her killer confessed. Karmic? I would guess so. And all the commentators are saying, "The worst day ever for Donald Trump" and are assuming his "karma" might be catching up to him. No comment from me on that because he has a very lucky birth-chart. Even, it could be said, the fact that Mollie's killer is an undocumented Mexican immigrant played into his hands on the very day he had other miserable luck, to give his convinced followers more reason to believe in his immigration policies. 

Fox News played the Mexican killer headlines over those of the two convictions of Trump cronies, and the New York Times the reverse. As would be expected. No news seems unvarnished by editorial slanting.

And, of course, all this happened during a Dark or Slow or Contemplative or Recessive Hermetic Epoch (choose your favorite term). The Manafort and Cohen accusations have been stewing or percolating for months, finally to be REhashed or REsolved in the convictions. The disappearance of Mollie happened during the DHR and the unhappy REvelation of what happened to her also. You can supply other endless examples of "old tapes" from the past being replayed and re-evaluated. In your own life, in the lives of friends, and in the lives of public persons.

Thursday:  It is amazing how some people get away with cruel, avaricious, criminal deeds--for a time. Of course karma catches up with them sooner or later. The symbol "A wolf carrying away a lamb" might be a warning to some of us, whether we tend to be the lamb or the wolf!

Another "re" word is RElaxation, keyword for the Sabian symbol "A REtired sea captain." Well you may legitimately do some of that. 

Relations between the sexes are such that someone feels like treating you, or you feel like treating someone, as a lost animal. How comforting to guide this loved one home from wandering.

A convivial or festival spirit could turn up at some point during the day or evening, perhaps with some abrasiveness because of differing cultures or lifestyles. 

Naive insight comes via signs and signals, whether systematically through divination or spontaneously through serendipitous synchronicity. 

One feels an internal self-reliance within one's own nuclear reality. This need not mean that one disrespects or contemns others. If that were to happen it would dissipate one's own self-surety by linking one's emotions and responses to someone else's errors or  seeming errors. 

{Thursday}  {Mutual Self-Assured Respect Requisite}

Cosmic Piper

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