Sunday, January 24, 2016



I hope to post a forecast later today. Meanwhile, here is what I wrote to a friend this morning:

This morning I picked up that book about Cayce on reincarnation--"Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation" by Noel Langley (Warner Books, a paperback) and read a very good section of it. It is amazing and very convincing to me. Detailed case histories which sound believable. 

Then I went to Scribd, the online Nook or Kindle substitute I can use on my phone, and I don't find that book but I find at least 20 books by or about Cayce, including a good one, Reincarnation & Karma by E. C., A. R. E. Press, Virginia Beach.

Maybe you could read one or both on Nook---that's what you have isn't it?

Anyway in contrast with everything else I have read about reincarnation it is precise, with details about individuals, and believable, with case histories of those for whom the readings were done. I am amazed that so few people care about it.

The Theosophists don't read Cayce because he was Christian or Judaeo-Christian, saturated in the Bible. The Christians don't read Cayce because he talked about reincarnation and astrology. The "scientists" don't read him because nobody who speaks in trance is supposed to be credible and they don't know how to verify what he said. So nobody reads him, apparently, except a minority of truth-seekers including me. I am going to read more of him. Very impressive.

Not to be taken on faith but to be considered, and the "circumstantial evidence" seems very impressive in some of these cases.

Plus his overview of how reincarnation and karma work satisfies both the Theosophical and the Christian and the occult viewpoints, so far as I can see, mediating among them with a viewpoint which sounds very much like "the way it must be" to me. I am surprised I ignored him so many years. There was a reason but it probably wasn't a good one

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