Sunday, January 17, 2016

Forecast for Monday and Fortnight of January 16-31 (Second Version) 2016

Forecast for Fortnight of January 16-31, 2016 (Second Version) and Monday 18 January

Monday 18 January 2016

Moon in Taurus   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:51p PT | 1:51a(Tu) ET | 6:51a(Tu) UT   ** /
|Karmically difficult or sobering| third of this week begins at 6:19p PT | 9:19p ET | 2:19a(Tu) UT   * / |

You may want to stay close to home and headquarters. You profit by diligent attention to details of work or a project while Luna forms a grand trine in earth signs with Jupiter in Virgo and the sun in Capricorn. 

Fortnight of January 16-31, 2016 (Second Version)

}Human-Like Sphinxes Training Sphinx-Like Humans{

The first version of this was posted Friday. This version employs the Sabian Symbols rather than those of Charubel (the Welshman John Thomas). 

We start out with "Spiritist phenomena" which is interesting. A friend informed me yesterday that he heard someone knocking on his door late at night and then saw something mysterious passing through his apartment. Today I got messages from a new paranormal online course which is beginning big-time tomorrow! with many paranormal academic investigators participating. Interesting that it is beginning this week with exactly the right Sabian symbol to usher it in.  Of course, since Mercury is retrograde they are addressing me as "Hugh Howard" which is my middle name, but that is okay, I can be incognito, a ghost in their woodwork. And now my posting that link has changed the typeface of this post for those of you who read it in the blogspot link. Mercury retrograde again. All that time-wasting stuff. I wrote to some people about how to purchase printed materials and I got two different letters in reply written by two different individuals, covering almost the same ground but with confusing differences. Mercury retrograde. Someone keeps posting "Mea Culpa" notes about errors he supposedly has been making. Mercury retrograde. But on the plus side, I have been doing some serious research and getting good results. Re-search is a very valuable thing to be doing while Mercury is retrograde, if you have the time. Probably better than trying to communicate with people about issues which go in circles endlessly.

That continues until the 25th but the Dark Hermetic Epoch continues until February 14, so it is well to consider it as lasting at least to the end of this fortnight.

The keyword for "Spiritist phenomena" is Sensitivity and so we may expect to be open to the invisible in one way or another. Let it be the higher angelic or wonderful spiritual beings, including some of the blessed deceased, rather than lower-astral spooks or demons. Fear is of the lower order; love of the higher.

"Boys and girls in gymnasium suits" was with us last time and continues. For me it is my hatha yoga exercises, about which I have become very serious. (My gymnasium suit is my underwear, I have to confess. None but invisible beings see it.)  For you it could be something similar, some exercise you do, or "an aliveness of interest to everything in which he [you] would participate" (Marc Edmund Jones, in his interpretation of the symbol). The keyword, Animation, is a good one; we can rouse ourselves to discover what interests us enough to "get us going."

"A jockey" seems more of the same. We are jockeys of the horses we are riding, our bodies. Dr. Jones speaks of "driving the potentialities of self to the limit." We might want to "whip" ourselves to get ourselves up to our potential when we feel lazy. That is not cruelty to horses nor to ourselves, just an insistence that we need to keep trying. Since Mercury is retrograde, it means focusing on the track we are running in, not another one somewhere. The keyword is Practice so we learn by doing. 

The "Two prim spinsters" remain sitting in their living room or meandering in their garden or stiffly castigating one another or trying to be friendly despite their differences; the keyword, Divorcement, certainly would seem to apply to a lot that has been going on, although I feel it is better as I write, since Venus's conjunction with Saturn is fading, gone on Monday. Hurrah! Some soreness or anger or "divorcement" in a relationship or friendship is much less painful and may even be gone for the most part. The two prim spinsters may not totally understand each other, but enough to get along and that's what's important. I would guess you must notice this about some friendship or relationship in your life. That is progress. What we learned in that context during the past few weeks is something we can incorporate into ourselves to protect us from similar issues, with this person or another, in the future. 

"The Pyramids and the Sphinx" brings us back into the occult in a big way. But it shows how we need to bring the invisible into the visible, to manifest it. The occultists of Egypt who may have devised these amazing testimonials (the mysteries of Pyramid construction have spawned huge numbers of complex mathematical theories and lengthy treatises on their possible detailed esoteric meaning) were not whistling Dixie even though they lived near Memphis.  They were trying to manifest something in stone, in enduring form, which had an almost infinite and eternal significance. We may feel helpless to do the same and yet in our own small way we want to make our material world a symbol of our deeper selves and aspirations. And this is in no way "small" when done from the depths of the soul, but a matrix of real rather than delusive magic.

I have mentioned often how the Dark Hermetic Epoch including the even "darker" Mercury Retrograde cycle at its center seems to spawn paranormal interests and experiences. When studying the experiences of Uri Geller and Andijah Puharich, when they believed they were in touch with powerful Space Intelligences, I found that their most potent and amazing experiences happened during Dark Hermetic Epochs. (Puharich's scientific insistence on giving exact dates helped me to see that.) And now we have two different degree symbols which hint at the mysterious or invisible. Let's not get lost in speculation or unwise attempts to ape or invade the Invisible, but be alert to "signatures" of a divine nature which awaken us to more than the ordinary. And then use those in a fitting way to make everything better for everyone and ourselves.

Finally, bringing us back to earth, "An animal trainer." This is a symbol of Resoluteness. It goes along with the boys and girls in gymnasium suits and the jockey. We are trying to make our bodies fit receptacles for the Spirit, or for our minds at least, in order to manifest love and intelligence in our small but magnificently meaningful worlds. The physically small can be spiritually immense. A successful trainer of animals is never cruel but adeptly aware of the tricks and wise kindly approaches he needs to help his subjects learn something they will be happy and pleased to do once they have learned. So it is with ourselves training ourselves. If someone else wants to go along for the adventure, we may be training each other.

{Fortnight of January 16-31, 2016} {Human-Like Sphinxes Training Sphinx-Like Humans}

Cosmic Piper

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