Friday, August 3, 2018

Message for Saturday 4 August 2018

Saturday 4 August 2018

\Ideals Lead Toward Fulfillment/

Moon in Taurus

G*d bless the Pope! His stand against capital punishment, even to the point of changing the Roman Catholic Catechism, is wonderful and overdue. I hope it will inspire American protestants to rethink the death penalty. Many of them oppose it, of course, but many in the "red states" support it. The Pope is leading the way to what should be a universal Christian position on this.  Here is how the Catechism now reads: ". . .  the Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that ‘the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person,’ and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide.”  Amen!

Now, I ask myself, how might this striking announcement by the Pope be reflected in the heavenly motions? A little thought reveals wonderful correlations. Jupiter is considered the planet of the guru in India, and of Church prelates or pastors in the West. It turned direct on July 10, suggesting a possible change in matters it rules, and it was and is in the sign Scorpio, always considered "the sign of death" or of the "natural 8th house" which is the house of death (among other matters). Scorpio can be the sign of murder (a large proportion of crime novelists have Scorpio positions in their charts, and Alfred Hitchcock had Jupiter therein). So Scorpio is also the sign of repentance and reformation, of difficult penance and self-imposed reconstruction. The Pope is acknowledging that these things ought to be the goal of any human so-called "justice system," rather than punishment. And he is right. 

Further, in the sky, as he made his statement, Jupiter is trine Neptune within two degrees, and moving closer to that exact trine This is a beautiful depiction in the heavens of forgiveness and blessedness as derived partly from sheer divine Grace (Pisces) and partly from painful self-examination (Scorpio). The Pope is not a machine, nor is G*d, nor are the heavens except to our lower inadequate perceptions. Rather they are reflections of Formal Cause, which works hand in hand with Final Cause (the Will of Deity). 

Saturday:  Some may seem querulous, cantankerous, or quarrelsome. This has to do partly with the long-lasting square between Mars and Uranus in fixed signs, emphasized today by Luna's square with the sun and Mercury, also in fixed signs. When those signs are right they are righteous, but when wrong they are willfully obstinate. 

The driving power of personality is effective at home and far away, through your influence on people, which ought not to be sadistic but wisely impelling. 

There is constancy in doing what you regard as right, even if this is costly to you.  

You might look back on your family and ancestry and wonder what you represent in that lineage. There is something picturesque and romantic about it, "moss on a hollow tree." But of course more than that.

When accidental events surge up they could stimulate you in a favorable way. Nature is beautiful and fruitful. You can be peaceful while industrious and generous. 

Even strong ideals are compatible with some refreshing divergence into childlike playfulness!

{Saturday}  /Ideals Lead Toward Fulfillment\

Cosmic Piper

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