Friday, January 8, 2016

Revisited Forecast for Fortnight of January 2-16; plus Saturday and Sunday

Forecast for Fortnight of January 2-16, 2016

\I am reposting the two forecasts I did for this two-week period. We are now, on Friday the 8th, near the midpoint of it which shall be at the New Moon. With the reposting (and some editing) go these comments in another color and typeface and also with the  \ and / symbols for the sake of those who read it in the ordinary Facebook post where there is only one typeface and no colors. Further, below these two reports are two daily forecasts for Saturday and Sunday, January 9 and 10./

\Dancing, Singing and Greed!/

This fortnight happens to begin and end on Saturdays two weeks apart.

Difficult aspects are always with us; we have to plow through them. I hope the following may help.

The lighter side of things is depicted by Charubel: "A large assembly room. A large audience and a man at the piano. An artistic person, an eloquent person, a musician, a popular person." We could enjoy a lot of easy entertainment. We could toss forth our skills and talents and get popularity in return. We could equally enjoy seeing or hearing others do this. Maybe we could be lounge lizards. The symbols for Pluto is even more exuberant, though garishly so: "A man of stout make, good proportions, round, rosy features, looking very merry, dancing grotesquely." Merry New Year! Charubel goes on: "Denotes one who lives to eat and enjoy himself; never troubles his mind with cares; seldom thinks of the future by way of providing for the same; the present is his all; his creed is 'Let me eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow I may be "done for."'"  Okay, let's not get carried away with this! We had better get on to the more realistic parts of the chart. We can't spend our days and nights in bars and nightclubs.

\I can only say that for me the above prediction was only partly true, and not in a big way. A little bit of fun, yes. How about you? I believe these symbols indicated things I felt like doing or subjectively wanted to do./  

Much of the chart looks business-oriented. Pluto, the sun and Mercury in Capricorn are trine Jupiter in Virgo. Though Mercury is retrograde, this is not a bad set-up for business. Probably you should stick to the methods and strategies you decided on before this period begins. If you keep implementing them faithfully they may lead you to success. "A practical business person who readily allies himself with the world's ways and with ordinary matters. One never short of expedients. A little cantankerous and not one of the pleasantest companions." Does that sound like someone we know, sometimes referred to as the Donald (Duck?). But taking this as applying to ourselves, we get so involved in our business that we sometimes are cantankerous toward those who interrupt it.

\ Certainly the stock market's gyrations downward put business in highlights for many./

Interestingly enough, Neptune has been at the above degree since mid-September during the peak in Mr. Trump's popularity. "One never short of expedients" and "a practical business person" are the essence of his self-description! "A little cantankerous"? Who would say that of the Donald?!

"A merchant ship" is also good for business, suggesting "a successful merchant." I do not claim to predict the stock market, which perversely seems to follow its own indecipherable rules. But it seems about time that world markets should recover somewhat.   \ I couldn't have been more wrong on that one! It was wishful thinking. Yet there remains another week in this fortnight./  In your personal life this means perhaps to be a little bold in your planning (although while Mercury is retrograde and a little before [that begins on the 5th] it is wise to stick with well-tested plans, though perhaps to be bold in implementing the most solid ones). \That made sense in my own life./

More business, of a rather dark sort: "Death, with a scythe in one hand, and a bag of money in the other. A miser; one who will starve himself for gain; and one who would delight in slaughter and carnage if it would prove of some monetary advantage to himself." Interestingly enough, Pluto was in this degree on 9/11/2001, giving perhaps some support to the conspiracy theorists. Or not. Now it is Saturn which is there. It sounds a little like the credo of the Republican Party, as well as the Democratic Party at certain moments of its history. To counterbalance this is Jupiter's position, which happens to be identical with that of Rahu or the moon's north node, considered above: The popular entertainer playing the piano in a dance hall. That gives relief, but we might do well to watch out for those who are in fact monetary predators, especially when Mercury is retrograde and we might fall under their influence. If it sounds like a scam it probably is.

