Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Message for Wednesday 29 August 2018

Wednesday 29 August 2018

}Reserved but Persistent{

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious third| of this week continues
until it ends at 7:14p PT | 10:14p ET | 2:14a(Th) UT

We all need inspiration to get through our days. Me too, and I put what I hope is inspiration, as far as consistent with an astrological report, in the final paragraphs devoted to the day itself and its symbols and aspects. Before that I often comment on current situations and aspects, and I admit that can be depressing, because I am trying to sort out the most difficult things going on and how they are related to astrological positions. I am hoping that seeing these things will help you to cope with them but realize that instead some of you might just find them depressing. "Dark Hermetic Epoch? Still? Why bother with anything!" I sometimes feel this way myself and have to counter the negative thoughts through positive thinking. I am hoping that you will do the same as you read the early part of this report.

I am thinking a lot about the fires in California and elsewhere, because I have to breathe Seattle air, which has been afflicted with smoke from those fires for weeks. The "elsewhere" includes Canada but in the American press I have not read much about the Canadian fires. I could research them but of course time is limited. I have already reported, often, on the connection of the fires with Mars square Uranus which is going on much longer than usual because Mars went retrograde, and then direct, within orb of its square with Uranus. This is the most incendiary aspect in astrology! We learn what the aspects mean by history, by what older astrologers and writers have observed, and through direct observation. The fact that Mars square Uranus can be fires, or violence, has been amply substantiated this summer. But what are the positive uses of this aspect? I quote from Reinhold Ebertin: "Intensified creativity. Desire for freedom and independence. Remaining undaunted. Powers of quick decision. Surprises." I would add: The possibility of work on or with electrical devices. Advances in computer technology or one's use of it. Discovering new ways to use technological tools. 

Meanwhile, we have the fires:   Firefighters are pushing themselves to their physical and emotional limits to battle these blazes, staying awake for days, sleeping in the dirt, working away from their homes for more than a month. They are doing so even as their colleagues die, and they are grappling with grief and a profound exhaustion that some in the field believe may have contributed to those deaths. 
“I can’t recall a time where we were looking at three different memorial services within a two-week span,” Carroll Wills, a spokesman for the California Professional Firefighters, said of the state’s deadly summer. “The men and women on the frontlines, they’re exhausted, they’re hurting,” he added. “Our resources are being pushed to the limit."  --The Guardian

I see that next year Mars will be square Uranus again, but much more briefly, from late June to the last week in July, during a DHE again. Perhaps the fire season will come a little earlier in 2019. 

Yesterday an airline accident killed 51 people in Nepal. The captain of the plane was said to be suffering emotional disturbance, chain smoking and weeping. Uranus rules air travel, and Mars accidents. The Dark Hermetic Epoch includes for most a lot of emotional distress, no matter how we conceal (or reveal) it. This is just a signal that you are not alone when it comes to suffering such depression. (Join Elon Musk.) Some resort to more smoking, more "weed," more alcohol or drugs. I am convinced that people are more likely to backslide into such habits during every Dark or Slow or Regressive Epoch. 

This DHE lasts until this Sunday, September 2. I already notice that some symptoms of it seem ameliorated, yet clinging. Patience is the keyword. For two days there has been much less smoke in Seattle, with the help of winds blowing it away. Let's hope the fires will be contained by early in September, although the Mars-Uranus aspect continues into early October. The Bright HE should make that easier to deal with. "Intensified creativity. Desire for freedom and independence. Remaining undaunted. Powers of quick decision. Surprises." We are more likely to be manifesting those better trends of the aspect beginning Sunday. 

Wednesday:  One can cajole the laws to be on one's side when one is in compliance with them as far as possible. A generous, giving side of one's nature wants to bestow goodness on all.

People's feelings are delicate and reserved, though sincere and kindly. So someone who is remote from you may not dislike you but is either shy or just wanting to remain in her or his own world. A guiding tendency wants to be maternal or paternal toward people, yet not too emotionally involved. 

The winds of adversity might make one feel like a battered ship, useless and abandoned. That makes people susceptible to cultish behavior, subjecting themselves to a leader or even tyrant just to get a sense of belonging and security. But then the restraints become unpleasant at some point. Bearing with them still has advantages, yet deviating may be necessary also.

We often want to take the easy path when it would be advantageous to be more vigilant and expend energy to make something good happen. Work confers benefits not apparent on the surface. Signatures, signs or clues are offered by the cosmos to show you what is worth doing.

{Wednesday}  {Reserved but Persistent}

Cosmic Piper

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