Sunday, August 19, 2018

Message for Monday 20 August 2018

Monday 20 August 2018

^Cautious Yet Friendly Signals^ 

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
|Karmically serious third| of this week is with us (until Wednesday afternoon)
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:48p PT | 7:48p ET | 11:48p UT
until it enters Capricorn at 9:02p PT | 12:02a(Tu) ET | 4:02a(Tu) UT

You may be able to predict that I will say, "Don't think that just because Mercury turned direct late Saturday that things are now going to be easy." I always have to say that because the major reason I discovered the Hermetic Epochs in 1979 and refined my measurement of them over the years was that I saw clearly that things did not immediately "get better" when Mercury turned direct. Then, looking over the years and my experiences as well as some of the world's major events, I found that the period of two weeks or so after (and before) Mercury's retrograde period included the most difficult things I and the world had experienced. I saw that the Mercury cycle is larger and more important than any astrologer previously had realized. I could see that there are two naturally occurring periods within the cycle, which I later denominated the Dark Hermetic and Bright Hermetic Epochs. I might have called them Slow and Fast rather than Dark and Bright, or Contemplative and Active. I do not know which designation would be most helpful for people. 

In other words, astronomically the speed of Mercury was the important thing (in its relation to the earth). Then I refined the measurement further and one student of these reports figured out how I did that. I would be glad to share it with anyone who asks, if they have an astrological ephemeris and so can see how to calculate it.

Dark Hermetic Epoch begins July 7 --> (Mercury goes retrograde  July 16 --> Mercury goes direct  August 19) --> DHE continues until September 2

The next Bright Hermetic Epoch lasts from September 2 through October 28

Monday:  Again we have the |karmically serious or difficult third| of this week. I named that, and still believe that "karmically serious" describes it as well as anything. It does not have to be terrible but tends to be depressing unless one is a saint or a very spiritually evolved soul. One reason is that duty calls. Another reason is that one is likely to be cognizant of one's failures and errors, and of others'. The reason for that is so one can correct them, of course, but this is not always fun. Nevertheless if one faces it all calmly this can be a period of peaceful realization within oneself. It is not generally a good social or party time unless one is willing to face others' serious issues patiently. 

I saw yesterday that the bridge which collapsed in Italy did so on August 14 which was a |karmically serious| day and pointed out here as such.  Also the three American women who disappeared since the DHE began vanished on |karmically serious| days (it is known, unfortunately, that the third one was murdered). Of course things should not be that dire and ordinarily are not, but the pattern holds. Speaking of karma, also on Tuesday the 14th during a |karmically serious| period the names of the many priests accused of sexual predation in Pennsylvania were released. It was not a happy day for them nor for the parishioners who learned for the first time what they had done.

On Monday travel may seem appealing but it is questionable whether actual travel today would be good; perhaps it is more the thought of it or planning for it in the future which is helpful. Personal down-to-earth business seems a major focus. 

One is interested in life, yet knows that it is sometimes good to recuperate or take a siesta.

Being good to an animal or giving it shelter and comfort could be a natural thing to do. Or this could be for a somewhat dependent human being.

Being magnanimous, humane and harmonizing toward someone could have wonderful results.

Signs, signals and clues are abundant, "A woman reading tea leaves." Sometimes this may seem cosmic humor; a lila in Hindu terms, or a play of Krishna with his devotees. People pretend to be what they are not in a harmless way for sheer release of feeling or pleasurable entertainment. On a |karmic| day this might have more serious overtones yet still be diverting.

Still, people know who they are and are "true friends or open enemies," or maybe "frenemies" when they want to influence you in a direction you resist. But still you know they care about you.

{Monday}  ^Cautious Yet Friendly Signals^

Cosmic Piper

If you get past the initial crude language and wait patiently for the end of the song, this one by Kid Rock is actually semi-religious and also a good explication of one "manly" way to meet a |karmically intense| period of the week. I found it strengthening:  Back to the Otherside by Kid Rock  He is a Capricorn with four planets in earth signs and Mars in Scorpio, a gritty and determined combination. 

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