\This makes a lot of sense, in that world stock markets got off to a terrible start and some investors might have felt that they would "delight in carnage" in order to be rescued from falling prices. But that was a little too heavy. I cannot speak for Arab sheiks or Wall Street bankers or other financial-predator types--perhaps this description fit some of the deals they made or were trying to make. Interestingly, yesterday I reported on the book by Milton William Cooper which makes out, in hundreds of supposedly documented pages, that our own U. S. government and the Illuminati (whoever they might be) and the Trilateral Commission and the Rockefellers (a little dated) and high military brass and so on were all just like that symbol of "Death with a scythe in one hand . . . " According to Cooper they created AIDS and fostered wars to reduce the world's population, for starters. So, in an odd way, I was led into reading a book which fit Charubel's description of an important degree for this period. Interestingly enough, also, I find that William Cooper's life ended in a standoff with the Feds, for he refused to pay income tax and when they came to arrest him he used the gunpower he believed in to fight to the end and was killed. "Death with a scythe in one hand and a bag of money in the other." A sad ending to what seemed a sincere but rather misguided individual. Yet even then, some of what he said had the resonance of truth. His horoscope is fascinating and appropriate. I wish him a better life next time around./

Perhaps that horrible degree-symbol is warning us to beware of putting money before love. That is often a problem when Venus conjoins Saturn, as she does during this whole period. The "miser" warned about in the symbol could be ourselves. Business which pushes family away could be one symptom of the syndrome. Saying "I'm too busy" to a friend could be another.  \Perhaps I was guilty sometimes of this, but not much I don't think. Unless I am unaware of my own motivations./

Then, since we have the symbols of easy entertainment and wild carefree dancing, we might say that self-absorbed entertainment, as in sitting and watching endless episodes of a favorite TV series, could also get in the way of real connection with other human beings. Yet the happy carefree symbols are refreshing and I hope we enjoy many such times!  \I did not enjoy very many of them although it's true I did not have a lot of "real connections with other human beings," other than through correspondence and the Internet./

Those were the symbols of Charubel for this period beginning on New Year's evening, the 1st, at 9:32p PT | 0:32a(Saturday the 2nd) ET | 5:32a(Sa) UT. We considered them together with the planetary aspects for the two-week period.Tomorrow we will have another report for the same fortnight using the Sabian Symbols which were a 20th-century development in the art of astrology.  \I shall do this forthwith; see below./

Till then, Enjoy your New Year's Eve and New Year's Day!  And yes, do take time to pray very seriously amid, before, and after the merriment. The world needs your prayers as much as you do.

{Fortnight of January 2-16, 2016}  /Dancing, Singing and Greed!\

Fortnight of January 2-16, 2016 (Second Forecast)

\Babes in the Woods or Children in the Kingdom/

The second forecast for this two-week period of the moon's crescent phase is based upon the Sabian Symbols, unlike the one posted yesterday based on the symbols of the 19th-century clairvoyant Charubel (John Thomas). Underlying both forecasts, of course, are the planetary positions and aspects for the period. I use those from the midpoint of the period, which is, this time, the New Moon on January 9.

Mary and her white lamb is a symbol of artlessness. Here is one definition of "artless": "Free from deceit, cunning or craftiness; ingenuous. Or, Natural; simple, as in 'artless beauty.'" (My old American College Dictionary)  Dr. Jones says the symbol may indicate "cherishing young ideas." I'm all for that. He speaks of "the healthy approach to heaven through a child's wide-eyed expectation." Yes, let's have more of that! Along with it goes another youthful symbol, Boys and girls in gymnasium suits. This is a symbol of Animation. It could be unconventional regimentation, or it could be working-playing-exercising-experiencing together with others in order to maintain a healthy and happy relationship with human society.  Artless animation suggests kids playing together in a back lot, or in the snow. We don't have enough of that, it seems, in our techno-culture based on sitting and staring at screens. For adults it might mean that for these two weeks we could benefit by taking a child's-eye view, letting ourselves be artless, without cunning craftiness. Or it could mean that we will be around young people who are like that and we should appreciate their freedom from too-adult, too-responsible, too-boring regimentation. They get good exercise from just hopping and skipping, tussling and singing.  \I like those symbols and resonate to them so will not criticize what I said there. I like it. And it was not far wrong when I consider the past week as a whole./

A girl blowing a bugle, Summons, goes with Two prim spinsters, Divorcement. Age and sex are not a factor here, but the likelihood of people summoning each other to some task or interest and finding that their interests do not totally coincide so that they separate ((Divorcement). They are "prim" in the sense that each is trying to stay loyal to principles or wise habits to which he or she feels summoned by the soul or conscience. They might admire this in each other and yet diverge in their manner or approach.  \Much of this happened just as I pointed out here, for me. Not with one but with four (or more) different sets of characters.\ Or their Divorcement might be from the culture at large--they agree, for example, to be teetotalers, and so they never go to bars or drinking parties but enjoy each other's company. They have divorced themselves from all that, and find it is better for them that way. Their behavior is, in a way, "blowing a bugle" to others, suggesting that they follow suit. \Yes, that happened in more than one way./

