Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Message for Wednesday 22 August 2018

Wednesday 22 August 2018

\Churning Without Firm Conclusion/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious third| of this week remains until 12:58p PT | 3:58p ET | 7:58p UT

Frankly, I am not at all interested in Elon Musk and have a sort of dislike of him. But his name and face keep turning up in the headlines and this latest stuff about his "adventures"(?) shows conclusively that being one of the richest men in the world does NOT save anyone from the effects of the Dark or Slow or Confusing Hermetic Epoch! One might think from reading this that he has "lost it" both in personal affairs and business--but no, he is just suffering the DHE (or SHE, Slow Hermetic Epoch) like the rest of us. 

Wednesday:  Intellect and mature judgment seem to go along with strong will-power. 

However, the basis of some communications seems to be lost, or to go astray, so that you are delayed in making agreements with anyone. This could be a needed respite which allows all to rethink their priorities.

Being good to someone dependent or a young person or animal could bring good fortune to both. 

A dairy product--yogurt, cheese, kefir, ice cream--could be prominent or helpful.

We need to recognize the needs of other life-forms, pets, wild animals. We need to recognize the needs of prisoners, of whom we have too many, who are for two weeks demonstrating against cruel and unfair prison conditions. Prison reform should be high on the national (and international) agenda. We can't expect prisoners to feel they want to deal justly with the world after their release if we do not deal justly with them while they are incarcerated!

When there seems to be danger or turmoil, signals and intuitions can guide you. 

The moon united with both Pluto and Mars in Capricorn is a strong  position and I have reported here many times that there are often high winds when the moon is conjunct, square or opposite Mars. I hope so this time, at least for Seattle, because the meteorologists are saying that wind on Wednesday could blow away the heavy concentration of pollutants from the fires all over the West and nearby Canada. Or, they say, it might be Thursday, which is interesting because Luna will be closer to Mars then, in fact exactly conjoined to it. 

There is force, energy, and brilliance to be directed wisely. People feel sure of their spiritual allegiances and personal enthusiasms, at some deep level, even if unable to articulate them persuasively. 

{Wednesday}  /Churning Without Firm Conclusion\

Cosmic Piper

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