Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Message for Thursday 2 August 2018

Thursday 2 August 2018

^Pressures Adjusted Winningly^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically challenging third| of this week remains until 3:17p PT | 6:17p ET | 10:17p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:53p PT | 10:53p ET | 2:53a(F) UT

It is interesting to look at the current display of the planets from varying viewpoints. Using the "temperament types" of Marc Edmund Jones, seven shapes of the planetary display as viewed from Earth, and using also the eighth shape which I discovered, we see that for the past three weeks there has been a "vise" pattern, that is, the planets pretty evenly distributed except for one empty square which is the gap in the vise which holds things by the pressure on each side. One side is the sun in Leo, and in America that is Trump, the "King." The other side is Uranus in Taurus, and that is tariffs and trade policies, because Taurus is the sign of cattle, pecos in Latin, from which comes the word pecuniary, and also our "Bull Market" lingo and we have had one of those for a long time. Trump's luck. But during the last three weeks there has been constant confusion and discussion of exactly what the "King"s trade policies will be, or exactly what tariffs affecting which nations, and on and on. Doubtless the Dark Hermetic Epoch has a lot to do with the constant modifications and confusions. Still, the whole process is neatly defined by the sun in Leo square Uranus (the unexpected and the self-centered or selfish) in Taurus (commerce, buying and selling). 

It is affecting farmers, who are indicated by both Taurus and Virgo, and they don't like it, but the "King" is trying to sweeten it by giving them $12 billion. That would be Uranus trine Saturn, and Venus in Virgo (farmers) trine Pluto in Capricorn (government). 

She is also trine Mars now, by seven degrees today and that aspect increases up to exactitude on August 7 (and will linger another week beyond that). Yes, there should be good luck for lovers and friends, for good social times. Yet Venus will also be square Saturn so we need to care about the friend's or the lover's needs as much as or more than our own in order to take the edge off sensitivities and anxieties.

Also with Venus square Saturn we have the question, from both sexes (although it is supposed to be a "woman thing"), What do I need to do to be more attractive or more loved? Saturn wants to discipline Venus (which is in men's charts too) toward beauty and harmony, such as diet, clothing, hair care and so on.

Thursday:  Some things do not come to maturity as hoped, or are premature. This could have to do with travel, household matters, or other factors.

A religious or spiritual instinct brings good fortune and even rapture.

You may need to corral, conquer or influence someone toward a less barbaric and more ethical standard. 

Extravagant habits bring self-indulgence, which feels good until it doesn't. Spurring oneself to extra effort before granting oneself desire-fulfillment could be progressive. 

There are "rules of the game" but one does not have to adhere to a game-plan which has become meaningless, so one may be defiant and say "No, I do not accept this." 

This, if done courteously, may have better results than expected, for someone might realize how much your goodwill means and respond in a cordial manner. Then one has made one's point but not at the expense of unity.

{Thursday}  ^Pressures Adjusted Winningly^

Cosmic Piper

P. S. I spend more time on these reports than you may realize, winnowing and refining every word and sentence in accord with dozens of factors and long experience. That does not mean they are perfect oracles but that nothing in them is careless or ill-considered, and I hope they are working for you. 

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