A widow's past brought to light is interesting in that minutes before writing this report I was informed of the passing of an old friend and am planning to send condolences to his widow. Of course it is a symbol, so does not have to be literal; Dr. Jones says that it indicates Rectification. This suggests that the "widow's" past has something unsavory or scandalous in it which she is trying to rectify by turning a new leaf. We are the widow, that is, something in us is aware of someone no longer in our lives, and our awareness of that and its surrounding "story" in our lives is bringing us up short. We wish we could rectify our behavior toward or with that person, but it is too late, so we have to look to the future and rectify our habitual less-than-sinless tendencies or proclivities. We want to be better people.

\This was true for me in some ways, as an underlying sort of malaise even when I was focused on other things./

Yet this symbol is mixed with Mary and her white lamb, which recurs because Jupiter as well as the lunar node lies in that degree. The two symbols seem opposites. Perhaps the widow wants to become again innocent as a child. Yes! Is that possible? I believe so, and in fact that is one aspect of spiritual regeneration. Jesus himself said it: "Unless ye become as little children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."  \Amen./

This might have to do with the Dark Hermetic Epoch, a time when improvisation is often either desirable or imposed upon us, and that is somewhat childlike (December 19 through February 13).  Mercury will turn retrograde, as it always does in the middle of a DHE, on Tuesday the 5th. Perhaps the Rectification needed has to do with that, for all the "re-" words come into play during a DHE and especially the Retrograde period (January 5 through 25). I don't want to be heavy-handed in warning about all this. We have been through it before, three times a year, so we should be able to handle it. One problem could be Mercury's square with Mars, exact for many days including right now, so we need to be careful of blow-ups with people, anger, or frustration leading to explosion. People could be highly critical of each other, because Venus is conjunct Saturn also. So the Rectification, if directed at the Other instead of oneself, could lead to Divorcement. Well, can we be artless animated children instead?  \Perhaps; yet there was in fact a "blow-up" for me during this week, when I walked out of a meeting after expressing my disapproval of the way it was being conducted. In two different groups there was a lot of "re-hashing," reconsidering our methods and our past behavior and how we could rectify it. That prediction was highly accurate./

It might be interesting to re-read the first forecast, posted yesterday, using Charubel's degree-symbols, and then re-read this one. I believe they do not contradict but supplement each other. Then, by next weekend, the middle of this Fortnight, I may write a new or revised forecast combining both, based on the experiences of the first week. Voila!  \Done!/

{Fortnight of January 2-16, 2016}   /Babes in the Woods or Children in the Kingdom\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 9 January 2016

Moon in Capricorn   **
New Moon occurs at 5:32p PT | 8:32p ET | 1:32a(Su) UT

Often in the final days of an Old Moon, and a little after the New, we feel physically, mentally or emotionally weary, needing extra rest. There is no need to deny ourselves that unless we are on a truly emergency schedule. 

Luna's gradually forming trine with Jupiter--savvy awareness of practical solutions to problems, because both lie in earth signs--helps to counteract her squares with Uranus while she conjoins Pluto as well as the sun. The latter can be impatience and frazzled nerves. There can be selfishness and envy, yet a calm determination to do one's best, slowly, can heal all that. We find our way all over again, gently, as if being reborn, at the New Moon. 

Sunday 10 January 2016

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius  **
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:41a PT | 12:41p ET | 5:41p UT   * /
until it enters Aquarius at 12:24p PT | 3:24p ET | 8:24p UT   **

There can be sharpness of intellect. You know what Mercury Retrograde means, at least partially, so you know that thinking, perceiving or understanding could go in strange and perhaps errant directions. Still, it could be brilliant at times. We need to watch out for argument or anger based on misunderstanding. When people want to win out over someone else's opinion or belief, they sharpen their minds to do so, and that can be all to the good. The sun's increasing trine with Jupiter is basic well-being which one can tap into through spiritual means (Jupiter) including prayer and meditation. Exercise and diet could also be important and felicitous (Jupiter in Virgo). 

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