Friday, January 1, 2016

Fortnight of January 2-16, 2015 (Second Forecast)

\Babes in the Woods or Children in the Kingdom/

As promised yesterday, here is the second forecast for this two-week period of the moon's crescent phase. It is based upon the Sabian Symbols, unlike the one posted yesterday based on the symbols of the 19th-century clairvoyant Charubel (John Thomas). Underlying both forecasts, of course, are the planetary positions and aspects for the period. I use those from the midpoint of the period, which is, this time, the New Moon on January 9.

Mary and her white lamb is a symbol of artlessness. Here is one definition of "artless": "Free from deceit, cunning or craftiness; ingenuous. Or, Natural; simple, as in 'artless beauty.'" (My old American College Dictionary)  Dr. Jones says the symbol may indicate "cherishing young ideas." I'm all for that. He speaks of "the healthy approach to heaven through a child's wide-eyed expectation." Yes, let's have more of that! Along with it goes another youthful symbol, Boys and girls in gymnasium suits. This is a symbol of Animation. It could be unconventional regimentation, or it could be working-playing-exercising-experiencing together with others in order to maintain a healthy and happy relationship with human society.  Artless animation suggests kids playing together in a back lot, or in the snow. We don't have enough of that, it seems, in our techno-culture based on sitting and staring at screens. For adults it might mean that for these two weeks we could benefit by taking a child's-eye view, letting ourselves be artless, without cunning craftiness. Or it could mean that we will be around young people who are like that and we should appreciate their freedom from too-adult, too-responsible, too-boring regimentation. They get good exercise from just hopping and skipping, tussling and singing. 

A girl blowing a bugle, Summons, goes with Two prim spinsters, Divorcement. Age and sex are not a factor here, but the likelihood of people summoning each other to some task or interest and finding that their interests do not totally coincide so that they separate ((Divorcement). They are "prim" in the sense that each is trying to stay loyal to principles or wise habits to which he or she feels summoned by the soul or conscience. They might admire this in each other and yet diverge in their manner or approach. Or their Divorcement might be from the culture at large--they agree, for example, to be teetotalers, and so they never go to bars or drinking parties but enjoy each other's company. They have divorced themselves from all that, and find it is better for them that way. Their behavior is, in a way, "blowing a bugle" to others, suggesting that they follow suit.

A widow's past brought to light is interesting in that minutes before writing this report I was informed of the passing of an old friend and am planning to send condolences to his widow. Of course it is a symbol, so does not have to be literal; Dr. Jones says that it indicates Rectification. This suggests that the "widow's" past has something unsavory or scandalous in it which she is trying to rectify by turning a new leaf. We are the widow, that is, something in us is aware of someone no longer in our lives, and our awareness of that and its surrounding "story" in our lives is bringing us up short. We wish we could rectify our behavior toward or with that person, but it is too late, so we have to look to the future and rectify our habitual less-than-sinless tendencies or proclivities. We want to be better people.

Yet this symbol is mixed with Mary and her white lamb, which recurs because Jupiter as well as the lunar node lies in that degree. The two symbols seem opposites. Perhaps the widow wants to become again innocent as a child. Yes! Is that possible? I believe so, and in fact that is one aspect of spiritual regeneration. Jesus himself said it: "Unless ye become as little children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

This might have to do with the Dark Hermetic Epoch, a time when improvisation is often either desirable or imposed upon us, and that is somewhat childlike. (December 19 through February 13)  Mercury will turn retrograde, as it always does in the middle of a DHE, on Tuesday the 5th. Perhaps the Rectification needed has to do with that, for all the "re-" words come into play during a DHE and especially the Retrograde period (January 5 through 25). I don't want to be heavy-handed in warning about all this. We have been through it before, three times a year, so we should be able to handle it. One problem could be Mercury's square with Mars, exact for many days including right now, so we need to be careful of blow-ups with people, anger, or frustration leading to explosion. People could be highly critical of each other, because Venus is conjunct Saturn also. So the Rectification, if directed at the Other instead of oneself, could lead to Divorcement. Well, can we be artless animated children instead?

It might be interesting to re-read the first forecast, posted yesterday, using Charubel's degree-symbols, and then re-read this one. I believe they do not contradict but supplement each other. Then, by next weekend, the middle of this Fortnight, I may write a new or revised forecast combining both, based on the experiences of the first week. Voila!

{Fortnight of January 2-16, 2015}   /Babes in the Woods or Children in the Kingdom\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 2 January 2015

Moon in Libra
** <
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:24a PT | 11:24a ET | 4:24p UT   * < /
This does not have to be terrible; just take things with a grain of salt and slow down, letting yourself muse on things patiently rather than hustle into anything ill-advised. 

Sunday 3 January 2015

< moon remains in the Via Combusta and /void-of-course   * < /
until it enters Scorpio at 11:37a PT | 2:37p ET | 7:37p UT   ** <  (still in the ViaC) 
Yesterday's advice remains in effect. DHE plus < Via C sometimes adds up to bewilderment. The fortnightly forecast above might help.

Cosmic Piper

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